Diary Entries:

Stroll Around the

Changes and Rumors

Your Feedback

Hierarchy of Souls

Your Feedback II

The Grass is
Always Greener...

A Long Overdue

Gets Approved


Music and
Other Stuff

A Final Word


other pages:










skullOriginally, I'd intended for this page to be called My Weekly Diary, but I'm finding that the longer I'm here the harder it gets for me to keep track of how long a week is on earth. Since we don't really have any devices for measuring the chronology of time here, I have to check in with your world periodically to see what events have transpired, and how many days have passed away.

So, rather than trying to get my diary entries to coordinate with some arbitrary measure of earth time, I think it would be best if I guide you along my experiences here, as they occur, without a great deal of regard to how much time has passed in your world during these events. My earliest diary entries can be found on the Diary Archives Page and the more recent entries will be posted on this page. As new diary entries are added, they will appear at the bottom of this page and the older stuff will get bumped on to the Archives Page.

Other pages on this site attempt to give you a general description of the hereafter, in order to prepare you for what you are likely to experience. This page, however, is more personal. It will reflect my own thoughts, observations, and opinions on what I am experiencing, and it may have nothing to do with what you go through when you arrive here. Your mileage may vary.

Stroll Around the Grounds
Until You Feel at Home

Getting back to some of my early experiences here, I want to continue describing the process I went through as I began to settle in here. One of the first souls I encountered during my welcoming reception was an individual who introduced himself as...well, the name is not something I can put into a word...it's more of a vibration, a feeling, sort of like a mantra. I could probably string some letters together and simulate the sound or the feeling but I don't think I could come that close. Anyway, this person was very familiar to me, and as we spent more time together, I began to see why. He was my spirit guide or guardian angel, as you often call them, and he was known to me even before my life on earth. In the hereafter, he is sort of a mentor for me. Someone who provides me with most of my guidance and answers most of my questions.

We took many long walks together, and we still do, as we discuss themes that were prevelant in my life. Many of them were issues that were given to me at the time of my birth. Some are universal themes common to all of us. Others were of a more personal nature. Many of these issues were things I did not handle well in my life. Others were things I did okay on. One of the neatest things I learned from him, that made me feel a lot more comfortable, was the fact that nobody is expected to score 100% in the game of Life. That was a big relief. I think many souls arrive here with a lot of apprehension because of our awareness that we didn't really live our lives in the way that our Creator had intended. I learned that the deck is stacked so that it's really impossible to get a perfect score, so living your life according to some mythical ideal is not really the point of it all.

As I made my way around here, I was amazed at how real, how tangible everything is. Smells, sights, sounds are just as intense, if not more so, than what I'd experienced on earth. It was later that I learned that this is only one dimension. There are others which are less so. I was told that in due time I would also be visiting these other realities, but for now I'm content to enjoy what I'm experiencing. If you can imagine the greatest sunsets you've ever witnessed...the most spectacular mountain views...the sights you see from an airplane at 20,000 feet, you can get a sense of the breathtaking scenery here. It is an atmosphere that truly fills you with a sense that you are connected to the Creator. You are truly one of God's children and you have been given a gift that allows you many rewards. Unfortunately, on Earth, it's all too easy to lose sight of that.

I have also found a real sense of community and togetherness here that is extremely rare where you are. I'm told that one of the burdens we have in our lives on earth is that of the basic struggle for survival...for food, for sex, for power and position. This creates such a competitive situation that we are often at odds with one another in our lives. That is just the nature of your reality, and trying to change it or deny it can lead to more frustration. There is also that sense of time-urgency; the knowledge that we are only on earth for a short time, so we'd better grab what we can while we're there. The great illusion to all of this is that those attitudes and patterns of behavior that we acquire don't go away when we die. When you arrive in the hereafter, it takes a while to unlearn these things. It's a basic conflict that you shouldn't blame yourself for. You are a spiritual being, but in the body of an animal. Everybody is faced with that basic conflict and everybody deals with it in his/her own way. Some deal with it better than others.

Changes and Rumors

I seem to be running into a problem with the Geocities format that is limiting the amount of content I am able to put on any one page. I got to the point on the original Mailbox page where the server would no longer accept any more of my input. Perhaps there is some sort of maximum page size that it will accept, or perhaps it has to do with the peculiarities of my particular method of delivering my message to the server, but that problem necessitated the creation of the Mailbox Archives page, in order to create room for additional questions.

