Balls Copyright © JPayne 1997
This is a page that displays some of the philosophies and causes I agree with/believe in/hold dear. If you disagree with anything displayed here, well, you're entitled to your opinions.
Please don't think I'm being flip or dismissive here. Honestly, if you disagree with my beliefs, that's fine. I don't expect them to work for anybody but me anyway. Beliefs are kinda like retainers that way....
= indicates a link to an on-site page.
This ribbon is for the Sorry Campaign, a group working to increase awareness of Australia's "Stolen Generation", mixed race Aboriginal/European children taken from their parents and homes in an effort to force them to assimilate. While Australia's people support efforts to apologize to these children, Australia's government seems reluctant or unwilling to do anything to make it up to them. For more information on the "Stolen Generation", you might also go to Apology Australia and Bringing Them Home, Report of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from Their Families.
Rape Recovery Help And Information Page A good page; plenty of information about rape, sexual abuse and sexual violence. If you or someone you know has been through any of these experiences, please visit this page.
A Joke About Women is Sexist; a joke about men is funny?The What Manifesto Alternative Feminism Page. Essays and links about equality feminism. IMO, a very good page.
Electrical Eggs An organization that helps science fiction conventions become more accessible to the disabled. Go check 'em out. Maybe order a T-shirt.
The Official All-Callahanian Web Page Web page for alt.callahans, #callahans on Undernet, etc.
HateWatch Keeps an eye on hate over the internet. Links to hate pages in an effort to bring to light their existance, since the one thing most hate groups have going for them is ther anonimity and secrecy. Know thy enemy and he loses some of his power.
Holocaust Memorial Page This is my page dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust. More information will be added to it as time goes on.
Stop the Hate Another Anti-bigotry page with links to just about every form of anti-prejudice organization you could want.
Institute for First Amendment Studies A nonprofit educational and research organization focusing on the First Amendment's provision for separation between church and state.
White Trash: The Construction of an American Scapegoat. "Equality is simultaneously the greatest accomplishment and worst failure of America. It is the place where idealism and reality come to blows in American culture. Despite the glossy veneer of "political correctness" which has been painted over the rust and corrosion of centuries of racism and classism, the enduring American necessity for a social "other" has chosen working class whites as the focal scapegoat of our time. This site explores the general treatment of working class whites in the media -- comics, literature, film and television; dealing in depth with the areas of religion, race relations, work and lifestyle in defining working class whites as a unique social culture."
ACLUAmerican Civil Liberties Union Freedom Network. Large site dedicated to the ACLU and its various works.
FedWorld Home PageSite allows you to search United States government web pages or to search for them.
Government Printing OfficeAnother government site, this is the Government Printing Office on-line archive at Purdue.
THOMAS: Legislative Information on the InternetInformation on bills before the US House and Senate and other legislative information on-line.
CSICOP This is one of the only sites I'm linked to twice. This page also appears on my specialty links page. It's the home page of the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal. You see, despite being an avid fantasy writer and reader I am a dyed-in-the-wool knee-jerk skeptic when it comes to the supernatural.
My Agnostic Page A collection of links and other things pertaining to agnosticism, the red-headed stepchild of theological thought.
The Secular Web Clearinghouse of information for freethinkers.
The DoorThe web's only religious satire magazine.
The Virtual-Temple of the Invisible Pink Unicorn This is another religious humor site.
Gay Christians Organization Now, I know what you're thinking: an agnostic and confirmed skeptic with a link to a Christian IRC page? I spend a lot of time on IRC...well, ok...TOO MUCH time on IRC and I happened to check out this channel. The people here are very friendly and kind. Give 'em a visit.
Coda Ray Bradbury's thoughts on censorship.
Free Expression Anti-censorship site of the American Booksellers Association.
Comic Book Legal Defense Fund Helps comic creators fight censorship against their art.
Human Rights Campaign National organization working for equal rights for gays, lesibans and bisexuals. Sponsors of National Coming Out Day, their resources include a guide to coming out, with all kinds of information.
Equal Marriage Rights Homepage A site for information about and in support of equal marriage rights for homosexuals. (OK, so it seems pretty strange for someone who's been engaged for 9 years to be in favor of marriage of ANY kind, but I figure if somebody else wants to do it, why shouldn't they?)
The Galluccio Family Homepage Well, if it's ok for gays and lesbians to marry...what about having kids? Seems like kind of a no-brainer to me... The Galluccio's are a gay couple who've adopted two babies, Adam and Madison. Adam was one of the first children to be jointly adopted by a gay couple. The Galluccio's have a newsletter about themselves (not at all immodest, seeing as they've gotten world-wide attention because of their case) as well as links to other resources about gay adoption. I have the distinction of being the first person to sign their guestbook. 8)
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
Marty Howard's HIV/AIDS Home Page
National Center for Missing and Exploited ChildrenThis site supports the work of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. For more information, contact the site directly or call 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678)
Church of the SubGenius Go here for an explanation of slack, a few laughs and all kinds of other strangeness. I don't believe in any of this, but it's just plain fun to read. I mean, what other church lets you get married over the internet? For nanoseconds even!
DISCLAIMER: This site represents the philosophical contents of my mind. Contents may have shifted due to handing, severe exposure to lint during my stint at Unitog, alien abduction (sheah right) or the time that pony kicked me in the head when I was 8. If you have trouble with any of the above beliefs please return unused portion to store for a full refund. Refunds of wasted time are, alas, unavailible. (Besides, if time's that big a concern for you, whatever are you doing on the web?)