Highlander Fans
Working for Peace
There should be more people like you in the world.
Below are links to some of the projects currently in progress. If you would like to include a project, you and other fans are doing for charity, please email me and send your story and/or pictures so they can be included.
Current Charity Projects you can participate in now.
February 22, 2000-The PEACE Fund is holding it's second auction on Ebay. You can help the PEACE Fund by bidding on an exlusive Adrian Paul picture. You can get all the information at the link below.
Fund eBay photo auction
February 14, 2000-The Peace Fund is raffling off a great picture of Adrian at their site. (It's a goatee pic!!) Here's something everyone can easily participate in for a good cause.
Follow the link below to get all the details.
PEACE Fund Raffle
October 3-OPJFC (Paul Johansson Fan Club) is having an auction and fundraiser to benefit the Karen Prince Fund and BreastFest 1999 to be held in Austin, Texas. Members and non-members alike may participate. Donations will benefit breast cancer awareness progams. You'll find all the details on the OPJFC website.
October 2-Subject: Re: Peace Fund Event
Date: Sat, 25 September 1999 08:45 PM EDT
From: Peacefund
Message-id: aol.com
We held our first PEACE Fund School Makes A Difference event today and it was a tremendous success. With workshop leaders like Dustin Nguyen ("21 Jump Street," "VIP"), John Marshall Jones ("Smart Guy"), Lydia Nicole ("Stand and Deliver") and Adrian, we couldn't not get the kids' attention. When you walked by the workshops, the childrens' laughter let you know that they were paying attention to what was being taught.
Instead of 100 children, we had 140! It was a nice surprise and we were lucky enough to have brought extras of everything. The kids thoroughly enjoyed their gift bags and we have a lot of people to thank for the contents.
Lots of people gave of their time and money to make this program a success. Without you, this event wouldn't have been as fun and exciting as it was. Thank you to the volunteers and supporters of the PEACE Fund!
Diane Upp
**The Peacefund will be holding a second School Makes A Difference Program in November or December and can still use your help. Look for more details on their website.
School Makes a Difference-PEACE Fund
The PEACE Fund needs your help
The PEACE Fund has obtained the "AEFK-School Makes a Difference" program and is looking for donations of school items. For more information please check out the PEACE Fund website for details.
The Peace Fund
As many of you know I have been attempting to raise $1,700 in order to walk in the Avon Breast Cancer 3-day Walk. In order to raise these funds, I am going to hold my own very mini-auction. I have a one of a kind picture of Adrian that will be signed by him. I asked Rebecca if I sent the picture to her would he sign it for this purpose. The following response is being posted with her permission.
Hi, Sandi,
I just spoke with Adrian regarding your request and he said, "Sure." I didn't think it would be a problem, but as usual, I run most everything by him just in case. :-) Please feel free to send the photo any time and I'll get him to sign it as soon as possible.
Peace, Rebecca
I quickly created an auction website with instructions.
Sandi's Auction
Please feel free to pass this information on to any Adrian/Highlander related board. I need all the help I can get. SANDI
 Fans of Highlander Unite for Kosovo. Kosovo will need a helping hand for a long time to come. Here's one way you can help.
Something everyone can participate in now and every day.
- A Challenge to Highlander Fans from Sandi(Slayer)
AVON Breast Cancer Crusade
I've made a commitment to a very special and powerful event in the fight against breast cancer. The weekend of October 22, 1999, I'll be participating in AVON's Breast Cancer 3-day and I'd like to tell you about it and ask for your support.
I'll walk 55 miles from Santa Barbara, California to Malibu with more than 2,000 other courageous people to raise money for awareness and early detection of breast cancer. The net proceeds from the event will benefit Avon's Breast Cancer Awareness Crusade, a non-profit initiative of Avon Products, Inc. In partnership with the National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organizations (NABCO), grants are awarded to non-profit organizations that educate women about the facts of breast cancer, and the benefits of early detection and treatment.
I've agreed to raise $1,700 in pledges between now and the beginning of AVON's Breast Cancer 3-Day next October. I need your help. Would you please support me in this worthwhile endeavor? Would you be willing to ask your friends to also support me? If you would like to help or would like more information, you can contact me a SLAYER7371@AOL.COM.
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Disclaimer: Personal discretion is advised when choosing to support any charity. The purpose of this page is soley to report events in progress and to encourage trustworthy charitable events. No claims as to the reliability or official standing of any of the mentioned organizations or persons is made by the owner of the Highlander Fan News website.