Your Questions:

A very significant

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Romance & soul-mates

AIDS vaccine

Age in the

What do you do?

Blind obedience

Motorsports in
the herafter

Homosexuals in
the afterlife?


Guardian Angel

Historical Tours

Other Realities

Does it hurt?


Demonic possession

Spirit Guide

Are you mad?

Straddling two worlds



The Bible

God II

Earth to Afterlife

Checking in
after you
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Are you crazy?

The Spangs

Ouija Boards

The Greatest Fear

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SPECIAL BONUS: Enter your question, press the SEND button, and view an exciting new page with an image of me and more cool music. Answers to your questions will be posted below when I get around to it.

The newest questions are at the bottom. You will also find more questions and answers on the Mailbox Archives page.

Your Question:

My Answers:

Question: When I first visited your site, I got a box on my screen that looked like some kind of error message, but it gave a warning not to enter the site if you are afraid of ghosts. I went to show your page to my friend, but that box is gone. What happened?
Answer: That is a "cookie" that recognizes whether or not you've been here before. In most browsers (except Internet Explorer 4.0, I've been told) you will see it only on your first visit. It might be cute to see it once, but I thought it would be too much of an annoyance factor to see it each and every time you visit the site. If your friend visits on his/her computer, he/she will get the same message- once. Don't worry, though, just because it's a cookie doesn't mean I'm tracking where you're going on the web. I couldn't care less. Anyway, isn't there some more significant question that you would like the answer to?

Question: What would you say is the purpose of the hereafter you are in? Is there a name which the residents call it? What are your homes like? What is the food like?
Answer: You obviously missed my hint to a previous inquisitor about one question per customer, huh? Let's take these one at a time:

This wasn't immediately explained to me here, but I've recently discovered that there are many, many levels to "the place" I am in. The reality that one experiences in any given level can be quite different from another. One may be very similar to a physical existence, while another, higher level may be one of pure consciousness. The higher levels begin to get into an area where, as I've mentioned before, the limitations of language become an obstacle which restrict my ability to provide adequate descriptions.

I've also recently learned that I am still in a very basic, elementary level here. I have had glimpses into some others, but I'm told that it will be quite some time before my consciousness expands to the point where I am able to fully experience some of these other realities as a resident. So, regarding our "purpose", there is an immediate purpose, which is to simply carry out the duties you are assigned, and to learn and grow a little bit at a time. I'm sure there is a much higher purpose beyond that, that becomes known as one makes his/her way through these various levels, but you will have to ask a higher source than me to get a complete answer to that question.

There are several names that describe where I am, depending on how specific one wants to get. These names don't have words as you think of them, but are referred to with a sort of uhh....vibration or frequency which resonates within one's consciousness and is understood from one soul to the next. The names have meanings like "home" or "home on the way to a greater understanding" for the immediate reality I am in. There are also names for the greater reality which encompasses all of the levels I have previously mentioned. Those names are synonymous to words like "universe" "infinity" or even "heaven". There is also a distinction between terms for describing an individual's state of consciousness as opposed to their surroundings.

And...I'm sorry, what was your other question? Oh, homes...food...Well, we don't exactly live in houses as you think of them, since there's no real need for shelter from the elephants. Again, there are different realities, some being very tangible, like your world, but there isn't the sense of property ownership or anything like that...Excuse me, did I say "elephants" a while back? I meant "elements". Anyway, where I'm at, it is common for souls to surround themselves with things that make them more comfortable. Myself, I have a lot of those velvet Elvis paintings and artwork depicting dogs playing poker and shooting pool. Some of the others here think it's tacky, but if they don't like it that's just too bad.

