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Boxscan Archive
   Welcome to the Boxscan Archive. This section is devoted to storing images of the Transformers toys in their original packaging. I will be scanning pieces from my own collection and you can send in your boxscans if you wish. Full credit will be given to the creator of the images. Email me if you want to contribute. Unless otherwise mentioned, all scans are of my own creation.

Boxscans currently online:

Generation 1
 Frenzy & Laserbeak
 Gnaw - Sharkticon
 Hot Rod
 Japanese TF JR 3-Pack
 Optimus Prime
 Soundwave w/ Buzzsaw
 Superion (Aerialbot Giftset)
 Swerve (Japanese)

Generation 2
 Colossus (European Obliterator)
 Frenzy (Go-Bot)
 Megatron Tank
 Mirage (Go-Bot)
 Optimus Prime Collectors' Edition
 Space Case
 Spark (European Obliterator)

Beast Wars
 Airazor Video Pack
 Blackarachnia (Japanese Boxed Version.) 
 Burning Convoy (Japanese Exclusive BW Toy.) 
 Buzz Saw 
 Cheetor (Fox Kids recolor.) 
 Claw Jaw
 Clear Convoy
 Dinobot (Fox Kids recolor.) 
 Drill Bit 
 Optimus Primal (Japanese Version.)
 Optimus Primal Vs. Megatron Comic Two-Pack
 Razorclaw Video Pack
 Rhinox (Fox Kids recolor.) 
 Shadow Panther (Japanese Exclusive BW Toy.) 
 Tarantulas (Japanese Boxed Version.) 
 Terrorsaur (Japanese Boxed Version.)
 Tigatron (Japanese Boxed Version.) 
 Waspinator (Japanese Boxed Version.) 
 Waspinator (Fox Kids recolor.) 

 Air Hammer
 Silverbolt (Signed by Scott Mc'Neil) 
 Sky Shadow

 Cheetor (Copper chrome variant.) 
 Cheetor (Fox Kids recolor.) 
 Depth Charge
 Megatron (Signed by David Kaye, light chrome variant.)
 Optimal Optimus
 Optimus Primal (Signed by Gary Chalk.) 
 Rattrap (Signed by Scott Mc'Neil) 
 Tarantulas (Fox Kids recolor.) 
 Waspinator (Signed by Scott Mc'Neil) 

Transmetals 2
 Dinobot (Repaint)
 Optimus Minor
 Prowl (Repaint)

Beast Wars II
 Bigmos Vs. Autostinger
 Black Lioconvoy
 Diver w/ Niagra Base
 Flash Lioconvoy
 Lioconvoy Vs. Galvatron Set
 Mantis Vs. Autolauncher
 Max B
 Powerhug Vs. Autocrasher
 Tazmania Kid Vs. Dirge
 Tonbot Vs. Autojetter

Beast Wars Neo
 Break Vs. Deadend
 Machkick Vs. Archadis
 Randy Vs. Crazybolt
 Stampy Vs. Sling

Beast Wars Metals
 Optimus Primal Vs. Megatron w/ Video Pack
 Rattrap Special Edition w/ Jigsaw Puzzle

 Jake/Grizzly Bear
 Mega Tobias
 Ultra Visser Three

Beast Machines
 Optimus Primal