Player: NPC
Body: 5
Mind: 6
Soul: 7
HP: 70
EP: 75
ACV: 7
DCV: 5
Appearance 3/1
Art of Distraction 2/1
Combat Mastery 1/2
Damn Healthy! 1/1
Energy Bonus 1/1
Katana Space (shoujo mallet) 1/1
Massive Damage 1/2
Starship Ownership 2/4
Easily Distracted: Gambling 1BP
Obsession: Money 2BP
Age: 20
Height: 5'
Weight: 95 lbs
Hair: very red, and very long. Think "fire engines," and "she'll sit on it if she isn't careful."
Eyes: Green
Build: very slight. Michiko is rather small, but very attractive (an Appearance level of 3?!! Yeah, you could say that.)
Michiko is the full-on owner and operator of The Raging Inferno, her rather small starship. She also tends to function as the leader and group dispatch, and handles the money as such.
Michiko, or Miko, as she has been known to go by, sometimes uses her feminine wiles to get more information about a bounty, or to get others to do her bidding.
I'm not going to write any more about her. I'm too lazy.