I am now running into the same problem with this page. I had a rather large entry which had to do with the hierarchy of souls here, but I was only able to get part of it posted, so I have had to create an Archives page, which you can go to in order to read the older diary entries.

Eventually, the Archives page will fill up too, then the oldest diary entries will have to be deleted as new ones take their place, but hopefully the Archives will be large enough for regular visitors to have a chance at reading the entries before they're erased forever. Or, maybe I'll just create an Archives II page.

I don't want to get your hopes up, but I also want to take a moment to mention a possible upcoming feature for this site. You can let me know if you think it would be a good idea. In fact, if I get enough positive response, I can use your comments as ammunition to help sell my idea to my superiors here. I've made a suggestion to them that they are taking into consideration. Approval needs to go through all the proper channels here, of course, and this could take some time, but I will let you know. The problem is this: When souls arrive here there is a great deal of time and effort spent on the whole "checking-in" process. There's a lot that needs to be done before they can just turn you loose here. A lot of it has to do with identification of who you are and what your particular needs are in the hereafter. They want to make sure you are placed with the right counselors and guides, and given the proper reality for your situation. It's the equivalent of government bureaucracy, involving endless paperwork with a multitude of seemingly pointless questions. One would think that with all their resources here, they would already have a lot of this information about you, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

My idea is to streamline this whole process by providing a form that can be completed through this web site, by you, the future residents of the hereafter. A lot of these questions can be answered by you well before you even get here, so that when your big day finally does come, you'll be able to zip right up to the afterlife equivalent of an express lane. You would provide the answers to me, through a questionnaire on this site, and I would forward your answers to the proper authorities here. That way, they have time to process your application before you even get here, thereby speeding up the whole check-in process.

I really think this is a great concept, but there are a lot of people here who are trying to shoot the idea down. They raise a lot of valid points, one of them being that a lot of the questions simply couldn't be answered until after your life is complete. Then there's also the issue of someone who fills out the form, then doesn't die for another 20 years, and by then maybe a lot of their answers would have changed. But I feel certain that I could design a proper quesionnaire that could provide enough information to ease this whole process, while not being too time-sensitive. I'll let you know what they decide, but don't expect it to happen right away. It can take forever to get something approved here.

Your Feedback

I received a message from one of you today indicating some problems with the pages taking too long to load because of the heavy graphics. In some cases the pages weren't loading completely no matter how long she waited. I have the opportunity to test my site on a number of browsers and have experienced those problems with the latest version of Netscape Navigator. I've found that the 3.0 version of Navigator acutally worked better than the 4.03 version which would simply lock up in the middle of loading a page. I experienced this not only with my page, but with others as well.

Now I'm not trying to assist Bill Gates in his mission to rule the world of all things cyber, but I've found that Internet Explorer loads things much faster. Oddly enough, though, the new 4.0 IE seems just a tad slower than 3.0 IE, even though it's supposed to be faster. I dunno, maybe it's just my imagination on that one, but there is a clear difference between IE and Netscape. Anyway, this difference has caused me to include the IE logo on my site, and not the Netscape logo. In fact, on the C-Net site, they recently ran a comparison between the lastest browers from these two rivals, and their results confirmed what I've found. But I digress...

There are some who I've been in touch with who are not reporting any such problems, but if you are I'd appreciate hearing about it. Of course a lot depends on your modem speed and even your ISP's server as well as how busy the Geocities server is, from what I understand about the internet. I don't think I want to dilute this site by reducing the graphics, however, since I think that adds an element of fun and graphics are a big part of the whole web experience, right? Besides, you can always turn off the graphics and Java in your own browser and get things to load really quick.

I really thought I would have more diary entries posted here by now. It's not really that I'm that busy around here, it's just that I have to be in the right frame of mind to communicate with you all. Besides, I'm finding that answering your questions over on the Mailbox page is very enjoyable, compared to adding to this diary, since I know that I'm telling you something you want to know about besides just tooting my own horn. And again, please be patient, I do have a number of your questions that I haven't answered yet, but I'm getting around to it.

One thing I've decided to do, based on someone's recommendation is to ditch the frames/no-frames option and go strictly with the non-frames version of this site. I think the navigation buttons on the left work just fine, even if you do have to scroll a little to the right to read all the text. Well, that's it for this time...thanks for being here!

