Why am I doing this? Because I'm being paid huge sums of money by an international company to subliminally promote their products to you. How is this being done? Well, the background of my web page is actually thousands of little Nike logos. You can't see them with your naked eye, but your subconscious recognizes them. Also, the music that you hear on these pages has a subliminal message repeated over and over that says...
Hey, don't go away, I'm just kidding! Have you taken a look at my page counter? Do you really think Nike would put money into THIS?
Actually, I can't tell you a lot about who I am, or rather who I was when I was alive. I am being allowed, by the powers that be, to put up this web site in order to enhance communications between the dead and the living. Within that context, however, there are certain restrictions that I am bound by. One of those restrictions is that I do not disclose who I was on earth. I can't even go into the specific reasons for that, other than to say that it is essential that certain individuals who are still alive are not made aware of my identity. To violate this rule would mean opening a Pandora's box of issues that I do not want to mess with.
With that out of the way, let me say that what I am attempting to do is a bit revolutionary. I'm not boasting. This isn't even really entirely my idea to do this. I was sort of chosen. Oh, they let me think it was my idea, but allow me to let you in on a little secret. There are no ideas that are solely one's own. All inspiration comes from the life forces that flow within and without you. When an individual is inspired to, say... write music, or create a work of art, or invent something, that inspiration comes from a source that is not totally limited to that person's individual psyche. The person merely becomes a channel for it. In most cases the end result has already been determined, or, very often a number of possible end results have been worked through, before that person is allowed to receive the inspiration for that idea.
What I'm getting at, is that this concept of a web page as a means of fostering communication between spiritual realities is one that has been tossed around here for a while. We have now reached a point where our spiritual development as a race of beings has intersected with the development of our technology in order to make this possible. Sort of like two lines on a graph coming together.
Throughout time, man has always attempted to make contact with the spirit world. Seances, Ouija boards, and channelling have all been methods that people have used to attempt communication with the hereafter. Most of the time those methods fail. Very often some unusual phenomenon takes place that is assumed to indicate that contact has been made. More often than not it's either someone's overactive imagination, wishful thinking, hallucinations, or the product of the subconscious that leads people to believe that they've successfully contacted the dead.
There are reasons that a sort of firewall exists between the living and the dead, making communication between the two realities an infrequent thing. People who are living their day-to-day lives do need to focus on the reality they're living- the "here and now". Preoccupation with the spirit world can actually take a person's energies away from what he/she needs to be doing and, in extreme cases, even lead to mental illness. There are a lot of things I can't tell you...that I won't tell you, partly because you'll find out soon enough, but also because it's my intention in developing this page to merely clear up some misconceptions, not to explain every mystery in the universe. If I can entertain you a little bit while I'm doing that, so much the better.
I'm trying to keep the mood of this site on the light side. The images that you see on these pages of skulls and such are merely to poke fun at the idea of death being some morbid, horrifying thing. I intend to avoid being too serious not only because I'm afraid of isolating my audience too much, but also because a sense of humor is a strong part of my nature and that didn't go away just because I died!
While I do hope to entertain and amuse you, this site is intended as a sort of testing ground for the communication I've been speaking of. The project is mine alone, but I'm working under a lot of supervision with regards to the direction that I'm allowed to go, the topics I'm allowed to discuss and so forth.
This is an experiment, and depending on the results, you may see communications between the living and the dead begin to come out in the open more as the human race marches down its evolutionary path. It may not seem like it, but we ARE evolving. Darwin was right about a lot of things. If the experiment is not succes...damn, I can never spell that word...is it two C's and two S's or two C's and one S?...just a sec...If the experiment is not successful, then this project will be abandoned, and you'll just have to resort to calling 1-800-PSYCHIC for your questions. You know that was just a joke, but I bet there really is such a phone number...it's the right number of letters!
The rapid expansion of the internet and the fact that so many people have access to personal computers has convinced us that we have selected the right medium for this project. For one thing, those who want to hear what I have to say can choose to visit this site, and even submit questions. Those who choose not to can stay away. Nobody is forcing you to listen. The technology of computers makes it possible for me, as a dead person, to be able to contact you, even though I have no physical contact with your world. I can't print a newsletter or go on a TV talk show, but I can do this as a method of getting my message out and soliciting feedback.
To describe how I'm able to communicate with you through a computer involves a lot more explanation than I have room for on this page. To simplify it, let me just say that I'm able to do this through a process of transmitting electrical impulses which are received by the server for this site, just as if I were physically sitting at a computer tapping my fingers on a keyboard. Because the Geocities folks are kind enough to provide free web sites, I am able to do this without any money changing hands, and without having to make any actual physical appearance. If they ever ask for a credit card I'm screwed.
Well, that about sums it up as far as why I'm doing this. If I think of more stuff I'll add it later. Sorry I couldn't be more candid about who I am. I hope you'll understand.