Here are links from my site to other sites I've created and sites that my friends and family own.
Go to The Mega Man Section
Go to Opening a Pokeball of Whupass
Click here to go to the Helios Web SiteClick to go to Raziel2002's Page
The Final Fantasy Section
Go to poké
DIGIMON: The Barbarian Chronicles
Check out Mika's site, 'Kay?
Also, if you want to put a link to my site on yours, use this banner...

The LOU'S WORLD banner

And write this in your HTML:
<A HREF="/ker-plop"><IMG SRC="banner.gif" ALT="warp to Lou's World" BORDER=0></A>
Characters of Lou's World
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Other Artwork
Lou's World Villans
The Lou's World Picture Page
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© 1999-2002 by Lou Smith except for all material concerning Mega Man and Pokémon

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