The Hierarchy of Souls

It didn't take long for me to realize that I am not one of the top bananas here. Not that I expected to be. During my life I never created great works of art, composed any symphonies, or discovered any cures for infectious diseases, except in my own mind. Heck, if I could fry a couple of eggs without causing the yolks to break and run all over the frying pan, I figured I had accomplished a lot for that day already.

There is a very clear hierarchy here with regards to an individual's standing in the great scheme of things. At first I figured it was just because I was new, but now that I've been here for a while, I'm beginning to realize there's more than just a seniority system at work here. Not only does your work on earth affect your standing here, but your climb up the totem pole in the spiritual community started way, way back, in the early days of your soul's existence. It makes me kinda dizzy to start thinking that far back, so I'm going to stay away from that topic for now.

Anyway, I'm sort of one of the freshmen here, I guess you could say. What that means is that I spend a lot of my time working on my own personal development, because I apparently have plenty to do in that area. As one progresses, he/she spends a greater percentage of time on matters that have to do with assisting the development of the human race where you are, (an amazing amount of this is done from this side) or perhaps coaching, guiding, or counseling souls here. There are highly evolved souls here who are involved in the development of new technologies and bringing new discoveries into your world through the process of inspiration and creativity.

So my position here is not one of great stature, although everyone is treated with a great deal of respect. Running this web page is looked upon by many here as being a somewhat trivial task. Something to keep me busy until I discover some more important duties. There are some who even doubt that I am really able to communicate with all of you. Even in the hereafter there are skeptics.

A lot of my activity here now is in a reality that is very similar to yours, in terms of being very tangible. The main purpose for me right now seems to be for me to learn to give more than what I take from the social order here. This seems to be a very common theme throughout the universe. The higher forms of life in the hereafter as well as in your reality are those individuals who have become succussful at contributing more to their environment than what they take.

It seems odd to me that there are so many different levels of progression with regards to spiritual development, when I am being told that all our souls were created at approximately the same time. Why then, do some souls seem to be more advanced than others? Why do we not all progress at the same rate?

I was given a very simple answer to that. I've learned that the most simple answers often make the most sense, at least for those of us who get a little confused when things get too complex. I was told that there are an infinite number of paths a soul can take as it progresses on its way to...well, to use the Christian phrase...the Kingdom. (Not to be confused with the Kingdome, which is a place where the Seattle Seahawks play). Anyway, because there are so many different paths, there are so many different levels of being, many different states of awareness. Wouldn't it be boring if we were all exactly the same? Besides, how often have you learned great lessons, not from someone who was obviously smarter than you, but from someone who you thought you had nothing to learn from? How often do our own children teach us great lessons in life? Such is the case here. I'm often flattered to learn that the most highly evolved individuals here tell me that they often learn from those of us who are much less "evolved".

One of the things that I've learned to appreciate is how much freedom our Creator has given us in terms of choice. Only by having so much choice can we really learn the truth about good and evil, right and wrong, reality and illusion, etc. If we were simply programmed to behave a certain way in order to have societies and individuals that function perfectly, what would we ever learn about the truth? It's only by having this freedom to control our own thoughts and ideas that we can ever learn the truth. I am only recently learning that as we evolve more and more we become more aware of the concept of "going with the flow" to use an old cliche. In other words, there is a force, a power, an order to the universe that we spend a great deal of our energy fighting, in the early stages of our soul's development. It is this freedom of choice that we have, and our natural desire for learning and experimentation that causes us to do this. Nobody forces us to go along with this natural order, but as we spend more time fighting it and trying to make our own rules, we gradually become aware that maybe there is a better way...as we learn to go along with this natural order, things begin to get a little easier and we eventually stop resisting so much. We gradually learn that working in harmony with the universe is much better than trying to fight it all the time. This is a very, very common theme to EVERYBODY's spiritual progress, and I think anybody who stops to think about it can find examples in their own life when they have felt in tune with the order of things and everything seemed to work effortlessly. There are usually many other instances when this was not so. Is what I'm saying making any sense at all? I hope so. Sometimes I'm not sure, as I try to describe what I'm experiencing, if I'm saying things that you just can not relate to or understand, but I'm pretty sure that some of you do.

Well, I've strayed off the subject again, and I've used up enough space for this diary entry. See you next time.

