Credits Page

You wonder, who except for the Bard made this site as great as it is?

You have come to the right place.

Tandra Fiendslayer: Character concept and design by Michael Dura. The ideas for her story are Michael's, but the actual version is written by me.

Elandra of the Silvercaster (The Death Angel in the Beheaded Fiend Inn): Character concept and design by Stephan Meier.

The Minotaurus Character Concept and Design by Lars Leven and me.

The Outlands Spire and the Planescape Net Logo of which it is part have been created by artist Chris Appelhans. You can see more of his work on the Mimir

The Backgrounds on various pages are either stolen and patched up from Hexen II textures, done by the Infinite Fish or by myself.

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