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Balls Copyright © JPayne 1997
The homepage of my everloving hazel-eyed sweetie, Jeff Myers. This is Jeff's first-ever homepage, so make him feel welcome to the 'Net by checking out his page and telling him what you think of his web-based comic Cuckoo Sorority House (it's not up yet, but you can come take a peek at a sneak preview at some of the characters). In the meantime, you can read some of the adventures of the Downtown Girls, Anna Panama, Rosie, and Carrie Hammer. Also, take a peek at the Widget Bird and some of Jeff's other artwork. Trust me, it's worth the visit!
Supermegatopia.comHomepage of my friends the Brothers Grinn, Brian and Stuart
Burke, and the only place on the web to see their original creation, Weasel Boy as well as Quack: Duck of Doom, written by Andrew Dabb. Also, check out their pinups and background art.
Drake Fenwick's Pitiful Little Life Come see Drake's stories and art. Very fun place.
Burke: Homepage of the man too cool to need a
title for his webpage, Jeff S. Burke. No relation to either my Jeff or the Brothers' Grinn, Jeff is my writing partner and fellow IRC-rebel without portfolio. (Don't ask me what his IRC nick is, he keeps changing the @#$@# thing...) We're writing a science fiction novel together via email and it looks to be shaping up into something worthwhile...especially since we've actually got a complete run of chapters done! That's right, everything from the prologue through chapter thirteen is finished (or nearly so). Now we just have to fill the gaps between 14-18..well, I have to fill the gaps...nertz...
Gypsy's Homepage Homepage of my friend Michelle Maloney. It's still new, but look for more cool stuff as the weeks go on. Has links on writing and various fan-stuff, including Mystery Science Theatre 3000, Babylon 5, etc. I'd like to apologize to everybody who went to the wrong page, I accidentally put the wrong number in Michelle's addy...stupid me.
The Alex Cave Homepage of Alex Bagosy, Dark Knight of Muncie. Read and view many bat-related images and such. Very cool.
Andrew Dabb's Homepage Homepage of the guy who writes Quack. All kinds of stuff, including some of his short stories, etc. Also, if you're interested in learning about the business of comics, follow his links page. The Dega Studios page is especially interesting.
Basteele's Page:Homepage of my friend Charmin (yeah, yeah, she knows) with links to sites about the Rocky Horror Picture Show, Shock Treatment (the sequel to RHPS), Hackers and some nifty web-site creation tools.
Anitra's Page Anitra is one of the first e-friends I ever made. She's a really cool and gracious lady who helped me get off my butt and start my first novel. Go visit her!
Justin's Home Page Home page of Justin Brammer, with information on Bad Idea Guy, superhero he's just a loon who likes big booms...
To Ride the DragonThis is Kat Feete's web page. Kat and I are members of an email writers' group. Come see her writing links and other cool stuff, including an on-line version of Douglas Adams's Meaning of Liff.
Yakumo Fuji's Web Page: Homepage of my friend Chris. Anime and anime related accessories are to be found here, including a Lina Inverse Shrine!
GodKnighT's Page Homepage of one of my irc friends. Come check out his links on Christian fellowship, the Orlando Magic and links to Pepsi, Skittles and, I should never code when I'm hungry...
James Oakes' Homepage Met James, a fellow BSU student, on IRC through a really weird coincidence...creepy but neat!
Da Bomb is copyrighted 1998 to Jeff Myers.