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Not-So-Official HL Movie News
Please Note. I've added a special page with information and links to events planned on the net and in different cities for the Endgame opening weekend.
Endgame Events
Click here for Big John's Highlander 4 FAQ.
A little Endgame history. Big John's FAQ
Apologies. Due to my computer dying and my having to get a new one, I lost many of the emails requesting how you felt about the different titles of the new Highlander movie. But I did read every email and here is the run down. Most people liked the title Highlander: World Without End feeling that it reflected the Highlander legend and mythos well. A good number were satisfied with the title Highlander Endgame but many were worried about it sounding like the end of the Game or that a main character would die. There were only a very few emails favoring any other title. Since there have been many discussions on the net about it, I have learned that the term Endgame is one used to describe the final strategy in a chess match or even in some video games. If the two Highlanders, Connor and Duncan, must face some awesome conflict and villain and need a winning strategy, than the title Endgame is a very fitting title. It reflects on the drama of the Game, it's short, it has meaning and it is intriguing. Hope you all enjoy the movie on September 1.
Don't lose your head,
A Rose By Any Other Name Would Smell As Sweet
And so will our Highlander IV when we finally get to see it. We're all anxiously awaiting the release of HL IV no matter what the name. We've seen many titles mentioned for this movie, the 4th in the Highlander series, and I'll bet that most of you have already picked your favorite or have rejected all or most of them. The Official Highlander site as of November 5 stills lists "World Without End" as the title and yet on the PEACE site it is called "Endgame". Adrian Paul even sported a Highlander jacket with Endgame written on it for the Wolf/Legacy Convention in London last month.
So how many titles have there been so far? Well, let's see:
- "The Immortals" was a title first mentioned when the series was still airing about two years ago and HL IV was just talk and a glint in Bill Panzer and Peter Davis' eyes. We were all sitting on our hands in anticipation when word of another Highlander movie reached us.
- "The Search for Connor" came about as the working title for the movie before the final script was finished. There was only a premise that involved something from the one of two MacLeod's past that would somehow affect them in the present.
- "World Without End" was the title given when things really started getting serious and there was finally a script and dates for filming were considered. With a title like that, we knew that the series had a profound effect on how this story would evolve.
- "Endgame" seemed to come out of nowhere and seems to be "Adrian Paul can call it Endgame" and DPP can call it "World Without End". Both sides seem to be at a standoff since each website is sticking with their titles. I love a good mystery. *g*
- Then came "Legacy" which might not actually be in consideration as the title of HL IV but the title of the story written by Gillian Horvath and Bill Panzer that the screenplay and script were based on. What a relief to have two people who were closely involved with the series writing the story.
*CORRECTION: Gillian Horvath emailed to give me the correct information on the title of the story written by she and Bill Panzer. Her correction is welcomed and I thank her for taking the time to send it. This is what she had to say:
"To clarify:
The title of the story Bill Panzer and I wrote together was "Highlander: World Without End." That was the title of the shooting script (written by Joel Soisson) when filming began, as well. Since that time, the titles "Endgame," and "Legacy" have been mentioned in various articles, and time will tell what the title of the movie at release is, but Legacy was not the title of our story outline.
Also, FYI, when the Variety article refers to the script as "based on a story by," they're not referring to a short story, they're referring to a "story" as defined by the Writer's Guild, which is a scene-by-scene outline, from which a screenplay (script and screenplay are the same thing, BTW) is then written.
Thanks for correcting this info, and passing it on elsewhere that there may be confusion."
In reviewing information sent to me from various places, Bill Panzer was said to have used the title "Legacy" in reference to the movie on the last Highlander Cruise in November 1999. Variety also used this title in it's article about the movie. I wonder, in the end, how they will choose the final title?
- AND.....If that's not enough titles for you, take a little cyberwalk over to the Miramax Cafe (Dimension Films link) where you'll find them calling it Highlander 4: "A New Order". I'm thinking....monks, holy orders, monasteries......Nah. Okay, I'm Catholic.....what can I say.
So....let's hear from you, the fans. Email me and let me know which of the titles is your favorite or why you don't like a particular title. Who knows maybe TPTB are watching. *g* I'll post your messages on the website for all to view.
Disclaimer.....Now, I just want you all to remember that this is an informal survey and just for fun so don't get all serious on me and turn this into some kind of campaign. I'm sure that no matter what the "name" of the movie is, it will be the best Highlander film ever. I don't think we'll be disappointed.
Send your emails here (no movie spoilers please and keep your responses brief) Email me
Check out Highlander: The Official Site
News briefs added by Gemma Mac
Added: August 3, 1999
According to an interview dated June 18 in EON magazine Adrian began Sword training in June for his part as Duncan MacLeod in Higlander: World Without End. To read the interview, follow the link below and find the article on Saturn-Adrian.
Eon Magazine
When asked about the Highlander movie in an interview in the French Publication Tele K7 (Feb 99), Adrian said he had signed a contract to do two movies. He also mentioned a desire to direct and other projects in the works and we can only wait patiently and hope we will be hearing more about these soon. (Thanks to Carmel Macpherson-HLDUFC.)
Added: August 20, 1999
Word from The Highlander Clan is that Davis-Panzer will make an effort to have a showing of selected footage from Highlander: World Without End on the Highlander Cruise scheduled for November 5-8, 1999.