Your Feedback II

I've been away from this page for a while recently, and am pleased to find so much response from you. I will do my best to answer as many of your questions as possible, but I want to take some time right now to try and respond to several messages I've recently gotten. I think this might be more efficient than posting a dozen questions and answers on the Mailbox page.

First of all, feel free to send me a message whether it's your first visit here or your fiftieth, but If you don't see an answer on the site somewhere within a couple of weeks it may be because your question has already been addressed elsewhere on this site, and you may have not read everything here before you submitted it. I've gotten a few inquiries recently from such people. One person asked why I am the one chosen to do this page..."What makes you so gifted?" he/she asked, "Are you channelling through a human?" Well, I've addressed that already, so take a look around. One person asked me about demonic possesion. I've kind of put that question on the back burner, but I'll answer it eventually. It's not really a topic I've spent any time looking into.

Another person asked why it's taking me so long to get around to the future topics I'm promising on the home page. Well, hey, I have to have some kind of teaser to keep people looking forward to something more. Besides, I keep finding other topics and then I re-shuffle my priorities around, but I did finally post the topic on the hierarchy of souls.

Somebody else asked if I have deadlines for my work and if I experience stress. That question must have been posed by a writer. No, as you can probably tell by my infrequent postings on this site, there are no deadlines except those vague, self-imposed goals that I have. And, yes, when it's been a while since I've added anything to the site, I do experience stress, since I fear that I may be losing part of my audience if I don't update the page frequently enough. Other people want to know more about ME. One person asked my name. Well, again, I've mentioned elsewhere that I can't discuss who I am in great detail, and besides I want this page to be about those things that are universal to all of us, not just about me. But to answer one of those questions, when I was alive I lived in various parts of California, Colorado, Washington state, Alaska, and even some parts of Asia in my very early years. And no, I was not a "military brat".

Oh, and there are the people who ask me to "prove" I'm dead! They want me to send them some sort of sign or tell them something about them that no one else will know. How the hell should I know anything about you? Just because I'm dead doesn't mean I'm a gifted psychic for crying out loud. I don't care if you believe I'm dead or not. Just read my page for whatever amusement you get out of it.

My favorite question recently came from someone who asked,"So, what's it like to be, like, dead and stuff?" I don't know why, but that cracked me up. So,keep those cards and letters coming, kids. And if you don't see a response within a couple of weeks or so, don't feel bad, maybe you just asked a dumb question.

The Grass is Always Greener

I've been away for quite some time. It appears that a couple of months have passed since my last diary entry, although I have addressed questions on the Mailbox page more recently. I suspect that my return visits to update this site will be fewer and further between, I regret to inform you, since I have become much more immersed in matters that take me further away from the concerns of running this web site.

What has prompted this particular diary entry is a question I received from one of you, which has inspired me to return long enough to address this particular topic. It is actually a theme which I had intended to discuss on this page before, but my procrastination has kept me from doing so until now.

The question has to do with what I miss most about life on earth and, if there is something I miss, does that indicate that there are a few things lacking in the hereafter?

When I first arrived here, as I became more aware of the possibilities and limitations of "life" in the hereafter, it struck me that, when we are living our lives on earth, we are often thinking of heaven and what it must be like when we pass on to the great beyond. So many of our problems will cease to exist, we believe.

When we arrive here, after some period of adjustment, we find that there were many things about our life on earth that we can no longer experience, at least not in the same exact way. Hence, the old saying, The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. I'm sure you could make a long list of things that you think must be better about life in the hereafter, as opposed to life on earth, but you know, a lot of the issues that you have to deal with are also important to many of us here: Global Warming, World Peace, Racism, Overpopulation, Crime, etc. We do have the advantage here of dealing with these issues from a slightly detached perspective, but they are no less real for us.

Easily the thing I miss most is the freedom you have in your life to shut down your awareness when you want to, and pretend you don't know any better. You can indulge in hedonistic behavior without regard for the spiritual consequences. I could get more specific, but I think you know what I'm speaking of.

I don't want to say that there's no fun in what you do here, but there is a much greater awareness of your own soul's destiny, and how your every action and thought contributes or detracts from your goals. It becomes much harder for you to seek pleasure for its own sake, or to indulge in self-gratifying behavior. I don't think you can say there is anything "lacking" in the hereafter, since anything you experience in life can esentially be experienced here. We're just seeing things from a different vantage point. Sometimes I think it would be nice if I could just spend an afternoon on the sofa in front of a giant-screen TV, watching football, drinking beer, and smoking expensive cigars. Then, when I realize I could experience that reality If I really want to, I realize I don't really want to. Awareness can do funny things, so enjoy your earthly ignorance while you've got it.

