Site Map

What's a large House without a map? A confusing set of rooms winding staicases and corridors that all look the same. The Bard's Home might not be large yet, but it is constanrly growing and it might be quite possible to get lost without a good map. That's exactly what you can find here, a guide to my house and what you will find where. For reasons of readability only the first few levels of the structure are listed.

The Bard´s House by Lars H. Löher When you are here, you have already seen it. Should this not be the case, click the link above. If anyone but a search engine links here, tell them not to. The URLs of any parts of this site except the entry page are subject to change without further notice.

The Credits Page
Here you can see, who helped to create this site and its contents.

If this is your first visit to the (new) Bard's Home this is the place to go.

Long Index
Here the symbols are explained, if you cannot guess their meaning or you are too lazy to do so.

A Guide
You are seeing it right now. A guide to the Bard's Home and its associates.

The Spire by Chris Appelhans Being a guide to all type s of lore and rumours planar and one of the kips, where adventurers like to hang around, when they have time to spent in the cage.

Regulars, Visitors and other Bloods
Being a guide to people running the Beheaded Fiend Inn, regular visitors and other persons of importance, planar and prime alike.

Chant, Rumours and Lies
Being a collection of the newest rumours and chant of the planes for you to see and judge. Screed or dark?

News From The Lower Planes
Being an account of unsettling rumours and news from places most infernal.

Gillian's Alamanac Of Creepy-Things
Being a guide to creatures both foul and fair, living, dead, from this world and from others.

Weird Harp by Lars H. Löher After visting many strange and alien places, the bard tells you stories about them, sometimes heroic tales, sometimes only describing the sights for you.

Sinister Eyes
Being a chronicle of an adventure of four youg people, facing an ancient evil long thought dead and a challenge of arms and magic they never anticipated.

Endless War
A chronicle from the eternal conflict between good and evil, as fought upon a mystic earth.

Space Mercenary
The tale of a mercenary in a world ruled by corropt corporations and her fight against them.

Gillian's Alamanac Of Creepy-Things
Being a guide to creatures both foul and fair, living, dead, from this world and from others.

Bad Day In An Alley
    Xira's Spare Time
    Street Gang
Being a tale from a harsh and brutal world, featuring a lonely female, a street gang and a lot of evil slimy creatures.

Münster By Night
Being a guide to a city most unusual within the sinister world, known as gothic earth or world of darkness.

Portal by Lars H. Löher The point of portals is getting you somewhere, and these get you to other great roleplaying sites, just by the click of a mouse and they should always be open.

The page is split into Planescape and other links. Since they are on the same document just click on the link above and bother me no more.

Introduction ¦ News ¦ Long Index ¦ Credits ¦ Guide