Highlander Clan
David Abramowitz made an appearance at Comic Con Saturday, August 14 and indicated to EON magazine that the movie is ready to roll. EON may have more information on this when they post their report of the convention.
EON Magazine
Added: August 23, 1999
Nothing official yet but reports are popping up here and there that Highlander 4 has a director and his name is Doug Aarniokoski. Things may really be moving along finally.
Click here to read more.
Added: September 4, 1999
Peter Davis and Bill Panzer, along with Adrian Paul and Christopher Lambert, met to discuss suggestions and some of the details of Highlander: World Without End. Moving forward with the planning of the movie, the meeting focused on trying to decide who will have the daunting task of Sword Master/Choreographer. They will also be looking for people to shoot the action/fight scenes for the film in the most exciting ways possible. Adrian has been involved with research of different sword techniques and is working towards fight scenes that will be different from anything we've seen before.
(Source: PEACE-APFC-August newsletter)
There have been various reports revealing the supposed plot and storyline for "World Without End", most notably from "Ain't It Cool News". Be forewarned about possible movie spoilers. I can only add a word of caution here. Since there may have been numerous rewrites of the script, it's anyone's guess as to how accurate these reports are, or if there is any truth to them at all. We do know what the producers and Adrian have told us. The story will contain the elements that fans have come to expect in a good Highlander story..... history, romance, action and the unique problems immortals face. Okay, so you don't have the entire script to read ahead of time. What the heck! It's really happening and the chant goes on....MOVIE, MOVIE, MOVIE.
Added: September 8, 1999
The intrigue begins. Warning! Possible plot and story spoilers if you follow the link below. I'll try to keep all spoilers off of this page.
A report on the Backstage Pass website says that pre-production and casting has begun and production is ready to begin on the movie in mid October (we knew that) in Romania (that we didn't know). This report gives us the name of a writer, Joel Soisson, who has worked on Dimension/Miramax projects before, including some of Gregory Widens work with Dimension.
Based on the script details reportedly seen by Backstage, they are saying this could be the best Highlander feature yet. I won't go into the rumored story or which characters are purported to be in the movie based on this report in case some of you don't want possible spoilers. It still sounds like a lot of speculation and that's what this report does, especially about certain characters. If the producers can hold on to the mystery, legend, atmosphere and character presence that has made Highlander popular with the fans then I think they will strike gold again.
To read or not to read.....choose wisely.
Backstage Pass
Added: September 21, 1999
Cinescape has reported the following production details for HL IV:
September 13-Doug Arnowkowski directs from a script by Eric Bernt and Gregory Widen while Peter S. Davis and William N. Panzer produce. Patrick Peach co-produces with Robert Bernacchi serving as an associate producer/unit production manager. Jonathan Carlson will handle the production design and Dimension Films will release the movie.
September 13-Legacy Wolf 359 Convention reports that Miramax has confirmation from Adrian Paul's representatives that production of Highlander 4, which will take place from October 9 to December 15, will not cause a problem with Adrian's appearance at the convention. Miramax has agreed to release Adrian from production for the duration of the convention. Hopefully, Adrian will have some details to share about the movie.
Legacy Wolf 359 Convention
September 14-Legacy 2000 Convention recently announced in their newsletter that F. Braun McAsh is confirmed for their convention. The newsletter also announced that McAsh will be working on Highlander: World Without End.
The newsletter further stated that Mr. McAsh, known for his work as Swordmaster on Highlander: The Series, has also been a Fight Director since 1976, and has 103 fight directing credits in stage, film, TV and opera. In addition, he has acting credits in TV series, film, and in Shakespearean theatre. His most recent appearance was in P.T. Barnum, which just aired on Cable TV.
Legacy 2000
September 21--THE REALLY REALLY OFFICIAL MOVIE NEWS!! Highlander the Official Site posted to it's movie news page today that principal photography begins on the movie October 18, 1999. Adrian Paul and Christopher Lambert will travel to Paris, New York, Scotland and Romania to film the continuing Highlander saga.
The official site also reports that as of this writing Adrian Paul has met with some of the world's finest martial artists in Los Angeles to prepare some of the most intense and spectacular fight sequences ever seen on the big screen.
AND this is not rumor or speculation, just the facts! And we like it!
I smell buttered popcorn............
Highlander the Official Site
Added September 22, 1999
Added September 30, 1999
Added October 2, 1999
October 2-PEACE the Adrian Paul fan club posted this announcment today on AOL. I'm posting it here to alert you to possible news about the movie.
SUBJECT: PEACE website Date: Sat, 02 October 1999 01:28 PM EDT From: PEACE APFC Message-id:
The PEACE website has been going through some difficulties lately. One day, it's there. The next day, it's gone. Without having contacted AOL, I don't know what's going on. This morning Amy tried to upload the Appearances page with an update, but AOL wouldn't let her.
In the meantime, here's the update: Adrian recently did a phone interview with SFX Magazine, a British publication. I do not have a release date yet, but as soon as that information is determined, it will be added to the PEACE website. There is also talk of another interview and a cover shot of Adrian for this same magazine, but nothing has been set.
Please feel free to repost this message *in its entirety* to any other board.
