We may not be Gossamer, not yet anyway, but here's our little library of works by X-Girls. Some are short some are long, mostly all are X-Files and Mulder-related. So have some fun. If you're an X-Girl, whether on the mailing list or no, please send in your fanfic...I'm not descriminatory about style, and I'll check spelling if you need. Go for it. :)
Obviously when one is adoring such a beautiful and intelligent actor as our dear Prince David and his character, our own minds tend to create scenarios for him and eventually they turn into fanfic and if you're lucky they'll turn out as great as these.
Here's Mud in Your Eye Rating- PG 13
Fanfic by Lovely Latte (Erin A.)
"Foundation I: Laying the Groundwork" Rating- PG-13
Part One | Part Two | Part Three |
Part Four | Part Five | Part Six |
"Auftakt" Rating-NC-17
Fanfic by Wicked Watermelon (Crista)
"Bloodcall" Rating-R
Fanfic by Queen Mother Asparagus (Sandy T.)
"Rhiannon" Rating-PG-13
"A Safe Place" Rating-PG-13
Fanfic by Twisted Tangerine (Susie)
"Cat and Mouse" Rating-PG
Fanfic by Spooky Souffle
"Radio" Rating- R
Poetry by Spooky Souffle (Kat)
Our fanfic rating
policy is that the author rates her own work, and I, the webpage authoress,
read as well to be sure that we agree. We try as hard as possible to be sure
that the ratings are fair and just and that they are doing what they
should--protecting people--on each individual work. If you disagree with
a rating, please E-mail us or leave a note in the guestbook and we will be
certain to check on what you have found. Also, all works are
copyrighted to the authors. No name is to be detached from any work or
plagiarized in any fashion. Thank you.
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Webmistress is Crista the Wicked Watermelon