Regarding food, one of the things I really like about being dead is the freedom from the burden of hunger. While I enjoyed food as a living person, there were many times that it was simply a hassle. Shopping, cooking, washing dishes, going to the bathroom...all those things really control your life a lot when you stop and think about it. If one chooses to, in the hereafter, one can still experience earthly senses like taste and smell, which are associated with food. There are even gardens here where many things are grown. We just don't have a dependency on it, and there isn't that whole digestive process. The need for toilet paper is completely eliminated. Pretty neat, huh? Oh, and if you're a carnivore, you're going to find that you'll need to go through a period of adjustment here.

Question: Will you be with your romantic love forever over there?
Answer: What a fantastic question! I can't believe nobody has asked this one yet. Isn't this something that everyone wants to know the answer to?

This is another one of those things where the answer is different for everyone. In many cases there are two people who meet and spend the rest of their lives together literally until death do they part. These souls are normally reunited in the afterlife and their bond is, in most cases, even stronger than what they experienced in the earth plane, since they are then free of many of the trivialities that may have caused friction between them in their earth lives like "why don't you ever put the toilet seat down...", etc. On the other hand, many of the challenges we face on earth that allow us to grow closer to someone there are, if not eliminated at least modified in the hereafter, so there are cases where people who were very close on earth can grow apart as their souls develop along their individual, slightly diverging paths. Sometimes death can open your eyes to new things, and you may find that the person you thought you would be with forever has been merely a companion along the way.

I think your question has to do with what we normally consider "soul mates". In some cases we do meet our soul mate on earth, and in other cases we meet someone who seems to be our soul mate, but after some years together, we can grow apart from that person, or maybe one person stops growing and the other moves on...there are so many different situations, so many possibilities. I've mentioned elsewhere on this site, the fact that I was greeted by my main guide, or guardian angel when I arrived here. There was a sense that I had met someone who I had known a long time, someone who knew me very well, and indeed that was the case, although it certainly wasn't a romantic situation. What you will find here, regardless of your experiences on earth, is a strong bond to usually more than just one other soul. As far as eternity goes, I guess you could say there are souls who could be together forever, but we haven't really arrived at the end of forever yet, so I guess we don't really know, do we?

As I have also mentioned, there are different dimensions or realities that we experience as we grow here and some of these realities take us further away from our attachments to our gender and our sexual orientation on earth. There comes a point where we are no longer male or female, heterosexual or homosexual, masculine or feminine. This is a little frightening to most of us who are new here, because we are usually comfortable with the roles we have been playing, so we stick with those identities for quite some time in the hereafter. In time, as I understand it, we learn to become free of those attachments, but can return to them as we choose. This seems to me that it takes us away from the concept of romance as we know it, and I guess that is the scary part. I think most of us will agree that our romantic experiences on earth are the moments that we savor the most and, with the exception of the aforementioned Heaven's Gaters, I don't think anyone is too anxious to give that up in pursuit of some ultimate, ambiguous spiritual truth. Some of the religious leaders here, and where you are, will tell you that coming to know God is greater than any romantic encounter we can experience. But does there necessarily have to be a conflict there? This is one of the things that I don't fully understand yet, since I'm not as "highly developed" as some beings. I'm told that this is what makes me suitable for communicating with you through this site- the fact that I'm still closer to most of you with regards to my development than I am to souls who have gone much further. I wonder if some of those souls have lost touch with what it feels like to be human. Maybe as one develops it becomes less important to be so "human", but that is hard for me to comprehend. Perhaps I'll know in time.

As far as my own personal soul mate, I'm convinced it's either singer Shawn Colvin or actress Mary Stuart Masterson, although we've never met and neither has any idea that I exist. I think I fell in love with Mary when I saw the movie Chances Are, a very funny film about reincarnation, also starring Ryan O'Niel and Cybil Sheppard. Mary was absolutely adorable.

Question: How many more years until an AIDS vaccine?
Answer: I'll have to suspend my jokes and sarcasm about death for this question, since it is probably one of the most serious topics the human race is dealing with right now.

I'll have to tell you up front that neither I, nor anyone else here that I've consulted with, has a definite answer to your question. There may be an answer to that, but I don't know what it is.

