Braveheart PICTURES - Gallery 1
Aaaaarrgghh! So many pictures!?!
Well, there is a lot more for you to enjoy... just don't grumble if
it takes a little longer than usual to download!
That picture on the
left is Mel doing a high five (and grunting as well) or maybe he's
just asking everybody to take five... or he could be playing
football. Hmmm...
And that's a really strange picture of him in that 'helmet'. And he looks
like he has been slapped on the face by someone with paint on his/her hands!
Notice the blue paint marks on his cheek!
Well, that's a French poster (I think).
The middle picture of
Mel is kinda weird. He looks like he's in a state of shock or in
a comatose form! Juuust kidding!
Mel doing body painting on the left!
Feeling bored yet or are you still drooling for more pictures? Well,
you should be quite pleased that I have collected loads of pictures from
as many sites that I could go to and compiled it here at MY site!
Evil? Nah, just making the best of what I could get!
And don't worry, I will have a page with links to all the other
Mel Gibson pages and hopefully they would also have a link to
my page. |
Well.. well.. well, now pay attention people as we admire
Mel doing his SUPER DUPER,
AWESOME and COOL pose #614. Well, sort of... I could do
better! Haha! :)
'Boys will be boys but they really shouldn't
play with sticks! Put those down before you
hurt yourselves!' - wise nugget from my mom.
It's Zorro... no wait, it's one of the Magnificent Seven...
wait, it's My Little Pony and Friends! Oooooh!
How sweet! Awwww!
High Ho Silver away!!!
Yikes! Why so slow!! It's a huge picture okay and I didn't have the time
to resize it!!
The original size is 1200x1680 !!
Still in need for more Braveheart pictures? Well, as always,

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