This is a long comprehensive index of things you can find within the Bard's home. It explains everything and can be used instead of the front page to navigate my site. If you use the back button of your browser instead of the home button of the pages that is. Once you get used to the organisation of things around here, this site will most likely become obsolete for you. It is intended as a helper and a simple way to find your way around this site. (You might point out, that this isn't necessary on a small site like mine, but I do it anyway, just in case.)
Endless Worlds, endless possibility and infinite
belief form the multiverse. The Outer Planes represent a circle
where chance, possibilitiy, metaphor and most importantly belief
come alive. Most who wander these realms, where fiends, celestials
and even the gods dwell end up in the extraplanar city of Sigil,
the hub of the outer planes. Some call it a cage, but it has
holes to everywhere, making it a convienent place to pass on one's
journeys to the Planes.
Like any city that sees its share of travellers, Sigil has many taverns and inns. Choosing one here is even more tricky than anywhere else, because there are establishments catering to all kinds of needs, including the more sinister desires of fiends. You don't want to end up in the wrong place. In the Beheaded Fiend Inn, run by retired adventurer Tandra Fiendslayer is a safe stop for all, who behave themselves. If you want to make trouble Tandra or her minotaur friend deal with the problem swiftly and permanently.
Here you will find all types of resources for a Planescape campaign. Short stories, scraps of chant, weird ideas and more. If you are in for a planar ride, you have to visit this place. Maybe one day you will even find adventures and other longer works here. Maybe.
What did you expect to find in a bard's home? Chronicles
of weird and mystical places, of places where dragons ride, of
places where starships cross incredible distances, of places
where things happen in ways different from those you might be
used to. Legends and Tales take place, often gigantic and epic,
the fate of worlds is decided, but more frequently the fate of
people is changed and toyed with.
Within these halls lie some obscure items and tomes, you might not have seen before. Is it all truth or lie, useful or scrap? There is no way to know without looking first. Some parts might seem useful to a few and be useless junk for many others. It is the nature of ancient treasures and tomes of obscure knowledge, that they only make sense if viewed from the right angle. Good look finding something enjoyable or useful. Or both.
Sailing the endless voids in ships of magic. Embarking on a quest for
gold and glory within the vast and bizarre universe of fantasy space
flight. As brilliant, as the Spelljammer setting was creatively, the
technical execution was quite weak. Even the core rules themselves
were plagued with inconsistencies. The "Mists of the Void" project is
an attempt to start again and do it right this time.
Mists of the Void explores the mystery of fantasy space flight and the weird physics that come with it. It attempts to create its own setting, rather than trying to glue it into existing worlds, which was one of the reasons, why many people disliked Spelljammer. It will contain locations, places, rules and much more.
I have a keen interest in films and their making, so it is only natural, that I
regularly view and review films. The resulting reviews can be read in this area
of the page. There is one thing, however. This part of the page is in german.
Wie Sie sicher schon gelesen haben, ist dieser Teil der Site auf deutsch geschrieben. Sie können damit nur etwas Anfangen, wenn sie in der Lage sind diesen Absatz zu lesen.
You have seen all there is to see in my home? You are getting
tired of my way of narrating? If you want to leave my place,
there are of course portals to leave this extradimensional
house. (Read the introduction if you don't know what I am
talking about.) Enter other fantastic realms and maybe a few,
that are actually mundane. Every home as entrances and exits,
and some of my exits might lead relatively far away.
Of course no-one forces you to leave (if no-one breaks your internet connection). If you want to stay here and wander through my home you are free to do so. There are other choices on this site, not only the doors to other worlds.
Introduction | ¦ | News | ¦ | Long Index | ¦ | Credits | ¦ | Guide |