Any material on this site that refers to the Samurai Pizza Cats is not mine. The Samurai Pizza Cats are trademarks of Saban inc. If it got Pizza Cats, it ain't mine.
I also do not own any aspect of Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon belongs to other parties.
I also don't own Lemmings. Lemmings is a trademark of Psygnosis and DMA Design.
Also, Mega Man is not my character, either. I simply like playing the Mega Man games, and Mega Man, and anything associated with him, is a trademark of Capcom.
My Final Fantasy stories are for fun only. I have no intention of stealing Squaresoft's characters. All Final Fantasy characters are trademarks of
Squaresoft, Inc.
Now that that has been said, I can hopefuly conclude that I won't get sued by anyone. Now, please relax and enjoy the site.

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© 1999-2003 Lou Smith (with all apologies given extremely respectfully to
Squaresoft Inc, Saban Inc, and Capcom)
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