If this were simply a disease that kills people quickly and painlessly, I think we would be less concerned, since we are all going to die eventually anyway. But not only does AIDS take away lives prematurely, it does so very slowly, with a great deal of pain and suffering for the victim and his/her loved ones.

I can tell you that a great deal of work goes on here regarding not only medical matters like this, but also technological and other advancements. These discoveries eventually make their way to your world through inspiration, where humans are used as a sort of receiving vessel for certain ideas. Even something as simple as writing a song is often done this way. The knowledge for this vaccine exists, but it is not for most of us to know exactly when and how this will find its way to your reality. From what I know, certain events have to take place before others can come about, and this is one of those kind of things.

Question: Do we age over there or do we look like we are, say eighteen years old?
Answer: This one is kind of weird, as far as me being able to explain to you exactly what we look like here. Although I've described to you some realities here that are very similar to earth, one's appearance here is more a matter of seeing the essence of that person, as opposed to any definable physical characteristics. In most dimensions here, we can see each other with our mind's eye and see something similar to what you might think of as an aura. You know how when you first meet someone, how focused you can be on that person's appearance? And then, when you've known that person for quite a while and you see that same person every day you don't really focus on their appearance so much, you are just see who they are and what aspect of their personality is showing through? Well, it's kind of like that here. Am I making any sense at all? Jeez, I'm doing a really crappy job of answering this one, aren't I? No, we don't age here in the sense that we need to use wrinkle cream or anything. Hell, can you imagine what Cleopatra would look like by now if that were the case? Does that answer your question?

Question: I realize this site doesn't take up all your time. So, what else do you do there?
Answer: Is it that obvious? Actually, when I'm not slaving away looking for cool graphics to grab from other sites, or trying to figure out why Netscape 4.03 makes the form on this page look three times bigger than it does in Internet Explorer, I spend a lot of time kicking back, listening to music and sampling some of the heavenly micro brews up here. The nut brown ale is out of this world!

Actually, at my humble level, I'm still working on a lot of personal themes that I won't bore you with. As I grow beyond that, however, I'll gradually be more involved in projects that are designed to benefit mankind or help individuals in one way or another to a greater degree than whatever I might be accomplishing on this site.

You know, it's interesting to find out how much you can learn from your one life on earth. (And so far, I have yet to find any real indication that there is anything more than the one life.) A lot of what you're experiencing in your life happens beneath the surface of your awareness, as I'm sure you're aware. (Ironic isn't it?) But you are like one giant sponge or tape recorder, taking it all in, and while you are alive you can't even begin to comprehend all the levels of meaning of your experiences and your interactions with others. There are many moments you will have while you are alive when you glimpse a lot of this, but when you arrive here, you will be given much more of a chance to look under every stone, along every path you walked in your life, to examine the infinite possibilities of what your life never was and what it could have been.

The point of what I'm saying is, I'm recommending to everyone to go out and experience as much as you possibly can, because it gives you so much more material to work with when you get here. You can only glimpse a fraction of the significance of your experiences while you are there. I especially recommend trying as many new experiences as you can, regardless of how much you think you've already done, or how pointless it may seem at the time.

One of the great exercises I've been given the opportunity to do here is to play out my life using a number of different options, based on decisions I'd made while I was alive. What if I'd made some of those decisions differently? What would have happened then? Here you get a chance to find out.

Regardless of how interesting it can be, nobody wants to spend too much time in self-examination. Indeed, there comes a point where it ceases to be entertaining or productive. That's why a significant portion of our time is also spent in learning about the human race in general, with regards to certain themes in history and the development of our species. One of the real critical issue that many of us are examining has to do with the possible extinction of mankind versus its potential to transcend the threats imposed upon it. Will the human race ultimately survive disease and the ecological disasters that earth is experiencing? This has yet to be determined, and our species is in a race with time where this is concerned. This is one of the major projects that souls on this side are working on, although my own activities in this area are somewhat limited right now. The truth is I'm not much help in this area yet, at least until I get a little further along with my own development.

