Here is a list of all of the X-Girls' Screenames on America Online,
our nicknames and perhaps our real names .We love all
comments, although
nice ones are generally enjoyed a teensy bit more so please sign the guestbook
on the Main Page if you are an X-Girl or otherwise.
If the info is wrong, please send me an e-mail.
Screen name | Fruit/Veggie Name | Real name |
LadyStridr | Adorable/Ardent Arnica | Arwen |
FunniMuffn | Amiable Almond | Greta |
Jeniac | Amorous Artichoke | Jen |
Amyj1018 | Asinine Apple | Amy |
DarrG | Avid Avacado | Shelly |
Bagelmuf | Babbling Banana | Lily |
Lamarama | Blue Tomato /w Talent | Lammy |
Miss Ogyne | Blushing Blackberry | Julie |
GCJCDC | Brocoli Wokily | Gloria |
SMurphy487 | Bumpin' Pumpkin | Sharon |
ChristyBit | Captivating Cauliflower | Christy |
MsKite84 | Compelling Capuccino | Julia |
PantherTJ | Crazy Canteloupe | Tammy |
Athen791 | Curious Cucumber | Cathryn |
LypStkTrix | Delightful Danish | Alex |
AMR2 | Delirious Durian | Rebecca |
Jtmarre | Dill Pickle | Jill |
UNIBLOND99 | Dizzy Date | Debi |
AmblerBonk | Eager Eggplant | Laura |
EALBaker | Elegant Eclair | Ellen |
Deuterium9 | Ferocious Fig | Amanda |
NN | Fixated Filbert | Flo |
MMCUSN | Fuzzy Peachy | Tracey |
MidsunB | Goofy Garbonzo | Mel |
TerraDrgn | Gorgeous Guava | Ter |
Phennec | Gratuitous Grape | Angela |
RozwellFox | Heavenly Hazelnut | Liz |
IrishLilac | NT | Andrea |
Sculder123 | Juicy Java Jellybean | Jamie |
Jalva36311 | Jumbling Jellybean | Jessica |
Katbaran | Kinky Kiwi | Kathy |
JMXf12 | Kooky Carrot Cake | Jill |
Ms Duke210 | La Zanahoria Verde | Linnea |
KRN36 | Lemon Icee | Karen |
Flower1521 | Libidinous Lime | Flower |
EAver27808 | Lovely Latte | Erin |
NUGBUN | Lustful Lemon | Cindy | | Jello | Kelly |
Jalva36311 | Jumbling Jellybean | Jessica |
MystDesire | Magical Mandrake | Jess |
MJanetd | Mocha | Janet |
LLeal40839 | Mistress Mango | Laura |
Luna8zoe | Mysterious Moonflower | Mary |
GLR1114 | Mystical Mandarin | Gale |
Bad Nap | Notorious Navel Orange | Nikki |
Oscar204 | Nubile Nectarine | Nicole |
CTWoman | Palpitating Pear | Calista |
QuietCrikt | Perfervid Pomegrante | Erin |
Astral79 | Pinapple Ring | NN |
Zxoylant | Pistachio T | Pala |
Sally700 | Pretty Papaya | Ali |
Spooky0410 | Pulchritudinous Phlox | Sarah |
MSTieMom | Queen Mother Asparagus | Sandy |
Meggish359 | Rapturous Rosemary | Meg |
Mswriteok | Raunchy Raspberry | Sandi |
Stargirl81 | Sassy Starfruit | Erin |
ScullyXgrl | Scintillating Scallion | Jenna |
AgentXGrrl | Spooky Soufle | Kat |
ResAlyen | Simmering Persimmon | Valerie |
BlondeB720 | Snow Capped Mushroom | Bonnie |
LuluBean12 | Stargazer Lily | Jo-Ann |
DWhite1902 | Succulent Strawberry | Debbie |
Terra27Al | Succulent Sunflower Seed | Mary |
KBcage | Sugar Plum | Kim |
XFFMWombat | Sweet Pea | Linda |
Queequag21 | Tamarind Tif | Tif |
Pnutsmoma | Tantalizing Tomatillo | Tanya |
SAHHTH | Twisted Tangerine | Susie |
JDarn59424 | Wacky Walnut | Jul |
Quickmoon | Wicked Watermelon | Crista |
Cenvelope | Yappi Yam | NN |
ZoeBh | Vivacious Vanilla Bean | Mari |
Eriol 8o | NT | Eriol |
JinaKh | NT | Jina | | NT | Chrissy |
CMKB1 | NT | Chris |
EdWood | NT | Emily |
JUDYTXT | NT | Judy |
LTSULL | NT | Carrie | | NT | Tracey |
Peeka95 | NT | Shannen |
AgentXDoll | NT | Barbi |
DavidQueer | NT | David |
RFScruggs | NT | Regina |
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Webmistress is Crista the Wicked Watermelon