A Long Overdue Update

While I enjoy answering your questions, I must admit that it's kinda fun to return to this Diary Page occasionally, and simply write about whatever comes to mind. I must apologize to my regular visitors of the site (all 5 of you) for my recent long absence. As I had previously indicated, it's becoming more and more difficult to return to the "space" or plane of consciousness I must enter in order to communicate with you.

That "space" or reality, or whatever you want to call it, was one in which I spent most of my time when I first arrived here, and it is the reality which spawned the inspiration and motivation for this site in its early days. As one moves through many of these levels of consciousness, or realities, in the hereafter, it becomes all too easy to drift further and further away from the issues that people on earth are dealing with.

As I had indicated before, describing some of these realities to you, with the limitations of language, becomes an excercise in futility; somewhat like describing the sound of music to a deaf person. Another limitation has also become evident to me, and that is one of amnesia. As I remove myself from other realities in order to enter the one I must be in, in order to communicate with you, there is a tendency to have little or no recall of those other realities. Kind of like waking up from a dream where you know that a whole lot was going on while you were in that dream state, but you just can't remember much of it.

This makes it a bit difficult to describe some of those realities to you, but I can tell you about some of my experiences recently. There are certain realities that have to do with the advancement of technology in your world. This can be technology relating to automobiles, computers, sporting equipment, agriculture; you name it. Ideas for these advancements are all around us and are being developed in many different realities. There are such realities in the hereafter devoted to, not only the advancement of technology, but the communication of these discoveries to worlds like yours.

When I say "worlds like yours" I assume that few of you are surprised to know that there is life elsewhere in the universe, outside of your little planet. And I am probably surprising no one when I say that many of those forms of life are more advanced, in terms of technology, that those on earth. Seen from the perspective of some of these "technology planes of consciousness" in the hereafter, the physical universe looks like one giant proving ground for ideas which have their genesis in the hereafter and are communicated through inspiration to individuals in the physical plane.

I wish I could tell you more about some of these advancements, but doing so would spoil it for you, and it would probably get edited by my censors before it got posted to this page anyway. Besides, I have no way of knowing which ideas will actually come to fruition in your reality and which will dissipate before they can be developed. Suffice it to say that there are always exciting things happening in the area of technological achievements, and it gives one hope for the future of mankind to see what sorts of things are possible. Unfortunately, technology must exist within the limitations of man's spiritual development or lack thereof, but that's another topic I won't get into right now...

Hope you're enjoying the Norman Greenbaum tune that's playing right now. Recognize the song?

Well, who knows when I'll be back to update this page again. I know I've got several of your questions stacked up, waiting for my response. I'll see if I can get to those. I appreciate those of you who continue to return to the site, but I do hope that you have many more sources for your inspiration and education than merely visiting web pages, particularly this one. Some of the communication I've gotten leaves me a bit concerned that a couple of you may put a bit too much emphasis on what I say, and some of you seem to be a little too anxious for updates to this site. It's flattering, but I don't want to be anyone's guru, and if you're visiting this site every day looking for the latest word from the hereafter that's going to change your life, it may be a sign that you need to be focusing on some other areas. Not to be mean or anything, I'm just saying that I might not be able to meet all of your expectations. Thanks for visiting, 'though.

Pre-Registration Gets Green Light

I'm very excited. I just got word that my suggestion for a pre-registration process for the hereafter has gotten approved by those in power here who decide such things. As I had alluded to earlier, what I intend to do is to provide a form on this site for pre-registering for the hereafter. As you may already be aware, there is a great deal of time that one has to spend, upon arrival here, standing in lines and filling out forms and so forth, before one can take his/her place among the others in the afterlife. By providing a form on this web site, I can allow many of you to jump right into the "Quick Check" line when you get here, since much of this information will already be in the database here.

There will be some limitations, of course. Since these registration forms will be filled out while you are still living, certain questions will not be possible to ask, such as How did you die? What sort of unfinished business do you have? etc. Also, I will need to find that balance point between gathering enough information and making the registration process too lengthy and tedious. The more information you can supply now, the quicker the whole process will be for you when you get here, but I don't want to create a questionnaire that takes an hour and a half to fill out.