So, I'm probably in more of a learning phase here, as opposed to being extremely productive or useful to anyone. This site is actually one of the few truly productive things I do. Sad, isn't it? A lot of this learning takes place in group environments, much like college classrooms. Many of the people of a particular generation find themselves together in the hereafter, and discover that they have a lot of the same things to learn, hence we are often grouped together in these learning projects. Again, I should devote some time to this in the diary section of this site, since this answer is getting so long-winded that I've now forgotten your original question. I hope I've answered it.

Question: Why are you so obedient to your superiors? It sounds like you are in the army. Why don't you simply defy them and do what you please? What can they do to you besides take away your computer priviledges (sic)? Since when was blind obedience a virtue?
Answer: Why does a plant grow towards the sunlight? Why does it not choose to burrow back into the earth? It sounds like you were/are in the army and see everything as a power struggle.

Question: Will I be able to enjoy motorsports over there like, say a demolition derby or a stock car race?
Answer: Yes, but only if you have a satelite dish. The reception here is terrible. There is cable, but only to the highly populated areas, and there is only one cable company that has a monopoly and charges whatever the market will bear.

If you're referring to participating in those sports or watching them live, there's very little of that, from what I've seen. When I was a teenager I loved racing motocross, and I was absolutely certain that Heaven must be a place full of motorcycles and racetracks and huge garages with sparkling clean floors with the obligatory calendars hanging on the walls depicting scantily clad women holding power tools. My views changed as I got older, of course, but when I arrived here I wondered how many of the things that we enjoyed on earth would still be possible in the afterlife.

What I learned was that a lot of our activities on earth that we enjoy are things we do that give us certain physical sensations. In many cases, a lot of pleasure is derived from simply being able to refine our skill at something, and being able to put that skill to a test. This is all great while you're alive, but for the most part it's done simply to amuse yourself. When you arrive here, you may still want to do some of those things, and you may be given the opportunity to. You will very quickly find, however, that a lot of those sensations seem empty and meaningless, and you will feel a calling to do more than just amuse yourself. You may even experience this while you're alive, but unless you find other activities that raise your consciousness to a different level, you may continue to return to enjoying a lot of the same activities.

Please don't misunderstand me. There's nothing wrong with enjoying a stock car race or a boxing match or a monster truck rally. If you enjoy it, then enjoy it. Don't feel guilty about it and don't try to be something you're not. But don't be surprised if your activities and interests undergo some evolving when you get here. And if you feel those changes happening while you're still alive, then let it happen.

Question: Will gay and lesbian people be treated as badly over there as they are here?
Answer: Sounds like you've had some first-hand experience at being the victim of some persecution in your life. I think I may have mentioned somewhere else on this site that there comes a certain point in your experience here where you are neither male nor female, homosexual nor hetero, etc. Our sexual orientations are very closely tied to our physical realities on earth and in the hereafter most of that stuff is transcended pretty quickly. You don't even have to be a particularly highly evolved soul to get to that point here. When you leave the earth realm and detach from your physical reality a little more you quickly become aware of the masculine and feminine side within each of us. Your question reminds me of children who might tease another child who wears glasses by calling that child "four-eyes". Those kind of comments are very hurtful for the child, but when we all grow up to become adults, are we really thinking about catagorizing individuals in terms of who wears glasses and who doesn't?

Question: Can you explain to me what determines when a deceased person is allowed to appear in bodily form to someone still on earth?
Answer: Well, it's really a lot of red tape that you have to go through in order to get the proper clearance from the muckity-mucks here before they will let you do that. The process is so difficult and discouraging that most souls give up. You have to show a valid reason for doing so, such as some unfinished business or there has to be something going on down there which requires your presence. From what I understand it used to be more common, and a lot easier, several hundred years ago, but now the whole thing has become so political that it helps to know somebody in order to get approval. If it's done at all, it's usually within the first few hours of one's death, before a soul has completed the whole registration process here. That way the powers-that-be here don't have full control over what you are doing and they usually just look the other way.

