The History of
Jason Morgan
Robin Scorpio

When Jason first woke up in his hospital room, Robin's was the first face he saw. Robin quickly called for help, however, and told the Quartermaines that their son had finally come out of his coma -- but he hadn't. Jason was strange, different, and didn't seem to remember any of them. Dr. Tony Jones examined Jason and determined he had suffered irreparable brain damage in the accident. This damage affected his memory, his ability to relate to others, and his ability to handle emotions. Dr. Jones gave the Quartermaines good advice on what to expect (and what not to expect) from Jason, but it was advice they refused to adhere to.

From the beginning, the Quartermaines expected Jason to return to the life he had led before. He, on the other hand, hated the hospital, and hated the Quartermaine mansion more. Keesha, devastated by the accident and clinging to the boy she loved, drove Jason up a wall and, eventually, drove him away. The Quartermaines began to realize that Jason would never be able to return to his former potential, and in a rare moment of family spirit and generosity, Ned convinced each member of the family to place one share of ELQ stock in a trust for Jason, thus ensuring him a means to live on.

jason Nevertheless, the Quartermaines, with the best of intentions, tried to control Jason's life. When he left the house and took a family car, Edward called the police and had him returned home. He trashed "his" room, bought a motorcycle and rode it through the living room and, one day, walked out the door. It was Sonny Corinthos that he turned to, who accepted him and gave him the kind of help he wanted: no questions, no demands, no comparisons to someone he no longer was. Calling himself Jason Morgan, he began working for Sonny, first as a valet, then as a messenger.

Robin, mourning Stone, met Jason again at the bridge she and Stone had gone to, the one from which he'd bungee jumped, and where she and Sonny had scattered his ashes. From the beginning, Robin treated Jason as Sonny did, with no expectations, and he found himself drawn to her. When Robin confessed that she'd once had a crush on Jason Quartermaine, but that he'd never done anything about it, Jason Morgan replied: "That's the first thing I've heard that he didn't do right." They spent more and more time together. "The girl with no future and the boy with no past", Robin and Jason found that they looked at time in much the same way, and lived in the present. [transcript]

Although Jason said he understood the risks involved in having sex with someone who was HIV positive and was ready, Robin told him she wasn't.  Her feelings for Stone were too recent, and more to the point, she was too afraid of infecting Jason to able to relax in his arms.  Jason accepted her decision, but began a purely sexual relationship with Port Charles newcomer and troublemaker, Carly Roberts. Jason stressed to Carly that Robin was his first priority, and even though she herself had designs on Dr. Tony Jones, a girl as selfish as Carly never liked to be #2, and seemed sure to make trouble sooner or later.

Sonny had promised Robin that he would keep Jason out of the dangerous side of his business, and he stuck to that promise -- until Lily, Sonny's wife, was killed in a car bomb meant for Sonny and Brenda. Sonny, devastated with grief, was unable to keep control of himself or his business, and Jason stepped in as his right hand.

At the Second Annual Nurses' Ball, Robin told all of Port Charles that she was HIV positive. Grieving for Stone, and for her own lost future, Robin broke down on stage. [transcript] Jason appeared out of the crowd and, without saying a word, climbed up to the stage, picked Robin up in his arms, and carried her away. This was a defining moment in their relationship.  Jason went to the Nurses' Ball, a place he had no desire to be, for Robin -- for the first time, she truly knew how much she meant to him. The Quartermaines, who had perhaps been consoling themselves that it was love Jason had rejected, not them personally, learned how wrong they'd been.  And Carly, in her typical selfish way, was furious with Jason for, she believed, putting her at risk. Carly, jealous and infuriated, blew up at Jason for sleeping with both her and someone who had HIV, and was only mollified when he told her he hadn't had sex with Robin. However, Jason told Carly he wasn't interested in seeing her anymore.

Robin would soon leave to attend Yale.  She was sorry to leave Jason, Sonny, and Mac, but having deferred her attendance the year before, when Stone was dying, she felt it was time to go. Robin wanted to be a doctor, and though she knew that she might not live long enough to achieve all of her goals, she wanted to live what life she had to the fullest of her abilities.

