Balls Copyright © JPayne 1997
Here for your amusement and information are some things I've written. Enjoy.
Write What You Like! A rant of mine on writing fantasy...
Race/Culture Creation Checklist This is for all of you out there who're wanting to create your own race/aliens for your book/story.
Character Creation Checklist A checklist aimed more at creating fantasy/science fiction characters who have no real connection to our world.
The Annotated Zorkollabond A detailed editing of Zorkollabond.
The Grand List of Fantasy ClichesCompiled by myself and Jeff Burke, with a little help from our friends.
Murphy's Laws for Orcs by myself and a few friends. New Laws added as often as I get 'em!
OTP#2: GOOD VS. EVIL FINALLY! another essay! I started this sucker 2 years ago and only now got around to finishing it. It's a long 'un, hope y'all like! I am planning on updating this section a lot more frequently than one essay every 2 years though, honest!
WOTW #1 Writing Medieval Romances A review of a series of articles by romance writer Susan Sizemore about writing medieval romances.
WOTW #2 Rape in RPGs A review of an article written by game designer A. Whetton for her modern horror game Principia Malefax. Recommended.
How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy by Orson Scott Card.
Grunts: A Fantasy With Attitude A brief review that first appeared in Area51's The Outer Rim.
Modern Fantasy Banner Exchange
Email me at
Don, Off the Pedestal and all related writings and the Race Creation Chart are copyright 1998 to Kathy Pulver and cannot be used without permission. What On the Web and Off the Pedestal and their related articles are copyright 2000 by Kathy Pulver and can be freely reproduced so long as their contents and copyright notices remain intact.