Another reason that it's not done too frequently is just that it's so damn difficult to put out that kind of concentration. It's a weird process, from what I've been told, that's equivalent to rearranging your entire molecular structure and forcing yourself to sort of vibrate at a different frequency. Most dead people who try it can't hold it for that long. To a certain degree, I experience a similar thing doing this web page. I have to focus my energies on a different dimension that I'm not entirely comfortable with, so I'm not able to write huge volumes of material at any one time, and very often I need to take long breaks between my writings. I'm often surprised to see how much time has passed when I return to this- often a week or two, and I'm sure a lot of you are wondering what's taking me so long to answer your questions.

Question: How can I communicate with my Guardian Angel?
Answer: Send me an E-mail and I'll see that she gets the message.

Question: Would it be possible once I am in the afterlife to go back in time and experience...the sinking of the Titanic as a detached non-visible onlooker?
Answer: Oh, sure. We have tour groups here that do stuff like that all the time. The important thing is your emphasis on being a "detached non-visible onlooker". They get really pissed if you try to grab any souvenirs.

Question: By "other realities" do you mean life on other planets?
Answer: I'd have to look all over this site to see exactly where I've used that term. I suspect I've used it more than once. It's one of those phrases that I've coined for lack of a better description of what I'm trying to describe. Again, language is a crude tool sometimes. But, no, I'm not necessarily talking about life on other planets. In fact, life on other planets is actually in the same "reality" that you are experiencing, albeit separated by great distance. No, the term, as I've used it, refers to other dimensions or levels of consciousness.

Question: Does it hurt when you die?
Answer: No, but depending on how you die, the part right before dying can be a real bitch. I mean, I wouldn't want to die by being eaten alive by fire ants or anything like that.

Question: Where should I move my TV?
Answer: I think the northeast corner of the room would be best, facing the center of the room. Although this may present some seating arrangement problems when trying to accomodate the maximum number of people for comfortable viewing, I think you should consider de-emphasising the television as a focal point of the room.

Question: What constitutes demonic possesion? Is there something you have to do really badly in order to become demon-possessed?
Answer: I understand that really bad spellers can become afflicted with this phenomenon. I thought you were a really bad speller until I checked and, yes, the word possessed really does have four S's, so it looks like you're in the clear. You know, you've had a couple of your questions answered before as I recall, so it's time to give someone else a chance now.

Question: How can I get to know my spirit guide (guardian angel) while I am here on earth?
Answer: It's not really designed to work that way. If you were really able to easily do this, you'd be looking for your guides to be giving you all the answers all the time, wouldn't you? This kind of relationship doesn't foster any real independent learning and would take you further away from developing relationships with real people, which is what you need to be doing. Don't take this personally, I'm talking in general terms, not just about you. Your guide(s) are working quietly in the background providing guidance and inspiration to you in subtle little ways. The best advice I can give you in this area would be to tell you learn how to turn down the volume of the noise in your own mind and you may become aware of their presence, which often manifests itself in various thoughts, ideas, or flashes of inspiration. At other times, they might be acting in other ways, when you're totally focused on something else. If you start having conversations with them, however, it may be time to worry.

Question: Why did you get so mad at me? Did I hurt your feelings by asking so many questions?
Answer:Naaahhh... It's pretty hard to hurt my feelings. Sorry, that was just my abrasive personality showing through. You've actually asked some very good questions and I've enjoyed answering them. That comment was just my subtle little way of letting you know that although your questions posted through the form on this page do not reveal your identity or E-mail address to me, there is a common characteristic in your writing that tells me those questions are coming from the same person.

