The Murray High School bullies. These cigarette-toting, cat kicking ninnyheads will stop at nothing to run Lou out of town. Worst of all, they're in the "In" clique!








The evil teenager that is always attempting to take over the world. Though Spanish by decent, he has no accent and is entirely American in his attempts to conquer Earth with his 500 robot masters and his genetically engineered SAILOR SQUAD B. His dark tower resides in the center of Lou's World.

Richardo's left-hand woman. Sources say that he stole DNA from a well-known Japanese cartoon series and formed her and the rest of the Sailor Squad B; Sailor Io, Sailor Europa, Sailor Ganymede and Sailor Callisto. They're all beautiful, but beauty's only skin deep. When one is destroyed, a clone appears and continues the work of her predecessor. SAB refuses to let Richardo use the Sailor Squad B as a harem. They are genetically bred to destroy anyone in their way, no matter the cost. SAB is convinced she can defeat Lou and company on her own, but she welcomes her vicious teammates.


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