Peace, Rebecca
SFX Online
Added October 4, 1999
Added October 7, 1999
October 7-Okay Highlander fans, take a deep breath. It seems an old rumor has resurfaced and might have been mixed with some fact. "Backstage Pass" has reported that Sean Connery might appear in HL 4. This rumor has been making the rounds for a couple of years now but there's never been even the slightest corroboration. To confuse things even more, it was announced yesterday that Sean Connery would be starring in the film "End Game". The PEACE-APFC website is calling Highlander 4, "Endgame". So is there any truth to this at all? This is the blurb from Daily Variety on "End Game":
Sean Connery has signed on to END GAME for Mandalay playing a CIA agent caught in a frame-up and having to partner with a young, irreverent agent to extricate himself. Connery will also exec. produce. DAILY VARIETY
I dunno, looks like a different story and movie studio to me and we know that Connery is not executive producer on Highlander 4. The Official Highlander Site still has the title as "Highlander: World Without End". I think this is just a case of old rumor and facts getting mixed together and besides, this may not be the only two titles Highlander 4 will go through before it reaches the silver screen. I'll also look pretty foolish if somehow Highlander 4 has found a way to budget Connery into the mix.
(Thanks to Rottweiler for the heads up on this.)
Added October 8, 1999
October 8-WELL THANK OUR LUCKY STARS!!! And that means Adrian Paul, Christopher Lambert, Jim Byrnes, Peter Wingfield and Peter Davis and Bill Panzer too!! The official word is from Bucharest, Romania and we now know that Peter Wingfield *will* reprise his role as Methos on the big screen in what is being called a "dramatic sweeping epic". The Highlander legend deserves nothing less.........and fan anticipation is mounting.
Things must be going relatively smooth with the start of filming. Bill Panzer and Peter Davis say they will both make it on the Highlander Cruise in November along with Stan Kirsch, Jim Byrnes, Peter Wingfield and David Abramowitz. Here's to smooth sailing.......may the winds be with you. Cheers!
Highlander the Official Site-Movie
Added October 10, 1999
October 7-Martial Arts fans are all abuzz about the latest news being reported about Highlander: World Without End. "Asia E! Online" and "Groove Asia" have reported that Hong Kong action hero Donnie Yen will have a role in the film and will be involved in choreographing the sword-fight scenes.
It seems Davis Panzer Productions and Miramax are determined to assemble the best team possible for sword and fight sequences for the film. Adrian has already put a lot of planning and work into researching sword forms and fight scenes, seeking the expert opinion of the best in the field. F. Braun McAsh is also on board as a sword master and now they have Donnie Yen who is an accomplished martial arts director and actor. I hope this means that everyone involved is getting what they want for this film. A great script, a "dramatic sweeping epic", a great cast and a great action team to enhance the story. From this end, it just keeps sounding better and better.
Asia E! Online
Groove Asia
Added: January 17, 2000
December 18, 1999-We've heard various dates for the beginning of filming but as near as we can tell filming began sometime during the week of October 18th. Here is a run down of just some of the news we've heard in the last two months.
Bruce Payne (Passenger 57, La Femme Nikita) has been named as the main villian in a story that will give Connor and Duncan each their fair share of adversaries and allies, including one portrayed by WWF wrestler "Edge". (Okay, I guess I can see the advantage in having a wrestler playing an immortal.)
Check out Edge's cool HL IV pictures
There's also news that Lisa Barbuscia aka Lisa B (Serpents Lair, Almost Heroes)will play the love interest but we're not sure for whom. (but I wouldn't spoil it for you anyway) With all this action and romance I don't think I'll have to twist my husbands arm to see this film with me afterall. Thank you very much.
Lisa B fansite
Some old friends will be showing up from the series and from the first Highlander film. Beatty Ednie will come back as Connor's first love, Heather, and Sheila Gish as Rachel Ellenstein the woman Connor saved during WWII as a young girl. From the series, Jim Byrnes as Joe Dawson and Peter Wingfield as immortal Methos will bring in the Watcher element that will be a new edition to the canon of the Highlander films. And, in their article and interview with Adrian Paul, Variety let slip that the sceen play (written by Joel Soisson)is based on a story written by Highlander producer Bill Panzer and "Highlander the Series" writer Gillian Horvath entitled "World Without End". That's a very pleasant surprise.
Filming was suspended in December due to the production being behind schedule. Filming will resume sometime in January. There is only a small portion of the script left to be filmed and it's rumored that illness in the cast or crew may have caused the temporary delay but everything was expected to go well so filming could finish as planned. Check back soon for the story on the interviews that are popping up like that buttered popcorn I keep smelling.
Added: February 10, 2000
Another cast member to add to the fray of HL IV's action/adventure is said to be Damon Dash, a Harlem native who founded Roc-A-Fella Records with Jay-Z. Thanks to Big John for the information.
The next few months should prove interesting as actors involved in supporting roles for HL IV, curious about all the excitement about Highlander, begin popping up here and there. One such actor, Ian Paul Cassidy isn't giving away any spoilers, except his character's name......Cracker Bob. Methinks we're in for several months of sporadic teasers. You can find "Cracker Bob"...uh Ian Paul Cassidy posting to the boards of the Internet Movie Database. Thanks to Rottie for sending me the news.
IMBD Highlander Message Board
February 10, 2000
Talk about a MAJOR MAJOR teaser. I guess it was inevitable but I was hoping it would not happen until much closer to the movie so I could resist any temptation to read the story. A script entitled HL IV: World Without End has appeared anonymously (of course) on the internet and news of it posted by Celedon on the Highlander Rysher Forum. I have to caution that this may be one of many rewrites of the script, if not completely bogus, but I must admit it does look like a serious contender. No spoilers will be posted here but I will leave the link here for you if you want to throw caution to the wind and see it before it is snatched off the net by The Powers That Be. We'll see how long it lasts. *g*
Enter at your own risk.