Question: It would seem to me that it would be increasingly difficult for a "soul" such as yourself to continually "straddle" two worlds, or realms...does this seem to be becoming more difficult for you?
Answer: Wow, have you hit the proverbial nail on the head. You must be psychic. I have been having feelings of guilt about neglecting the Diary page and this very topic was going to be my next entry, but since you asked... Yes, the reason that my updates to this site have become less frequent has to do with the fact that the longer I am here, the more difficult it becomes for me to try and return to your reality in order to communicate through this site. There are many things that I've thought about discussing here, but when I sometimes begin to describe certain realities, I realize that the limitations of language once again restrict what I am able to communicate to you, and some of the things that I could describe may make no sense at all to you. At other times, things in your world just seem so distant to me now that it's hard for me to even relate to what you are experiencing, although I do keep in touch with many current events and the lives of several people there, as well as more worldly themes having to do with the destiny of the planet.

When I first began this page, the realities I experienced as a living individual on earth were still fresh in my mind. In fact, this reality here in the afterlife was all so new, yet still familiar and comfortable. But now, I am often struck with the feeling that trying to describe the afterlife to you seems somewhat pointless. I mean, you are all going to be here sooner or later anyway, and you have all been here before, you're just afflicted with temporary amnesia while you're doing your time there right now. So, yes, you are exactly right in your suspicions about my dilema.

Question: For those on Earth who are experiencing true, honest-to-God, horrific haunting and poltergeist episodes, can you shed any light on this subject?
Answer: Your question is pretty general. I'm not sure if you're asking me how to get rid of such things, or if you're asking what causes these phenomena, or if I have any specific knowledge about your situation. Let me give you a general answer: It's difficult to say what motivates the souls who are causing these events, in most cases. I'm probably not telling you anything you haven't heard before, but these are souls who are having a difficult time "getting on with it" in terms of their own spiritual development, and have gotten hung up on certain issues that they haven't been able to leave behind.

How long can these things last? Indefinitely. Anything you can do to make it stop? In most cases, no, but I understand that in some situations peaceful resolutions have worked themselves out. There are far too many varying situations for me to give an answer to them all, but I'm curious to know what you are having to deal with.

Question: Is God one entity or many?
Answer: Yes.

Question: What is the importance of the bible? I grew up being taught about Christ and the crucifixion...is it the truth?
Answer:Well, here's another answer that had to go through a bunch of censoring before I could post my answer. The thing is that there are many belief systems, some of them in line with Christianity, and some of them diverging from it, and there are many ways to worship God. Although there may be some differences in methods of worship, the big guy upstairs is pretty flexible about which path you choose. Funny thing is there are so many parallels and so many overlapping theologies, that after awhile, you begin to see how similar they are to one another, as opposed to where they contradict one another.

So if you don't accept Christ as your personal savior is there hope for you? Is Jesus who he says he is? Is everything in the bible the gospel truth? You're really putting me on the spot here, and this is where the censors come in. Let me just say that not EVERYTHING in the bible is exactly, literally true, but you're not going to go wrong by subrscibing to the Christian faith and the concept of salvation and so forth. Just try to keep an open mind and some tolerance towards other faiths.

Sorry if that answer seemed a little watered-down, but it's what I was left with after it went through the approval of my overseers here. Thanks for taking the time to submit a question, though; I haven't gotten one in weeks. Hey, gotta go, here comes another question...

Question: Do you get to see God when you first cross over or do you have to develop spiritually and move up to a higher plane of existence?
Answer: You can "see God" just as easily when you're alive as you can when you're dead. The difference is that, when you're alive, you're thinking that you can't truly know God until you die. Then, you believe, you'll come to know the truth. When you get here you start asking around, "Has anyone seen God?" you ask. "Does anybody know how I can find God?" you'll want to know. "All in good time", you'll be told. After awhile, you get so preoccupied with other things you finally quit asking and you realize that God was always right there all along. He never went anywhere and He was never hiding from you. I use the pronoun He simply because it's easier sometimes to think of God in that way, and She doesn't really mind.

