Reader Contributions
In two years since I began this page, I have received a lot of email about it. With the exception of one message, thankfully it has all been positive. However, I believe the time has come to recognize some of the effort you, the readers, have made. Until now, I have noted reader contributions at the end of individual pages of the site. From now on, reader contributions will be listed here (in the order they are received), on their very own page. If you have contributed something, please be patient. I will be updating this page in very short order!
With my deepest thanks and appreciation,
Caleb Lawson
Suggested Belindi Kalenda, Tendra Rissant, and Nolaa Tarkona for the Character List.
Courtney Cikach
Suggested Captain Astarta, Mother Augwynne Djo, and the Singing Mountain Clan of Dathomir
for the Character List.
Glen Oliver
Suggested the Millenium Falcon for the Character List. "Well, they call it a she don't they?" Sure Glen... whatever you say.
Ryan Nunnally
Pointed out to me that Arica and Mara Jade (on the Character
List) are the same person. I was aware of this, and listed them separately with the intention of cross-linking the biography pages once I have Arica's written, but I thought an eagle eye like that deserved a mention.
Sara Homrig
Suggested C-Gosf and Femon from the novel The New Rebellion for Character List.
Dedric Adams
Submitted character biographies for Dia Passik and Lt. Shalla Nelprin.
Tony Montuori
Suggested Tanith Shire, and Kea and Demma Moll for the Character List, and provided info for bios for these characters, along with bios for Rhysati Ynr and Jem Ysanna.
Sara Gregory
Submitted a bio for Admiral Daala, re-used with permission from her own site, The Knight Hammer.
Submitted various (great!) images for the Aurra Sing biography page.
Bria Tharen
This is a big THANK YOU to Bria for creating the wonderful animated banner that appears at the top of the Women of Star Wars Home Page. Please visit
Bria's Retribution: Flagship of the Rebel Commander.