This is still in the early planning stages, so a lot of the questions are being developed now. That's simply a matter of taking some of the registration forms currently in use for new arrivals, and eliminating many of the questions that can't be answered while you are still alive. Even after doing that, there remains much more than what I intend to include on the registration form on this site, so we'll need to focus in on those questions which will be of the most benefit to those who do the organizing and catagorizing here. I'm working closely with them to figure out just what I'm going to include and what to leave out.

I'm already figuring out what I need to do with the HTML in order to get it to work and I even have a small test page that I'm working on, but it's not ready for prime time yet. This may be a bit optimistic, but I'm shooting for a goal of April 1st for a launch date. Knowing my tendency towards procrastination, however, and the fact that projects always run into snags, I think May 1st is a more realistic goal, but we'll see. Stay tuned.

Pre-registration Update

Okay, it's done. I'm putting up the Pre-registration page even before my April 1st goal. Go there now.

Music and Other Stuff

Well, after putting up the Pre-registration page, I took a little sabbatical from this site and boy, did the mail pile up while I was away! Someday I'll get around to answering some of those questions, but I'm starting to see a lot of repeats of things that have been asked before and people who ask things that have already been discussed somewhere else on the site. I'm also getting a lot of people who ask me to tell them something about themselves in order to prove I'm really a dead guy. Hey, HOW THE HELL SHOULD I KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT YOU FROM READING A GOD DAMN E-MAIL??? You think I'm The Amazing Kreskin or Jeanne Dixon or something? Sorry for the cursing, I know I should watch it, there could be kids reading this stuff...I just get so worked up sometimes. Oh, and another thing, like I said on the Home page, I really can't go tracking down your deceased loved ones for you. This is really much too vast a place for me to be able to do that. Do you have any idea how many souls are milling around here? I know you really miss these people and want desperately to contact them, but some things are better left alone. It's not my purpose to be a medium for such things and, besides, you'll get here eventually.

Sorry if I sounded a little crabby...musta woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Hey, I've added some new tunes again, so surf around the site with the volume cranked and check 'em out. You may have to submit a question or fill out a form in order to access all of the appropriate pages, but the new tunes include a couple of Doors songs (Break On Through to the Other Side and The End), A Police song (Spirits in the Material World), a funky Stevie Wonder number (Higher Ground), and something from Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon (The Great Gig in the Sky). Of course, these are the MIDI versions and not the originals, but pretty cool nonetheless. Adding the new tunes meant I had to bump some others, but I'll keep some sort of rotation going. I think Stairway to Heaven will always be on the Home page, however. Maybe I'll even create another page with just my collection of spiritual music. That's an idea. It's amazing how many songs out there are very spiritually based when you think about it.

Another idea I'm kicking around is to have you- my loyal visitors- write in with your personal experiences about near-death experiences, hauntings, sightings, etc. I would post your stories on a page designed for just that purpose. Okay? Okay, consider it done. Start sending me your stuff now. Please don't make something up just to get published. I'd like this to be legit. Once I get enough submissions, I'll create the page. I'll probably rotate them- maybe like a Story of the Month kind of thing. Of course if none of you send me anything then it'll never get off the ground.

Ooh, almost forgot. This site just passed its one-year anniversary. I think it was around the end of May of 1997 that it got off the ground, so to speak. Well, don't just sit there, send me a ghost story. Until next time...

A Final Word...For Now

Well, there didn't seem to be too much interest in the ghost story idea, so I've scrapped that. Those of you who have followed this page for a while have noticed that my updates are less and less frequent. New visitors have noticed that answers to their questions never get posted. I'm afraid that I just haven't had the interest or motivation to continue to develop this site any further. It's not an issue of time, since I obviously have an infinite amount of that available! So, I have to say that I don't know if or when this page will get updated again- there are just too many other things to keep me busy. Those of you who haven't done so can still post your answers on the Pre-Registration page, and those results will get forwarded to the appropriate authorities here. If you provide an E-mail address, your confirmation number will be E-mailed to you as promised. Be sure to watch for typos- I've had a couple of E-mails that wouldn't go through, probably because of an incorrectly typed address. Well, thanks for being here, don't know when I'll be back... What a long, strange trip it's been.

This page is forever under construction. More entries will come as I find the inspiration to write them. And don't forget to check out the Diary Archives.


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