*The posted draft of the HL script lasted a whole day. It is now gone with a disclaimer in it's place saying the owner of the site was asked to remove the script by Davis Panzer and representation. (*note 5-24-00--the page is no gone as well) No one should feel bad if they ended up reading all or part of the script. It was out there. What's a fan to do. Even some of the most loyal fans probably couldn't resist reading just a little and discussing it. I know I couldn't and I'm thrilled with the possibilities. This may not be the same script we will see up on the big screen and possibly one of many rewrites but very promising.
Added: February 12, 2000
As mentioned earlier shooting was suspended in December and was to be finished at a later date. This month the cast and crew moves to England to try to wrap the movie. Reportedly weather in Romania would have made it impossible to do the necessary scenes. For all we know it is possibly wrapped by now. Here's hoping it is a smooth finish.
Then the fun begins. Post Production and editing. My hands are shaking at the keyboard just thinking of someone cutting up the story. Knowing that what you leave in and what you take out can change the focus, direction and feel of the whole story, I'm hoping and praying we won't end up with an Immortal "Lethal Weapon" or "Rush Hour" movie for the sake of boxoffice appeal. If the story is good, the other elements will fall into place and compliment the whole piece with a flow that doesn't leave you wanting when you reach the end.
On Another Front
*Should fans be concerned about recent events where a draft of the script for Highlander IV appeared on the net? I've thought about it and come to a decision. Please read my commentary.
Highlander IV Script Commentary
Added May 19, 2000
Ian Paul Cassidy who plays the character Cracker Bob in Endgame paid a couple of visits to the Paul Johansson Fan Club and answered questions about his role in the movie and gave some information on it's progress. As reported earlier, filming was to resume in England mid February. Cassidy said that he and others have been called back to shoot additional scenes and do looping in the studio and this could go on until some time in May.
PEACE the Adrian Paul fan club has posted on it's website that Adrian has heard from Miramax that the movie is now scheduled for a late October release date. Since then there has been some strong speculation that there might also be an August 25 release date. As of yet, there has been no official word from either Miramax or Davis Panzer Productions. If Adrian's track record means anything, he was right about the name change for the movie to Highlander: Endgame. Anyone taking bets?
In March of this year I attended the G5 Convention in Denver. I have put up a detailed special report with pictures which includes a lot of information from Adrian Paul on Highlander 4. A trailer was shown at the convention and I've included a special presentation review of the teaser. Please be aware there may be minor spoilers in the links below. If you've had enough of convention reports, however, you can skip down to the trailer review link.
G5 Convention Highlights
TEXT ONLY G5 Convention Highlights
Two consecutive Java Teaser Presentations and Review with pictures. Follow all the links.
Non Java Teaser Review with pictures
Added May 26, 2000
Added May 30, 2000
Well fellow Highlander fans the rollercoaster ride called Endgame Anticipation just took a little dip. This is all unconfirmed but word coming in from the Legacy Convention has hints of good news and bad. The good news hinted at is that it's possible we may hear some Jim Byrnes music in the film which would definitely add cool and class to the mix. This is going to depend on whether Miramax can recognize the flavor and ambience Jim's music and presence has given to the series and characters. Hopefully, they'll get it.
The bad news......con attendees say it was hinted at that the movie may not be released until next spring. I know that will be disappointing to many fans (including me) but I always try to look at it logically. If there is something that needs to be done to make this film the best it can be, then I'll wait until spring 2001 if I have to. Any longer then that, though, and I'll start worrying.
Check out the Highlander Rysher Forum this week for reports.
Added June 16, 2000
I'm beginning to feel like a tennis ball. Back over the net one more time. Yet another release date for HL 4.
I visited the Christopher Lambert website last night. Some very nice people over there too. The whole atmosphere of the place is very fan friendly and Christopher Lambert himself has a lot to do with that. He has been very welcoming to his fans. Anyway, during chat one of the site's webmasters said that Miramax is really investing in this Highlander film and plan to open it in 3,000 theaters. Could it be they've finally seen the light (felt the buzz), potential, talent that made them go....hmmmmmmmm.
I had heard once before that Christopher Lambert had mentioned an August release date. Well, Christopher was in chat today coming to us from Luxembourg. He's sticking to his guns and said, "The movie HL endgame is gonna be released in the US on the 25 of August".
Could I scream any louder at my computer screen! I don't think they heard me in Luxembourg!
There are also additional scenes being shot by Christopher and other cast members this week. Word is that it is for the trailer. I'm told that even if it is for the film, it's not unsual to have scenes being shot or re-shot up to a few weeks before the release.
Asked what the movie was about, Christopher said that this movie is the long awaited real sequel to HL 1. Besides having a good story, this movie has depth and sensitivity. What about, "there can be only one"? CL said, "....the purpose of immortality is that even if they were thinking about doing a number 5 , any immortal could come back as long as the movie is set before his head got cut off."
Today's chat also brought word from Christopher about the trailer, "I don t want to say too much about the movie, you will have the trailer in theaters as of the 4th of july."