Question: EARTH TO AFTERLIFE... EARTH TO AFTERLIFE... Do you copy? Where art thou spirit? Come on, it's been alomost three months since you updated this page, what gives?
Answer: Not true. I changed some of the tunes on the pages about a month prior to your message. For a more complete answer to your question, see the Diary Page.

Question: From reading through your site, I understand there is a sort of "registration process" that takes place when we cross over... I was taught that God knows everything about us, so if that's true, why would be have to go through this whole registration process?
Answer: It's not for God's benefit that we have to do that. It's those damn bureaucrats that run everything around here. They have to have everything planned and organized and everybody put into their little categories. I swear, sometimes the whole thing seems like one big Dilbert cartoon.

Question: Do you think the powers-that-be over there...will let humanity destroy itself? The crackpot middle east leaders have enough biological weaponry to kill everyone on this planet.
Answer: Not to mention the firepower possessed by the Americans... It's only been about the last 40 years that Earth has had to exist with the threat that you speak of, but it seems that this threat will be with us for as long as humans inhabit the planet. There is a lot of work going on in the hereafter regarding the preservation of the planet, and fortunately those with the power to wipe out mankind have yet to take the extreme step of doing so. I'd love to say it won't happen in your lifetime, but if I do some "crackpot" may just set out to prove me wrong.

Question: Can we fish in the hereafter?
Answer: Yeah, but the fish don't much care for it.

Question: Why do you think that people will actually believe this?
Answer: You mean about the fish? Or perhaps you're refering to this site in general. Well, you'd have to be pretty gullible to believe that a dead guy could really put up a web site, wouldn't you? Naaaahhhh, couldn't happen. Who would believe that?

Question: What the heck is this stuff? Are you crazy or something?
Answer: Freaked you out, huh?

Question: Hi...This is Steve Spang,older brother of Jeff-he told me about your site-cool stuff-and says hi. You can send your regards to him thru me if you want.
Answer:And your E-mail address would be...??? How many times I gotta tell you people, if you send me something through the form on this page it doesn't reveal your E-mail address. Use the E-mail link on the home page. For a minute there I couldn't remember if we had ever met, but now it's coming back to me- we did some recording in your studio back in '76 I think it was. Howya doin'?

Question: I know this must sound like a rather silly question, but our Mother passed away a few months ago, and my sister and I have contemplated attempting to contact her through the use of a Ouija board. Is this completely futile? Is it possible to contact spirits in this way? You did mention that communication between the departed and the living is rare. Is there any danger in trying?
Answer: Not a silly question at all. In fact, your question is the first one in quite some time that I have been inspired to answer. There is so much grief when we lose someone close to us and we often go through a period of disbelief, when we still think we can talk to that person whenever we want to, only to remember that the person is no longer alive. When we feel close to someone, that person is in our thoughts so much that we may even feel that we can communicate without speaking.

It's a natural reaction when one has recently lost a loved one, to want to still speak with that person, and to reach out in any way possible to overcome the barriers that death places in our way. Unfortunately, this is usually not possible, for reasons I have alluded to elsewhere on this site. Rest assured that this is often what's best for you, as well as the recently departed. In fact, you can often hamper a soul's progress by devoting a lot of energy towards attempting to pull that person back towards you. Death is a natural part of the process. Let it happen and let the healing begin. I don't know of anyone on this side who contacts the living through a Ouija board, but that's not to say it hasn't been done. I just think that, more often than not, you're tapping into your own subconscious (a powerful and mysterious thing in and of itself), rather than establishing any real contact with the spirit world. And what if you contact some spirit you don't want to contact? And what if he turns into some kind of weird stalker kind of person and won't leave you alone?

Question: What is the greatest fear you (and those inhabiting the same place as you) currently have?
Answer: That would have to be the fear that the Scientologists will eventually take over and ruin everything.




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