Writers' Links

The Writer's BBS Banner Exchange


Balls Copyright JPayne 1997

General Writing Links:

General writing information; most of it aimed at no specific genre though some links are science fiction/fantasy specific.


Genre Writing Links to sites covering such genres as horror, mysteries, romance and others
Market Research Links to magazine and book publisher homepages and market guides.
Downside of WritingLinks to information on the bad side of writing. Dont let them scare you off, its just things to be aware of.
Funside of WritingLinks to things that make writing fun or fun things that might be of use to writers.
General Resources Links to writing resources that aren't genre specific
Style Guides/GrammarLinks to style guides, grammar handbooks, etc.
Personal Pages Homepages of people at varying stages in their careers who have some good links or advice about writing.
Organizations and Workshops Links to Professional and Fan organizations as well as writing workshops.
Newsgroups Links to newsgroup homepages.
Publishers: Publisher homepages, again, mostly speculative fiction. NOTE: These links have been moved to the Market Research Page (Formerly Magazines)
Agents Agents on the web
Search Engines and Archives Sites thatll help you find information on the Web.
Services for Writers Sites that offer services to writers, such as readers, programs, etc. Note: some are free, some cost money.

Support The

The Downside of Writing:

The Case of the Woodside Literary Agency Contains extensive details about Jayne Hitchcocks legal battle with the Woodside Literary Agency as well as resources on cyberstalking.

Warnings and Cautions for Writers A direct link to the SFWA page on writing scams. Very helpful even for non-genre writers.

Predators and Editors


The Funside of Writing: Humorous and Miscellaneous Links to Neat Stuff:

Bulwer-Lytton Contest Homepage Since 1982 the English Department at San Jose State University has sponsored the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest, a whimsical literary competition that challenges entrants to compose the opening sentence to the worst of all possible novels.

Fenimore Coopers Literary Offenses More than just funny, this essay by Mark Twain has some valuable rules for writing heroic fiction.

John's Science Fiction pages John VanSickles Science fiction page, home of The Grand List of Overused Science Fiction Clichs, the Things I Will Do if I am Ever the [Noun] lists and the Evil Henchmen/Innocent Bystander Guides. Also has a link to the Evil Overlord list that started this whole thingE

Book-a-Minute SF/FDon't have time to read it all? Let's face it. There's a lot of science fiction and fantasy out there and very little time to read it in. Well sit back and relax, because your troubles are solved! We here at Book-A-Minute SF/F have come up with a solution. We've taken several great speculative fiction novels and extracted the important stuff, cutting out all the filler. (You'd be surprised how much filler there is sometimes.) With our ultra-condensed versions of your favorite speculative fiction, you can read entire books -- entire series, even -- in just one minute!

Eye Of Argon By Jim Theiss this story has the reputation for being the worst story ever written. Read it and see why.

Zorkollabond By Anonymous; think of it as Eye of Argon Lite....

Badmovies.Org A review site for bad movies, fun and interesting

Jabootu's Bad Movie ReviewAnother bad movie review site, very extensive reviews and other fun and interesting things. Very good at pointing out where things go wrong in the story. Highly Recommended


General Writing Resources:

Inkspot "Welcome to INKSPOT, a comprehensive writing resource full of market information, tips on improving your writing, articles, interviews with professional authors and editors, networking opportunities, and a guide to the best resources for writers on the net."

InklingsInkspot's biweekly newsletter for writers on the net.

Victory Page One of the best general resource sites on the Web.

Pure Fiction COntains information on reading and writing as well as an electronic slush pile. The writing resources look good; I make no recommendations about the electronic slush pile.

1000 Links on Writing FictionA nice big metalink site, I didn't count to make sure they've got 1000, but hey, if they don't they're damn close.

About Us: The Wordwizard Portal TWM Note: Apparently this link is dead, but since this might be temporary, I'll leave this link up for now. (10/2/2000).

