Forums and Online Communities

Forums/Bulletin Boards Communities
Scotts Star Wars Message Board is the friendliest forum I've ever seen, and the volume of posting isn't too high to keep up with: my #1 choice of Star Wars forums! Note bene...this is the forum formerly known as the Countdown to Star Wars Forum...It has now split off on its own, but it's pretty much the same fun place.The SciFiVine is a fun haven for (what else?) sci-fi and fantasy fans. Star Wars fans can call CloudCity home. This community offers chat, instant messaging, and bulletin boards, plus some really cool user features...when you register, you create a username within a family that fits the theme of the site (e.g., I'm Sycamore Skywalker), and you get to set up a home site complete with your own's a cool site! If you move in to CloudCity, feel free to join the Skywalker family...I'm the family editor there ;-)
The Jedi Council forums at TheForce.Net are always very active and often, um, a little chaotic...but you'll find plenty of opportunity to discuss every aspect of Star Wars here.Check out Excite Communities' listing of Star Wars communities.
AFW Central - home site for the Alt.Fan.Wedge newsgroup, a great place to hang out! You'll find me there as Durandir aka Becki.
Another Star Wars forum at Jedinet
The StarWarsChicks Forum...this one's for the ladies
Echostation maintains a forum as well as a discussion e-mail list
A forum at The Star Wars Link Engine

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Soli Dei Gloria

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