Grey Terin
Player: Nightsong

Body: 4
Mind: 9
Soul: 5

HP: 45
EP: 70
ACV: 6/10 (with handguns) DCV: 4/8 (handguns)
Own Small Craft 5/2
Amazing Pilot 4/1
Focussed Combat (handguns) 4/1
Massive Damage 1/2
Jury-rigging 1/2

Disability: Missing eye 1 BP
Easily Distracted: Women 2 BP

Name: Grey Terin
Age: 25
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 145 lbs
Hair: spiked (gelled) black.

Grey's a fairly wirey fellow, with fine thin hair and such. I'm really not sure how much more I have to describe about him.


Grey's parents orphaned him when he was about 6, leaving him out to die in a back alley. Thankfully, he was found by a kindly widow woman who had him placed in the local flight academy. He graduated early and with honors, and immediately secured his position as something of a freelance mercenary and bounty hunter. His fighting style is fairly unique in that he uses twin, slug-throwing pistols. He also owns a small fighter-type craft.