Dramatica"Roadsigns for your Writer's Journey" Offers free creative writing software, free online classes in Real Audio Format, and an online edition of Dramatica: A New Theory of Story. TWM Note: I've never used any of these services so I can't vouch for them first hand.

JMS on Writing"One of the best sources of writerly wisdom on the net is J. Michael Straczynski, creator and executive producer of Babylon 5 and writer of such television shows as Murder, She Wrote, Jake and the Fatman, The New Twilight Zone and The Real Ghostbusters. Joe has been on the net for many years, and has always endeavored to keep the lines of communications open between the creators and the fans, and maybe even teach us something about how TV happens in the process. In the interests of that learning process, virtually everything Joe writes to the various nets (CompuServe, AOL, GEnie, and Usenet) is archived for posterity. I've gone through that mass of posts and pulled out the stuff that relates to writing, specifically. What I came up with amounts to a small book on writing." TWG Note: While I've looked at some of the entries, I haven't sat down and read through them line by line, so I'm not sure what all's here. It looks like a good place to go if you've got some time to sit and browse.

One Minute Web Guide"The essential guide to intelligent life on the internet A big ol' metalink site of all kinda links for finding information on the internet.

So You Wanna be a Writer?"I regularly receive letters from emerging or starting writers. Some have finished manuscripts, others are thinking of taking up a career in writing. Some want recommendations or leads to editors, publishers and agents; even more ask for feedback on their books or other creative projects. Unfortunately, I seldom have the time to respond in real depth to letters and never have time to read all the manuscripts and writing samples people send me. So this page is my way of trying to answer some of the most frequent questions that pop up in my email and to give you ideas on where to seek feedback. TWM Note: For those of you interested in writing erotica, see a link to Gloria Brame's main page on the TWM: Genre Page.

The Official Marion Zimmer Bradely Page In addition to being a personal page, this site also includes such articles as "Why did my manuscript get rejected?", "What happened to my manuscript?" and "Advice for New Writers" from MZB and friends. Technically, this link should probably go under Personal Pages, but is here because of those articles

Writer's Block by Elizabeth Moon. A good article about recognizing and dealing with writer's block by the author of THE DEED OF PAKSENARRION. Also check out her article on The Writer and Depression

Writers Exchange@About.Com "Writers may work on their own, but they don't have to be lonely. Our site gives you tools, tips, and a community of other writers" (Expect to see a lot of About.Com sites around here, 'cause I've found them to be very useful and stuff)

Writing Fiction: Character Development An interesting little ten question quiz to see how well you know your own characters. Very neat.

Writer's Rights

Coach Bilmo's Writing and Publications by William Shunn; covers proper manuscript format and has an example of novel formatting.


Style Guides and Handbooks:

Elements of Style William Strunks 1918 style guide. Buyer beware, this book is not the same as the Strunk/White Elements of Style, which can still be purchased.

An Elementary Grammar Brought to you by the kind folks at the English Institute. Appears to be aimed at helping people who speak French learn English; still valuable though. NOTE: This is a British-English site.

Columbia Online Style: MLA-Style Citations of Electronic Sources Another guide to citing on-line sources.

Documentation Guide (MLA) on-line guide to MLA citation style

APA Documentation Guide Designed to help familiarize students with the American Psychological Assoication citation format.

Common Errors in EnglishPaul Brians' page of errors common to American-English; a good informal site.

Citation Style Guides for Internet and Electronic Sources

Guidelines for Writing in APA Style by William Borst, Troy St. University

MLA Style From the Modern Language Association themselves!

Michael Harvey's Nuts and Bolts Guide To College WritingLooks like a good, general guide to doing college-level research papers. For students and teachers. Keep an eye out for the paperback version coming in 2001!

The Slot: A spot for Copy Writers"This site includes a darn-close-to-comprehensive stylebook that should cover most of the problems an editor might encounter on a routine day, but it's not a remedial grammar manual."

Evaluating Internet Research Sources


A Student's Guide to Research on the WWW



Personal Pages:

Chuck Rothman's homepage Chuck's a science fiction writer (natch). Check out his page on New Writer Information as well as his other pages.