In addition to looking forward to the trailer July 4, Bill Panzer has said that they plan to do a "Making of Highlander Endgame" like they did for Highlander 3 which aired on the Sci Fi channel and other venues. Hopefully this is still in the works and we'll see it soon. The release date should also be taken with a grain of salt. It's still early and release dates are not written in stone. They can change any time up to 2 weeks before the publicized date. That said we can enjoy the possibilities now and know that it's getting closer to really happening.
And just what did Christopher Lambert have to say about the movie,
"....it's gonna kick ass!!!!!!!!"
Some how I really really believe him.
Dimension-Highlander Endgame site going live soon.
Added June 17, 2000
It looks like this movie may really be a go for August. The word on the Rysher Forum from a post on AOL by writer Gillian Horvath is that she can confirm reliable sources close to the Endgame production are saying the film will be released on August 25th. Start chilling the champagne!!
A transcript of the chat with Christopher Lambert and fans can now be found on his official website. You will have to register to be able to enter the site.
Christopher Lambert
I have an email addy for you.
It's: celebrityspotlight@foxnews.com
Every week this FOX news program asks the audience to let them know what stories and celebrities you'd like to see covered on their show. They have been very open to fan's suggestions. They received so many emails about "The Pretender" that they did an onset interview with the entire cast. They also cover upcoming movies and do interviews with the actors. It's not a big show like Rosie or Jay but it is nationally televised and may be more accessible to fans and a good place to start. Write them and see what happens.
It's not to soon to begin writing your favorite entertainment show or magazine and ask them nicely about personal appearances, interviews or news on Highlander Endgame. Here's an unofficial group of fans who have collected a lot of addresses for talk shows, magazines and entertainment news programs.
4 Net Promo
Added June 19, 2000
Caution be damned!! Start pouring the champagne!! Still no word from Miramax/Dimension or Davis Panzer but now PEACE the Adrian Paul Fan Club has joined the ranks and sent an email via it's egroups email list announcing that they can also confirm that the movie Highlander Endgame will be released August 25th. They will also be putting up a special page on their website with daily updates until the movie premieres. Also keep your eyes open for a new location for the fanclub at Celebrityblvd.com.
Corona's Coming Attractions has an update with a Highlander Endgame card and pictures of the cast from the movie. Since the pictures came from a 2000 promotion pack for Miramax, it may have been made up some time ago, so the information on it may be outdated or has changed. The pictures are still exciting to see. It looks like things are going to start buzzing though. I'm sure we can look forward to current promotion and more publicity stills coming soon.
Coming Attractions
Added June 22, 2000
Impact Magazine journalist, John Mosby, checked with his Miramax sources and they also confirm the August 25th release of Highlander Endgame. John posted on the Rysher forum that according to his sources at Miramax there is no UK release confirmed and "no confirmed plans to release the film in the immediate future". That doesn't mean they won't but that it's just not on the UK calendar for Miramax yet. He'll be checking back with them and let us know what he finds out. (Thanks John for keeping us up to date.)
Added June 27, 2000
I didn't want to post this until I was reasonably sure about it but the information is now popping up in various places. I was checking things out on the Hollywood Stock Exchange Sunday and noticed that the release date for Highlander Endgame had been changed to September 1,2000. I wondered where in the world they got that date from. Well, yesterday on the Rysher Forum Celedon reported speaking to a representative of Miramax and he also said the release has been pushed back to September 1st. Today the PEACE Fanclub website confirms this date. As I've said before, the release date can be changed any time up to about two weeks before a scheduled release. This will make it very difficult for fans to make plans to far ahead of time to meet in different cities across the country to watch the film together but sometimes these things can't be helped. We need to trust that what is going on behind the scenes is crucial to adequately promoting the film before it opens and I know everyone wants this film to be a hit. Patience Highlander fans.
Added July 5, 2000
Added July 9, 2000
Some people got a surprise this weekend when they decided Scary Movie was the movie to see. A preview of Highlander Endgame was shown. Many people had heard there would be a preview at this film and went out this weekend to see if any new details would be revealed. However, there was at least one person disappointed when they didn't show the Highlander preview in her local theater. If you're going just to see the trailer it might be a good idea to call the theater and ask if it will be shown. Thanks to Albert and Patricia for the email.
There were no new revelations in the preview. Big John was there and gave a summary of the details. Here are a few excerpts.
Rysher Highlander Forum--Posted by Big John on Friday, 7 July 2000, at 10:30 a.m.
"The good news is that the "Endgame" trailer is so good I could cry. The bad news is ... it's the same damn thing they showed at G5 and Legacy, just without the nudity."
"Lots of action, awesome music, lots of awesome awesome kick-ass action."
"And there's a shot of Connor that I never noticed before that will take your breath away. He's got long hair, he's got his head down a little, he looks up at the camera with his eyes as the blade of his sword passes in front of his face. AAAAH!
And then the shot of Duncan in that spinning leap with his katana ... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"
"So yes, it ROCKS!!.....But it's also the same thing that was shown at G5 and Legacy.....Nothing new to see, folks.
But oh, does it still gloriously kick some ass. :)
Big John"
Added July 15, 2000
SEE IT FOR YOURSELF!! The trailer is finally online! Fans have been posting online today that the trailer can be found at Moviefone. You probably already know I think it rocks......so let me know what you think. Email me.
According to a post on the Rysher Forum last week (by Rottweiler) we can also expect a 2nd trailer to come out in a couple of weeks. There has been varied reactions in theaters to the trailer, one of which is that there is nothing that stays with you after it is over. Some fans feel that there will have to be something that people can take away from the theater with them in order to compete with the other potential blockbusters and special effects movies out there. Hopefully the second trailer will do the trick.
