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 Beast Wars Sound Clips  
 Welcome to the Beast Wars Sound Clips section of the Ruins of Cybertron. This section is devoted to .wav files from the Beast Wars TV series. All files were made by me. The sounds are all sampled at a slightly low rate to save download time but the quality isn't half bad, check them out and see for yourself.

Beast Wars Part 1 
"Their shields are down, destroy them!!" Dinobot 
"Now where's the fun in that? A little torment I think first, yes. Side guns!!" Megatron 
"Rupture! The stasis hold is failing!" Cheetor 
"Ungh! We're goin' down..." Rhinox 
"Launch all pods! Get them into safe orbit!" Optimus Primal 
"Damage report!" Optimus Primal 
"Believe me, you don't wanna know..." Cheetor 
"Ungh.. That's what I thought." Optimus Primal 
"Too much energon, field readings are off the scale,  
continued exposure to robotic forms will result in permanent damage." Predacon Computer 
"Moderate your conflict circuits Maximals." Optimus Primal 
"I challenge you to battle Megatron.  
The winner shall lead the Predacons, and the loser shall be destroyed." Dinobot 

The Agenda Part 1 
"Terminate with extreme prejudice." Tripredicus Counsel 
"After the great war some Decepticons were granted amnesty,  
rumor has it one was rebuilt as a Predacon. Ravage!"  Optimus Primal 
"Pardon my shooting the weapons from your hands,  
but I wish to prevent any regrettable accidents to my person." Ravage 
"The only thing worse than a stinking Pred is a stinking Decepticon."  Rattrap 
"Covert agent Ravage at your service."  Ravage 
"Blackarachnia!!!!!!" Megatron  
"Sounds like old purple face has a bug up his duct about something." Blackarachnia