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Site Information

My name is Helen and I'm a big fan of the Star Wars movies and novels, especially the novels. I'm a stickler for continuity, but you'll see more of that later. Little did I know sitting in that theater as a child...

So why did I set up this site? Why did I stick with it when there are other sites out there that are bigger... flashier? What gets posted and what doesn't?

Honestly, the site started in March of 1997 as a way of teaching myself HTML coding. But I thought that if I were going to expend the effort, I should construct a site about something I really enjoyed.

I had considered including some more general Star Wars information, but there are plenty of Star Wars sites out there. I wanted something to set this site apart. So I thought about what had always struck me as personally significant about Star Wars. Time and time again, I recalled the feeling of being 10 years old and seeing Princess Leia grab the blaster rifle in the detention block passageway, to fight her own way out of a losing situation. A woman - capable of taking charge, and taking care of herself, saving the guys as she did it, but still female. Meant an awful lot to a girl who wasn't allowed to play Little League baseball for no other reason than she wasn't a boy. The model Leia presented so long ago is a tradition that has proudly continued in the Star Wars novels, and one I am proud to bring to you.

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