Highlander Endgame Trailer
PEACE, Adrian Paul's fan club posted that Hidef.com has a section and interview with Adrian Paul. Adrian Posted about Highlander Endgame to the message board on Friday. He said that he has not seen the finished movie yet. There is still much work to do to get it ready for the September 1 release but he has confidence that it will get done in time. You can read his post in the message board section under the heading "Great Article on Adrian".
HI/DEF Movies
Added July 20, 2000
The 2nd trailer for Highlander Endgame is now online. You can find it at the link below. If you would like to save it to your hard drive to re-watch whenever you want, right click on the link and you can choose where you want to save it. Oh, and of course the trailer really rocks. Cool music and a little more info on the story and characters. Enjoy.
The Movie List
Added August 6, 2000
A Third trailer is up and it outshines the rest. There might be what some would consider major spoilers in this one so if you'd rather not watch just continue viewing the previous ones when you get the urge to peek. Among fans who have seen this trailer, I would think there will be some hot discussion sooner or later on the possibilities in Highlander Endgame.
What I like most about the 3rd trailer is that you get a brief rundown on Immortals and the Game so I think it will be intriguing to those who are not familiar with Highlander. You want danger, romance, angst and personal conflicts. This trailer gives you a preview of that. This is not a fluffy movie but you sense depth there. I can only hope that care was taken to develop these characters in the film the way I sense they were from seeing the trailer. (note to the editor: use delicate carving tools and stay away from the hatchets.....please!) Of course there is plenty of fight and sword action and special effects have also been added to the trailer to grab the audience. The musical phrase "I can never die" from Rob Zombies' Dragula effectively repeats through the second half of the trailer.
Official Highlander Endgame Site
Some film score fans emailed me a while back to say they had heard that Nick Gleenie-Smith was doing the film score for Highlander Endgame and indeed this information is confirmed in the credits of the third trailer. It had been reported that Miramax was going to use an unknown composer. Although, Gleenie-Smith is not unknown he has not had a major film project in a few years. His most recent work includes 1996's The Rock with Sean Connery and from 1997, The Man in the Iron Mask and Home Alone 3. He began his film score career with friend and Oscar winning composer Hans Zimmer, working as a co-composer, arranger and conductor on films like The Lion King, Crimson Tide and Cool Runnings. Before that he was a noted sessions musician in London working with the likes of Paul McCartney, Tina Turner and Phil Collins. Knowing that the film score and additional music for Highlander has traditioally been of keen interest to fans since Michael Kamen and Queen did the first movie, this latest news sounds very encouraging.
John Mosby recently did an interview with Bill Panzer and posted the following information to the Rysher Highlander Forum:
"Bill Panzer comments on Endgame Site...
Davis/Panzer delivered various elements to Miramax (to be inserted on the Endgame site) yesterday and though he is not sure of the exact date that the site will go 'live', he would expect it to be within the next ten days or so. He thanks everyone on the Forum and throughout fandom for bearing with them and for your over-all support for the film too.
He also suggests that any region which is not getting a release in the near future (UK, anyone????), WILL have a cinematic release at some point but suggests that starting a campaign is no bad thing to hurry it along!
Oh, to confirm any confusion on this. The film IS released 1st September itself."
And yes, as of August 4 the Official Dimension Highlander Website is live. It's incredible and dynamic and the effects are really cool. You'll need macromedia *flash* and a java enabled browser to view it.
The site really rocks and thanks to Peter Davis and Bill Panzer the site includes elements of Highlander that have continually drawn fans to the story. The legend, mystery, danger and romance are all there.
Official Higlander Endgame Site
Some promotion for the film has begun in earnest. It's being reported on the World Wrestling Federation website that Christopher Lambert, Adrian Paul and Lisa Barbuscia will be taping an appearance on the Tuesday, August 8 Smackdown event to be broadcast Thursday, August 10 on UPN. There are no details on what is planned for the taping but it all stems from Adam "The Edge" Copelands role in Highlander Endgame. Check local listings for times and don't forget to crank up the vcr.
WWF News Headlines
More news about WWF Smackdown and Premiere Parties for Highlander Endgame.
Here are selected text from a post by Rachel Devin on the Rysher Highlander Forum.
I got a call from Miramax's Vice-President of Publicity out of New York. Peter Davis had asked her to call. She was an energetic, lovely person who spent time with me and expressed appreciation for all the fan support. She also shared some very interesting information. Here goes:
There is NOT going to be a typical premiere as we're used to watching them on ET or E or....Since Edge is in the film they are using the WWF as a way of getting out to the public and announcing the opening of the movie.
....Next Tuesday, August 8th, they are filming a sketch will will show on August 10th for WWF. They are taking the press to this SMACKDOWN taping and party (forgive my spelling. Since I'm not into wrestling I have no idea what Smackdown or Smakdown is) This filming will be done in New York.
They are going to be using the internet for a great deal of their
AP will not be attending a premiere of the film in Los Angeles. She said they didn't feel a need to hold a regular premiere.
She already knows that fans are holding "premiere get togethers" all over the country. I had told PD about the party website....
She'll get back to me with new plans as they come along and my
impression is they probably will.
