Braveheart PICTURES - Gallery 2
Well, here's
even more pictures for all you crazed fans out there!!
See those two love birds there! How romantic! Sigh! And here's another
picture of comatose Mel! These publicity shots of Mel
staring into the wild blue yonder and looking all solemn (or dumb) sure
isn't that great... hahahahah! |
Well, obviously even with a loudspeaker, the loud mouth here
is me!! Hah!
Hmmm! I think there is something missing in Mel's
hair. I know, he didn't use a ribbon!! Haha! Imagine a big
red ribbon on the top of his head!
Okay guys and gals! It's Quuuuuuiiiizz time! Let's test how much
you know everybody's favourite movie Braveheart.
Alright, consider Exhibit A on the left; now who is the bride? Let's
see... they both have long hair and, gee, it looks like they are
both wearing dresses! Hmmmm... now don't take too long to think!
It's tricky, I know...
Whew! There.. finally got all the pictures in. But don't sweat,
I'm sure to find more pictures out there.
What I thought
to be a simple homepage turn out to be one heck of a project!
And I'm NOT being paid!!! Waaahhh!! |
....but alas... new pages must be added and the crowd is ever merciless (can't
you hear them scream for more!)... and so before the axe takes my head to
greater heights of separatism and before I yell for FREEDOM (from web designing),
I present to you yet another gallery!

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