You guys said you wanted it so here it is! A page featuring us. The real us. Mommies, and teens, and women. The grooviness of us in all our X-Girl/Phileness. I'm not forgetting David though. :)
I want this page to show us, as the people we are outside of our
little cyber-chateau. (and Yacht and Mansion) Talk about what we do. Who
we are...
Glo and her husband Dave----->
X-Files Expo Stories (and these girls have some doozies!):
Barbi's Expo Story:
Cindy, it turns out that I had a Nick
Lea, MP, and Dean experience in Atlanta. I got to talk to Steven Williams
for a brief second, and when he said he loved opera, I sang him a note and
he gave me this look like "WOW". I also sang a little ditty when Nick Lea
was taking questions on Saturday and he just gave me an amazed look and said,
"Wow. That took a lot of guts."
You might remember me from the trivia contest...I did the Vanna thing on the autographed script of Duane Barry. I was the little Southern belle. Steven Williams was signing autographs and he just looked over and kept laughing at my Southern accent.
That night, I waited around too. I didn't have access to the VIP room, but Nick, MP and Dean came out to get drinks and I was right in their path. Nick was first. He remembered me as the singer girl and he gave me the biggest smile and then proceeded to hug my neck. Then when I saw his lips coming closer and closer to mine, I surely thought I was in a dream. And then our lips met, briefly, but not casually either. (Hey, his girlfriend's flight didn't come in until later that night!) God, can he kiss....! Ohmigod..... And he was SO sweet! He personalized something for Mom and gave her a kiss too. I was in Heaven!
Mitch was next. Of course he was married, so I didn't get a kiss, but I did tell him he probably has no idea of the influence he has on millions of people. He just looked so cute, like a little boy, and said, "Thank you. That means a lot to me." Of course it did; everyone wants to know they're appreciated. He autographed some stuff for me and Mom and was SO SWEET.
Dean was pretty cool too. I talked to him for a few minutes and he autographed some stuff for us. It was really fun.
So I had experiences with all the guests, which I couldn't believe! It was a totally random happening, but WOW....It was so inspirational. People tend to forget that celebrities are really just normal people like we are. They put their pants on one leg at a time in the morning, just like we do, and that they, no matter how much money they have, or how much fame they have, are continually searching for meaning in life and their purpose for being here. And if we treat them as people, we will find out that they are just like us.
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