Star Wars in your Inbox

If you'd like to discuss Star Wars with other fans via e-mail, sign up for some of these e-mail discussion lists...

Discussion Lists Newsletters - currently one of the more active lists. Send a message to with the words "subscribe starwars" in the body of the message. Countdown to Star Wars keeps you up to date on the latest Episode I news with the Pod Racer Newsletter.
C3POST - Another general discussion list. Subscribe from this page. Be sure to select "Star Wars" in the drop-down list. To join TheForce.Net's mailing list, visit their web site and scroll down to the subscription form. - Discussion mostly on the upcoming Episode I, but topics on the original trilogy are also acceptable. Subscribe from the list page at or send a blank e-mail to - "a Star Wars letter with collecting, prequel, and other news". Subscribe from the list page at or send a blank e-mail to
The Prequel Mailing List - Send an e-mail to with the subject "Subscribe prequels" to join. The Prequel Update List - Weekly news & rumors. Send an e-mail to with "subscribe prequpdate" in the body.
Echo Station offers a VERY active Star Wars list at this page.
Forces of the Empire Role-playing and Fan Club
Sabers Plus offers two mailing lists: Star Wars Replicas and Everything Star Wars.

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Soli Dei Gloria

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