Well, that's it for now, except for the fact that I had hoped that the L.A. fans could tie into the opening, which now is not taking place. So, L.A. fans, please contact me. We now have to do something on our own...It's not too late.
A few other thoughts. CL said he was going to attend as many premieres as possible. AP will want to see the movie somewhere. TPTB ARE going to see that movie and some of us want to be there when they do. There is more info out there that we don't have, so if you hear anything, or if I hear more, let's stay in touch.
Highlander Endgame Party Central
Added August 7, 2000
Just a tidbit about WWF's Smackdown I heard on FOX News today. The WWF shows consistently reach 22 million viewers between the ages of 18 - 32. Something tells me the Highlander Producers know just what they are doing. I guess some people thought "The Rock" appearing at the Republican convention might have been crazy too......yeah....crazy like a fox. That's reaching a lot of voters and in our case that's reaching a lot of potential movie-goers.
Thanks to everyone who mailed FOX News Celebrity Spotlight. People are starting to hear back and with great news. This was posted on the Rysher Highlander Forum.
I don't know whether any body has heard about this yet,
Posted by dunknluvr on Monday, 7 August 2000, at 10:40 p.m.
I don't know whether others have gotten e-mails like this, but I just received the following:
Celebrity Spotlight has received many requests to feature Highlander:Endgame on the show. You will be happy to know that we will have an interview with the stars of that movie on Saturday September 2nd at 2 pm, Sunday - Sept. 3rd at 1am and Sunday at 2pm.
A package will also be featured on our special. "Fall Film Festival" which will air over Labor Day weekend. Times are TBA. Watch for the promos.
I hope you enjoy the interviews and thanks for watching "Celebrity Spotlight."
P.S. Can you pass along this information to other Highlander fans. Thanks.
Bill McCuddy & Arthel Neville "Celebrity Spotlight"
Here's your chance to spread the word Highlander Fans. You can find more addresses to write to at this website put together by some enthusiastic Highlander fans.
4 Net Promo
Added August 8, 2000
More WWF appearances! PEACE-APFC, in an email to members, announced that not only will "Adrian et al" be appearing on this Thursday's WWF Smackdown but will also be appearing on USA's Sunday WWF. This is not a repeat of the Smackdown appearance. In addition to television appearances, Adrian is tentatively scheduled for interviews with US and People Magazines.
Added August 9, 2000
The Highlander Endgame Promotional Appearances are lining up and I'll be posting them here as they come in.
Entertainment Tonight was there to film Adrian, Christopher and Lisa's appearance at UPN's Smackdown, which will air Thursday, August 10th. Entertainment Tonight's coverage of the event is tentatively scheduled to air Wednesday, August 23rd.
Adrian will be appearing on REGIS this coming Friday, August 11th.
Correction from PEACE. Adrian, Christopher and Lisa will also be appearing on USA's August 13th, Sunday WWF instead of Saturday as reported earlier.
Added August 10, 2000
ALERT! Don't forget to check local listings for the shows mentioned. Shows like Regis, Entertainment Tonight and Smackdown will broadcast at different local times across the country. If, for some reason, the show is in the local listings but is pre-empted, you can call your local television station to see if it will be shown on another day. Sometimes they will pre-empt programs and show them on a different day and time other than what's on the schedule.
Another Alert! I re-read the emails from PEACE and it doesn't mention what times of the day the appearances on the WWF will be on. There is a morning AND evening WWF program listed in TV Guide for USA on Sunday. Stay tuned. I'll be sure to post any further updates concerning this.
Don't forget Christopher Lambert has scheduled a special two hour Highlander Endgame CHAT, August 18th, 6 pm PST. Check his website for more information or updates.
Christopher Lambert.com
4 Net Promo
Added August 22, 2000
ALERT! Don't forget to check out Entertainment Tonight on Wednesday August 23. PEACE earlier announced that the ET coverage of the WWF appearances was tentatively scheduled for that date.
ADRIAN PAUL CHAT! There will be a chat on Yahoo with Adrian Paul on Thursday August 24, at 8pm ET/5pm PT. For more information check out the Yahoo link below. You will need to be a registered member of Yahoo to log into this chat.
Yahoo Chat with Adrian Paul
Coming Distractions Some of you who wrote to Celebrity Spotlight as I did, may have recieved an email updating Highlander Fans on additional coverage of Highlander Endgame on the FOX News Channel that read:
"Thanks for the e-mail.
Highlander Endgame will be in our Coming Distractions on Saturday (8/26) and Sunday (8/27) at 2 PM EST on Celebrity Spotlight on Fox News Channel.
We will do a feature interview with Adrian Paul and Christopher Lambert on Celebrity Spotlight Saturday September 2nd at 2 PM EST and Sunday, September 3rd at 2 PM EST.
They will also appear on out Fall Film Festival over Labor Day weekend. Times are TBA.
Thanks again,
Tricia Patella
Celebrity Spotlight"
Endgame Director Chat Doug Aarniokoski will be present for a live moderated chat sponsored by Highlander Fan Central on Monday August 28th at 7pm PT For chat instructions visit their site. You will also find some interesting first hand interviews with the cast and crew of Highlander Endgame.
Appearance Alert! In his chat over the weekend, Christopher Lambert said, "We did a press junket in NY with one-on-one interviews. We are doing the same in LA on Monday the 21st of August. We've been taping ET extra, CNN, FOX TV, etc etc." You can check out Chris's website for a transcript of the chat.
