Lou jumping Lou doing a "peace sign" Lou split in 2 Lou looking suspicious Lou panicking Lou startled Lou stomped flat
Nova looking around Nova giggling Nova in her "Rambo" costume Nova looking sexy Nova in her blazer Nova using her ponytail as a lassoo
Mew playing chess Mew leaping Mew doing the "peace sign" Mew with his head stuck in the ground Mew doing a handstand
David saying "hi" David using chemicals (BOOM) David looking pensive David split in half David swinging from a pole
"Stop filming me!" Lunar running Lunar shouting Lunar sliding Lunar on a treadmill
Lunas with a chainsaw Lunas blushing Lunas looking determined Lunas hugging Lou Lunas smiling Lunas looking sexy
Lou's head blowing up Spike blowing up Lotus shooting her rocket fist Lou running Ricky Terminator's (#3) introduction Mew jumping
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