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 BotCon 98 Page 
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Brawn Lives! Botcon 98 

 BotCon 98 Page  
  I went to Botcon 98, and boy was it great. The convention was excellent and this page will be dedicated to preserving it's memory.  I've filled this section with various pictures from the convention and scans that I've made of the exclusives. Also included is html and Word versions of the Botcon 98 Script from the Script reading event.  

Botcon 98 Hasbro/Kenner Toy Display 

 Display Table - Transmetals and BWII 
 Transmetal Terrorsaur
 Buzzclaw - Fuzor
 BWII - LioConvoy
 Transmetal Rampage, Optimal Optimus, and BWII stuff  
 Display Table - BWII, Fuzors, and Transmetals 

Botcon98 Celebrity Guests 

 Bob Foward Beast Wars Story Editor and writer.
 David Kaye Voice of Beast Wars Megatron.  
 Gary Chalk Voice of Beast Wars Optimus Primal. 
 Scott Mc'Neil Voice of Beast Wars Rattrap, Dinobot, Waspinator, and Silverbolt. 

The Botcon 98 Script from Saturday Night's Script Reading 

 Botcon Script (Html page format) 
 Botcon Script (Microsoft Word format) 

Convention Exclusive Toys 

Vice Grip 
 Bagged with Tech Spec 
 Vice Grip's Tech Spec 
 Beast Mode 
 Robot Mode 

 Front of Package 
 Back of Package 
 Bottom of Package (Instructions) 
 Inside Toy Box (Flap opened) 
 Robot Mode 
 Beast Mode 
 Inside Flap 
 Backside of Robot Mode (Blender Butt) 
 Closeup of face and chest (Robot Mode) 

The Botcon 98 Exclusive T-shirt 

 Large logo from back of T-shirt 
 Small logo from front of T-shirt 

Other Botcon Scans 

 Botcon 97 Exclusive Comic signed by Andrew Wildman and Simon Furman