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About MST3K: Transformers

For those of you who have no idea what this site is about, MST3K (Mystery Science Theater 3000) is a show on the SciFi Channel where a guy and three robot/puppets are trapped on a large space ship shaped like a dog-bone (Satellite of Love) and are forced to watch the worst movies ever made as part of an experiment of the evil genius traping them there. He/She makes them watch those horrible movies so the subliminal messages will warp their minds and he/she can observe exactly how it warps them, and then use them on the populace of Earth so he/she can take over the world.

The show first started out with the evil genius Dr. Forrester sending the man and two robots the bad movies as part of his "experiment," but the three always fight back by uncovering the faults in the movie and mocking them, thus preventing their minds from being warped by the film. The cast has changed many times, and now Dr. Forrester's mom, Pearl Forrester, now sends the man and robots the movies, the current man being one named Michael J. Nelson.

The cast includes:

Our Heroes

Mike Nelson -- Average man in a jumpsuit trapped on a space ship with his robot pals and forced to watch cheezy movies.

Crow -- One of the two main robots on the ship with Mike. Sarcastic, funny, and slick. Is gold colored, and his head is shaped like a bowling pin.

Tom Servo - One of the two main robots on the ship with Mike. Smart and witty. Colored red, and shaped like a gumball machine.

Gypsy - One of the other robots on the ship, only not forced to watch the movies like Mike, Crow, and Servo. Is female, and mainly maintains the ship. Is purple, and shaped like a vaccum cleaner.

Cambot - Throughout the show, we see everything through this little camera/robot's view lense, thus we never see him unless we look at a mirror.

The Villains


Pearl Forrester - Mother of the late Dr. Forrester. Is pure evil, wants to take over the world, forces Mike and the bots to watch the bad movies, and isn't totally bright.

Observer (Brain Guy) - One of Pearl's two assistants, is VERY smart and wicked, an albino, wears cult-like purple robes, and carries his brain around in a tray.

Bobo - One of Pearl's two assistants, is an evolved gorrila, was a renouned scientist on his "Planet of The Apes" world, and is VERY dumb.

The MST3K show is on the SciFi Channel Saturdays, 2 PM and 8 PM (PST). To learn more about it, watch the show, AND go to it's own web site: http://www.scifi.com/mst3000

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