Damien "Dak" Kard
Player: TechnoProphet

Body: 5
Mind: 9
Soul: 4

HP: 45
EP: 65
ACV: 6/8 (laser gauntlet*)
DCV: 4/6 (laser gauntlet*)


l337 h4XX0rZ 3/2
Gadgeteering 2/3
Focused Combat (laser gauntlet*) 2/1
Massive Damage 1/2
Speed 1/1

*-Laser weapon damage is not defined in BESM. For the sake of the game, the base damage for the laser gauntlet worn by Dak will be 8 damage. Laser gauntlet is under the direct control of the user, therefore will be affected by the "massive damage" attribute, raising the damage rating to 13.

Personality Flaw: Overconfident, cocky (1 BP)
Trademark: leaves signature whenever infiltrating a database or mainframe (1 BP)
Insatiable Hunger (1 BP)


Age: 27
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 135
Hair: short, jet black, and anime spiked
Eyes: I'll say dark brown, but they're rarely seen. Dak's always wearing shades, or solid white anime glasses (No, not the swirly spiralled "Melvin from Sailor Moon" kind!!)

Dak normally clothes himself in dark colors, preferably black. Notable articles include a loose multi-pocketed long-sleeve jacket and matching gloves, made of a black leather-like material. His weapon of choice is a wrist-mounted laser gauntlet.

He usually carries a small headgear gadget with a mouthpiece serving as a radio transmitter and an earpiece as a receiver, and an eyepiece containing a magnifying lens, various scanners, and a flashlight-like source of illumination. His only other piece of equipment is a small computer device (think palm deal) with a keypad and interface jack.

Dak is right-handed.

Dak likes to eat. A lot.

His hacker signature is "You've been dealt a wild kard."


As humans colonized other planets, people more and more frequently migrated away from large overcrowded Earth cities. Gradually, some of these metropolises decayed into "techno-slums" of sorts. Damien Kard grew up in one such area. Damien spent much of his free time in his late childhood and throughout adolescence alone, exploring the deteriorated urban landscape around his home. Finding many computers and cybernetic machines in the various abandoned warehouses and buildings of the slums, he became fascinated, and studied them relentlessly. Because of his amazing intelligence, rapid learning, and increasing electronic knowhow, his parents were able to secure him enrollment in a prestegious university, in a neighboring city. However, after a mere three semesters, Damien left the school. His persisting "loner" habits, along with his overbearing self-confidence led him to believe he could make a much better living and name for himself on his own. Working in various electronic and cybernetic fields over the next few years, Damien became a proficient "hacker" and secured himself passage off-planet. Indeed, finding much more freedom as a freelance and experienced hacker than a newly graduated college kid, Damien's ego was further boosted, and he continued his chosen path, honing his own style of cybernetic warfare. He is currently affiliated with a small band of bounty hunters, who gave him the nickname "Dak", but his future plans are unknown.