Christopher Lambert
Keep an eye on all the talk shows and entertainment news shows this week and next for interviews. I will post dates and times as they become available. If you hear of any appearances of Endgame, cast or crew please email me and let me know.
Christopher Lambert Chats Christopher also did chats on MSN and SciFi.Com this weekend and you can find the transcripts at the links below.
MSN Christopher Lambert Chat Transcript
Sci Fi Christopher Lambert Chat Transcript
There is a growing list of magazines that are carrying stories with Highlander cover pics and inside photos. Here's a list of some of them to look out for on magazine stands right now and in September. (Thanks Rottweiler for the list)
Karate International
Cinescape current
Impact current
Xpose #48
Starlog 2000 #279
Hollywood Reporter 8/4
SFX October 24
Adrian Paul has interviews tentatively scheduled in:
People Magazine
US Magazine
Added August 26, 2000
Chat with Adrian Paul The schedule according to PEACE and Sci Fi Channel Online is as follows:
MSN.com chat: This chat will take place on Wednesday August 30th at 7:00 pm EDT and will focus on "Highlander-Endgame."
MSN Live
TV Guide On line chat: This chat will take place on Thursday August 31st at 7:00pm EDT and will focus on "Highlander-Endgame."
(*Please note--you will need to be a member of AOL to take part in this TV Guide chat)
TV Guide Live Events
SCIFI.COM chat: with Adrian Paul, scheduled for later the same night as the TV Guide chat Thursday, August 31 at 9PM ET
My Daily Planet hosted a chat with Ian Paul Cassidy, who plays Cracker Bob in Endgame, on Friday, August 25th. It was a Pretender/Highlander chat but Ian had lots to say about Highlander Endgame, the filming in Romania and working with all the stars of the movie. I'll post a link to the transcript as soon as it becomes available.
Added August 29, 2000
WWF's The Edge will be appearing on ABC's The View with Barbara Walters Friday Sept. 1st. Check your local listings for the time or you can find it on their website.
ABC's The View
Adrian is scheduled to appear on CBS' Early Show, Friday, Sept. 1st. There is no time available. Crank up the VCR.
Weekend Celebrations-Fans all over the country are planning parties for the opening of the movie. There is an email list you can sign up for and a couple of message boards to post discussions about the movie all with spoilers allowed. Sign up for the Egroups Endgame World Party List (Highlander Premiere Events) discussion today and find out where things are happening on the net this weekend.
Endgame World Party List
Highlander Fan News Endgame Board
Added August 30, 2000
Added September 3, 2000
I'm just getting back into town after going to meet a group of fans to see Highlander Endgame and have time to post a quick note before I run out the door again. I received an important message from Davis/Panzer asking me to post a letter from them to all Highlander fans and inviting all Highlander fans with websites who really care about Highlander to do the same. The link is below.
Message to Highlander Fans
I've read a few movie sites upon coming home and it does sound disheartening but there are two sides to every story and in the coming days I invite you to return here where I will be posting what I feel is the positive side of this movie. I liked it, I loved it and although no movie is perfect, I don't think anything should stop anyone from seeing this film. It is well worth the time. Go!
Added September 7, 2000
Did you think things were going to calm down when the movie opened? Think again. Highlander Endgame ended the weekend on the US Boxoffice list at number 5 which was better than expected according to Davis Panzer the producers. I was notified today by DPP that Endgame has moved up to 4th place so it looks like we might be in for a weekend improvement overall. If you haven't seen the movie yet, see it this weekend and bring a friend. If you've already seen it, there is so much to the story and visuals, go and see if you missed something.
You can check out the daily boxoffice reports on Hollywood.com
Hollywood.com Boxoffice Daily
Listen to what the critics have to say about "Highlander: Endgame":
The Los Angeles Times says, "'Highlander: Endgame' looks sensational, moves like lighting." And Adrian Paul and Chirstopher Lambert deliver, "poigant performances." All in all, "'Highlander: Endgame' brings the popular, Gothic, supernatural fantasy-adventure series to a spectacular finish."
When Moviephone polled viewers on opening night, the following report was sent in:
"We heard some high praise; people went as far as saying that it was on par with the first movie." Overall, the Moviephone Opening Night Viewer's Review came in at a robust "A-".
And The Georgia Straight calls it "the most action-packed 'Highlaner' opus to date."
Want to read what the fans have to say about the movie. Here are some in depth reveiws. They will include spoilers so make sure you want to click and be spoiled before reading. I'll be adding more fan reviews tomorrow as well.
Endgame Fan Reviews
Adrian Paul is tentatively scheduled to appear on Politically Incorrect with Bill Mahr on Thursday night. Check local listings for channel and times. It's on ABC, usually late night.
Added September 17, 2000
Ian Paul Cassidy, who plays one of Kell's posse in Endgame was hosted in a chat by "My Daily Planet" recently and gave more behind the scenes details about the movie. You'll also find quite a few pictures taken on the set of Endgame. You can find the chat and pictures here:
My Daily Planet
A page in Daily Variety recently had a very large add congratulating Highlander Endgame for having the highest grossing opening weekend in Highlander history.
Check out the party page for announcements and reports about Endgame gatherings around the country.
Highlander Endgame Party Central
Spread the Word about the new movie and write a positive fan review for an online entertainment site or send letters and emails requesting coverage or asking for your favorite Highlander star as a guest on talk shows. Here's a list of addresses.
4 Net Promo