Fan Fiction

In grade school and high school, I wrote all the time, turning out some rather enjoyable little tales - these you can find at my personal home site. Then I got to college and spent three years writing nothing but silly essays, lit crit and research papers. In my fourth year I finally realized with regret that I'd been missing out on the joy of storytelling all those years; a sudden creativity attack resulted, and I started writing fiction it happened, Star Wars fan fiction. Here's some of what I've written since then. (And please, write or use the feedback form and tell me what you think of these!)

Project BousshI'm part of the team of writers responsible for the madness and mayhem that is Terra Group. Our debut story, Project Boussh - actually a looong adventure made up of many, many individual stories from all thirteen-odd of us - isn't finished yet, but what's done so far is well worth reading. By the time you catch up to the current stories, we just might even have finished the story - but I wouldn't count on it...
Burden of ProofApologetics with Grand Admirals
Hunter of the SkyA myth of the True Animist Warrior God
Who is my neighbor?A story that Nrin Vakil once heard from a dear friend holds a valuable lesson for the young daughters of General Antilles
A Corellian Rogue in King Arthur's CourtA Star Wars/Morte d'Arthur crossover, featuring Rogue Squadron members Wedge, Tycho, Wes, and Hobbie along with Merlin, Arthur, and the like. You might want to have a look at the dramatis personae before you start; it includes pronunciations of some rather strange names in the story...
Campaign TrailRogue Squadron fan fiction, written for Alison Sky's Rent a Rogue page. Politically-minded AFW members bring Wedge and Tycho to America to run for president and vice-president...

Also see my web site for the Star Wars Christian Fan Fiction Project:
God in a Galaxy Far, Far Away: The Star Wars Christian Fan Fiction Project God in a Galaxy Far, Far Away


Fan fiction by other writers that I would recommend...

Morwen's LabyrinthI'd recommend anything by the talented Morwen! I especially like her Tycho stories (A Birthday and The Survivor), but everything here is excellent!
Jedi Child's Space PortAlison Sky's got some very nice stories here. My favorite is Friends in Low Places. I also recommend a story for which I've had the honor of doing some graphics work:

Start of a Friendship

Return to Innocence: located in the Fan Fiction section at RebelPilots.ComA story by Allisa Choate about an Imperial pilot captured by Wraith Squadron. Not finished yet, but what's there so far is very promising...
Double TroubleKelly Grosskreutz's hilarious parody of Isard's Revenge
LegacyReally cool glimpse into the lives of the "next generation" in the Star Wars universe. The sacrifices made by our heroes are seen anew through the eyes of their children...
Enjoy the Meal (Or Else!)A brief tale featuring Mara Jade in her new life as Jedi and wife of a Jedi. It's a great little story - the author captures Mara's personality perfectly!

For Writers

Links to pages of help to you who might wish to write fan fiction...

The Force of the PenAdvice column by Alexander Wilson for Star Wars Fan Fiction Writers

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Soli Dei Gloria

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