Highlander Fans
Working for Peace

You deserve a hand for a job well done.

Below are links to some of the past projects Highlander Fans have sponsored to help others. If you would like to include a project, you and other fans have done for charity, please email me and send your story and/or pictures so they can be included.

Past Charity Projects

  • September 21,1999-International Day of Peace pledges for Adrian Paul's PEACE Fund

    Rysher Forumlanders organized a pledge drive for the PEACE Fund in honor of the International Day of Peace. A digital postcard with best wishes for HL IV and the Day of Peace was sent to Adrian care of the PEACE Fund on September 21st. Another postcard was sent with additional names and pledges after the second deadline on Friday September 24.

  • 1999 PEACE Fund Pledge Drive
    A birthday pledge drive was hosted by Arddunol in honor of Adrian Paul's birthday on May 29th.

  • 1998 G4 Toy Drive
    Clan MacWench

  • 1998 PEACE Fund Pledge Drive
    The Clan MacWench hosted the first "PeaceFriends" pledge drive for fans to honor Adrian Paul on his birthday and to thank him at the end of a great run with Highlander: The Series and for his kindness to the fans.
  • Back Home

    Disclaimer: Personal discretion is advised when choosing to support any charity. The purpose of this page is soley to report past events and to encourage trustworthy charitable events. No claims as to the reliability or official standing of any of the mentioned organizations or persons is made by the owner of the Highlander Fan News website.