What's New at Sycamore Star Wars Place!

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May 19, 2000

Two new stories have been added: Burden of Proof and Hunter of the Sky.

January 4, 2000

My first Rogue Squadron desktop theme is now available! You'll find it in the Media section.

December 30, 2000

The Roguery Image Gallery has been updated with several new images and more versatile navigation. Enjoy the pictures!

December 20, 2000

Just added a new Rogue Romances wallpaper (Corran & Mirax) to the Media section of the Roguery!

December 19, 2000

The Roguery at Sycamore Star Wars Place has just expanded to include a Media section. Here you'll find the bookmarks that were added not long ago, plus new pages for desktop themes, wallpaper, and other desktop enhancements, as well as other interesting things of a graphical nature. (Translation: I've been having fun with Paint Shop Pro filters. :-)

The desktop themes page is empty right now, because I've got a bit more work to do on my first Rogue Squadron theme before I can upload it. It should be available before too long, though...the theme is mostly done, only needs some fine-tuning. In the meantime, there are three new Rogue Squadron wallpapers to keep you busy 'till the theme is ready...

November 26, 2000

A new section in the Roguery: Now you can print out colorful Bookmarks featuring the Rogues and other Star Wars characters!

November 4, 2000

Just a quick update: there are two new stories in the Fan Fiction section! I just finished writing one called "Who is my neighbor?" which is a retelling of a familiar parable. The other new story, "A Corellian Rogue in King Arthur's Court," is one I finished several weeks ago but have been working on getting it ready for the Web, because it's rather a long one. But well worth reading! (If you ask me. ;-) I would greatly appreciate feedback on these new stories...

November 2, 2000

I've opened a new section at SSWP: The Roguery! It's dedicated to the pilots of Rogue and Wraith Squadrons, since I recently became what at AFW is called a WedgeFan...

October 29, 2000

Many, many updates! In the Java Arcade, there are several new word search puzzles, so you don't have to keep doing the same one over and over again. :-) Look for more puzzles to come in the future, too. There are some updates also in the Links section and in the Forums and Online Communities listing. Also, I've started writing fan fiction! You can find some of my first efforts in the et cetera section. Finally, the bookstore is being revamped into a Library, with information on all the Star Wars novels. Only a handful of the listings are up as yet, but I'll be adding to these as I find time.

July 24, 1999

The Post Office is now online, complete with Star Wars images and midis! Send a Star Wars card to all your Rebel friends! Also, the Desktop Enhancements section is available - download some desktop themes, screen savers, startup screens, etc. to give your computer the "look" of a galaxy far, far away. And finally, I've started posting the Mythology pages, but there's quite a lot yet to come there.

July 7, 1999

The Library is now open for business, with recommendations for some of my favorite Star Wars books and links to find the best prices for books online!

July 1, 1999

Several new avatars!

June 29, 1999

Some new mailing lists have been added: one general list and one for those interested in Replicas and Costumes. Also, check out the new additions in the Java Arcade!

June 19, 1999

Check out the new additions to the Avatar Shop!

June 14, 1999

Some new Games and links to games...and some interesting new Links!

June 6, 1999

I've added a new game to the Java Arcade: Star Wars Trivia.

June 5, 1999

I now have a section of links to my favorite Star Wars sites. You can link to Sycamore Star Wars Place with this button if you'd like:

Sycamore Star Wars Place

June 4, 1999

The following areas are now fully functional:

Home Games | Postcards | Myth | Library | Desktop | e t   c e t e r a
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Copyright ©2001 Rebecca J. Bush sycamore@roguemail.net
Soli Dei Gloria

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