Here we go.

This update, I'm starting up putting information about my new campaign of Big Eyes, Small Mouth. BESM is an anime RPG, for those of you that don't know. It's made by Guardians of Order, for those of you that care.

Anyhow, here's some of the info on what's going on in my little RPG world.

Characters (Listed in alphabetical order by character's first name)
Alecan "Smart Alec" Icasea, expert drummer, video game addict, and has a Brock-from-Pokémon-like obsession with attractive females. Oh, and somehow, during his spare time, he's a bounty hunter with the rest of the group.
Grey Terin, fighter pilot extraodinaire, also obsessed with the ladies, oh, and Mister Eyepatch. Heh. You'll figure it out.
Zand Lashrock, our resident expert swordsman, is the brawn of the group. Great fighter, hunted by a mysterious cult-like organization, and did I mention he likes swords? Fighter from 8-bit Theater would like this guy.
Damien "Dak" Kard, the perpetually hungry always-in-black 1337 h@xx0r that's always getting himself into trouble. Be careful. He likes to fix things.
Non-Player Characters
Michiko, damnably cute, owns a starship, money on her mind, and a mallet in her hand... what's not to love?

Want to know the history of the universe that these characters exist in? Well, a full version would likely be more than could ever possibly fit on the entire internet. The history of the universe is a rather large task... ^_^;

But if you want an abridged version, I'd be more than happy to oblige.

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