Dan Goodman's Homepage Dan is a regular poster on rec.arts.sf.composition on usenet. His page is an absolutely incredible source for links to all kinds of information that a writer might need or find interesting. Go and explore because I can't do it justice here.

Forward Motion: Holly Lisle's writing page, full of information and advice. Go here first!

Tips for Writers Moira Allen's page with advice for writers of all ability levels.

Stef's Resources for Readers and Writers:All kinds of links, including market information, all kinds of information on Science fiction and fantasy, and a lot more. Includes a link to Patricia Wrede's Worldbuilders Questions.

Mike Barkers Writing Exercises: All kinds of different ways to kick start your writing. Most focus on some specific aspect of writing.

Robert J. Sawyer Canada's only native-born, full-time SF writer's page.

Sherwood Smith Homepage of Sherwood Smith, science fiction and fantasy author. Includes short stories and advice.


Organizations and Workshops:

Science Fiction Writers of America: Professinal organization of science fiction and fantasy authors. Has lots of information for writers of all levels.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop:A writing workshop that meets via the U.S. mail. Offers some very good services to members and non-members alike.

Critters Workshop An excellent on-line critiquing group that I've recently joined. (yeah, yeah, blatant plug...but they really are excellent.)

SFLovers: A big science fiction resource. SFLovers have been on the net since 1979.

IOWAInternational On-line Writer's Association.

SFF.Net"What is SFF Net? SFF Net is designed to support fast-moving, intelligent conversation about genre literature of all kinds. It's the place for authors, editors, readers, and publishers to get together to discuss books, stories, the art and craft of popular fiction, and all aspects of the literary life.

Western Writers of America "WWA is an organization of professional writers devoted to the literature of the American West"

Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators "SCBWI is the only professional organization dedicated to serving the people who write, illustrate, or share a vital interest in childrens literature. Whether you are a professional writer, a famous illustrator, a beginner with a good idea, or somewhere in-between, SCBWI is here to serve you."

More information about these organizations can be found on the Genre Writing Page under their respective headers:


American Crime Writer's League
Mystery Writers of America
Crime Writers of Canada


Romance Writers of America


Horror Writers Association



Misc.WritingOfficial home page of Misc.Writing. Lots of information



Unfortunately, the only link I had is MIA. I'm looking for more!


Search Engines and Archives:

Index to Science Fiction Anthologies and Collections. The index runs through 1983 and has a link to the Locus Index, which is all books, stories, etc, recieved by Locus since 1984 on. A good place to go and see how new your new idea is or to see if that book you want is still in print.

DejaNews: A USENET archive site, fun to look at and a source of information on a variety of topics ranging from coping with adoption to who's cooler, Janeway or Kirk?

Yahoo:My favorite search engine, which shouldn't be considered any kind of a strong recommendation since it was the first search engine I learned how to use and I'm a terrible traditionalist.

Yahoos Mythology and Folklore Listings Seventeen different categories (at this writing) of interest to the fantasy writer. Includes categories for Arthurian Mythology, Urban Legends, Folklore and Fairy Tales, Fabulous Creatures and more under the individual site listings.

AltaVista:My second favorite search engine and, you guessed it, the search engine I learned how to use second...

Books On-Line An electronic library of 7,000+ books.

Banned Books On-Line On-line collection of banned books; from the people who brought you Books On-line.



Note: The services in this section are, by and large, provided for a fee. Neither The What Manifesto nor anyone involved with it recieves any sort of benefit for providing these links; they are included only as a service to writers in general. The What Manifesto is not responsible for any transactions that result from any of the provided links.

Analyst, Consultant and Reader of Scripts & Manuscripts "Description: A professional reader's help to you the writer with an aim of fine tuning your work (script, manuscript, screenplay) so that when it is submitted to that agent, producer and/or studio, their reader will pass it along with flying colors!"


Modern Fantasy Banner Exchange


The Book is copyrighted 1998 by Jeff Myers and cannot be used without his direct written permission.