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The Prequels / Episode 1: The Phantom Menace

Welcome to The Women of Star Wars Home Page coverage of Star Wars Prequels. This page will be updated as new requires, but I will not try to duplicate news sites such as TheForce.Net, but I will redirect you there as need be. If the news is about Women in the Prequels, it will be here. I know this may see late in the game to get into Prequel coverage, but so far, I have attempted to avoid getting too caught up in the goings-on and too burned out. With that said... here goes...


August 18, 1999

The 11th Hour Webmagazine has done a phenomenal feature on actresses that should be in the upcoming Episode II titled Boba Femme: 11 Actresses To Even The Score In Episode II".

Personally, I think Angela Bassett should have been included in the Prequels from the get-go. The only thing necessary was to expand the role of Adi Gallia, and it would have been perfect - just the role for just the right actress. The role deserved more attention anyway... Adi Gallia is the Jedi who brought the invasion of Naboo to the attention of the Chancellor, yet we didn't get to see more than the top of her head. And for that you had to look really closely. (Ok... I'll stop ranting now...)

May 28, 1999

I've seen The Phantom Menace. Who hasn't. However, one of the things that caught my eye was the sight of a fierce-looking, white-skinned, red-haired woman watching the Pod Race from atop some bluffs outside of Mos Espa. This was Aurra Sing, a bounty hunter who has been described as "the next Boba Fett." On her bio page I've put together whatever info I could find. If you have any, pass it along, and I'll post it (with proper credit, of course).

May 14, 1999

The topic of religion or spirituality and Star Wars has been getting a lot of press as The Phantom Menace approaches. The links below lead to two very interesting articles on this subject. I've always wanted to open a discussion on this through the site, but have never gotten around to it. If you would like to see this discussed, please stop by the guestbook, and sign up for the mailing list. We'll have the conversation there.

Thanks go out to TheForce.Net, and their contributor, Scott Campbell, for the link to the San Diego Union Tribune (TheForce.Net didn't provide it to me, but I am "borrowing" it from them, so credit is appropriate).

From the San Diego Union Tribune:

The 'Wars' between Good and Evil: The Book of George proclaims a deeper message

And another from Time Magazine:

Of Myth And Men: A conversation between Bill Moyers and George Lucas on the meaning of the Force and the true theology of Star Wars

May 7, 1999

TheForce.Net posted a link to Women.Com's Star Wars: Girls in Space page this morning. This site has an interview with Natalie Portman, a Girls in Space trivia quiz, and a side-by-side comparison of Amidala and Leia.

May 6, 1999

I have added quick biographies for most of the Prequel women on the character list:

Adi Gallia
Queen Amidala
Depa Billaba
Padme Naberrie
Shmi Skywalker

I also retrieved my list of Toys R Us line-mates. Sorry this is overdue, but here they are:

Juan-Carlos Concepcion
Angel and Micheal LaTorres
Ruben and Glendalisse Lugo
Mario Jose Nazario
Rusty, Marilyn, and Kaleb Torres

May 3, 1999

Update: I've uploaded a scan of the certificate handed out at Toys R Us last night. You can see it by clicking on the link. However, it loads in quite large, and I'm not quite happy with it. I may take it down and play with it a little, so if you can't find it, don't worry. It will be back up later.

This will be quick, but I wanted to be able to post today. I'm still suffering from a severe lack of sleep, so please forgive me.

The Toys R Us Midnight Promotion was a blast. Great fans, great toys. I met some absolutely fabulous people last night. I promised to mention them all by name and I will in an update later this evening. Let's see who I can remember now: Ruben and Glendalisse Lugo, who held a spot on line for me while I made a run for coffee; ten-year-old Michael LaTorres and his Dad; Juan-Carlos Concepcion; Mario, who says he has an Expanded Universe Princess Leia if I want it; and the Torres family (Marilyn, Jose, and 8 month old Jedi-in-Training, Kaleb). I know I am forgetting a few names, and if you are checking this and don't see yours, I apologize. Of course, I spent too much money, but that's what credit cards are for, aren't they?

Also, Barnes and Noble is offering The Phantom Menace hard cover at 30% off. Pretty good deal.

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