[Say What?] [Experiments] [The Brain Modules] [About MST3K:TF]

The Brain Modules

More than meets the eye

Ryan May
Executive Producer/Director/Writer

Mr. May is a long-time experienced writer. He wrote his first fanfic at the age of 7, a "Choose Your Own Adventure"-type story involving Transformers. Now, age 20, he continues to write much fanfic, mainly and mostly Transformers fanfic, such as the popular "Transformers 2099", which he created. Mr. May is also responsible for the starting of the "Transformers UnderGround", a TF fanfic group dedicated to filling in all the missing pieces in official TF stories and continuity (continuing the G2 comic and G1 cartoons, etc.), which he is also Editor In Chief of. He has taken Transformers to many mediums also in the UG, such as a What if? title for it where anyone can send in a proposal and write an issue, and starting a "Choose Your Own Adventure" book with it's own separate writer where different TF stories can be taken on alternate paths.

Mr. May started "MST3K: Transformers" to take TFs to yet another medium: being riffed. He is responsible for coming up with the idea, recruiting staffers, and getting everything going. While not the head writer, he is a contributing writer, offering his own riffings to each episode.

Molly Fox

Born: 1985

I Like to write, draw, and wrestle. My favorite foods are Hamburgers and French Fries. I am currently writing a Monster Musical.


When he's not randomly flinging together words and images into web pages, CPFace likes to read and write MSTings and, of course, watch the show that started it all, Mystery Science Theater 3000. He's also known (in the proper circles) for various pieces of fan-fiction and original novellas. A sucker for a good RPG and a follower of the lost art of all-text adventure games, CP is truly a nerd's nerd.

And he's not going to tell you what CP stands for, so there.

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