Jason and Robin left Port Charles, and spent a magical weekend at a beach house in Montauk. Although Robin would still not risk the chance of infecting Jason, they made love safely. [transcript]

On the night before Robin left for Yale, Carly threatened Jason that she was going to tell Robin all about their relationship -- which he beat her to, confessing everything.  Robin was upset that Jason had been with another woman, but felt too guilty to blame him -- saying, if only she could have sex with him, he wouldn't have needed to turn elsewhere.  Jason reassured her that he hadn't "needed" to, and would never do so again. [transcript]

When the moment of their parting finally came, Jason told Robin he loved her for the first time and rode off on his motorcycle, leaving Robin to whisper, "I love you too."

Jason resumed working for Sonny.  He missed Robin more than he could almost stand.  He said it felt like an ache inside him, one that wouldn't go away, and he lived for the weekends and holidays that brought her home. Their love only grew stronger, and Robin helped Jason to care for those around him.  With her subtle help, he developed a close relationship with Emily Quartermaine, and continued to visit his grandmother, Lila.  Jason grew to accept Monica, and although he would never think of her as his mother, he felt a responsibility for her well-being. Alan was another story. Far less willing to accept that his favorite son was gone forever, Alan could only think of blaming Sonny,  and AJ, for the man Jason had become.

In one area, however, Alan had Jason's respect.  As Robin's doctor, Alan brought a new treatment to her attention, one that was showing a lot of success in treating, though not curing, HIV and AIDS.  Referred to as the protocol, this "cocktail" of protease inhibitors and other drugs had shown a great deal of promise in stopping the progress of HIV.  Although it was no cure, this protocol could, theoretically, provide Robin (along with many others) years and years of healthy life -- hopefully, enough time to develop a cure.

robin Robin, who at this point was not sick and still in some subconscious denial of her HIV infection, resisted the protocol at first.  She dreaded becoming a "sick" person, someone who had to take dozens of pills every day. Jason convinced her, with his love, that she owed it to herself, to him, and to everyone else that loved her to stay alive. And although Robin at first agreed to begin the protocol for his sake, he showed her that she should, ultimately, do it for herself. The only arguement left was over who should pay for the treatment, Jason or Sonny, who was equally thrilled with her decision. [transcript]

Monica Quartermaine, tragically, had an affair with GH newcomer Dr. Pierce Dorman.  Although she reconciled with Alan and called off the affair, Dorman vowed revenge and sued her for sexual harassment.  THough her family stood by her and counter-sued, Monica lost the suit and her job.  At the same time, more and more drugs began appearing on the streets of Port Charles.  Detective Taggart, a PC police officer with an attitude, seemed determined to pin these drug shipments on Sonny. It became clear, especially to Jason and Sonny, that all-around scum Pierce Dorman was behind the drugs.  Determined to discover Dorman's supplier, Sonny kept his suspicions to himself. Dorman was then found murdered in the GH morgue. Jason was originally considered a suspect, but the Port Charles police department was much more determined to pin his murder on Sonny.  Most of Port Charles was at one point or other a suspect, including Monica, Emily, Alan, and Dorman's girlfriend, Rebecca. In reality, as Jason and Sonny had long since figured out, Dorman's death was a professional hit.

During this time, Robin returned home for the Third Annual Nurses' Ball.  It was a much more hopeful Robin Scorpio who spoke before Port Charles of her future, and although she had to return to school for finals, she promised Jason, Sonny, and Uncle Mac that she would be home soon for the summer.

The police came up with evidence that seemed to prove Brenda had killed Pierce Dorman, and she was arrested.  Desperate, Sonny broke her out of jail and the two of them went on the run while Jason was arrested for his part of the break-out. Robin returned home for the summer to find Jason in jail, though with Mac's help he was soon released.  Jason, unable to fully devote his attention to Robin, was able to identify Dorman's killer by sight and, calling him the Tin Man (because of small origami made of tin foil he left behind), Brenda and Sonny set off on his trail.

Robin and Jason were still very much in love, and spoke of their future.  Jason told her that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, sounding suspiciously on the verge of a proposal. As they danced in Mac's living room, the Tin Man watched from outside.  When the first shot was fired, Jason pushed Robin out of the way and took the second bullet himself.  Although she wasn't seriously injured, Robin was bleeding from cuts on her arms, and knew she couldn't touch Jason for fear of infecting him.  Knowing him to be seriously injured, she called for help and tried to keep him conscious. [transcript]

Taken to GH, Jason was operated on and saved.  Sonny and Brenda, though out of touch, found the Tin Min and prepared to confront him.  Robin was badly shook up by the ordeal, and begged Jason to leave his dangerous life behind. She received notification that she had been accepted to study at the Sorbonne, in Paris, for a year, but initially rejected the idea.  When Jason refused to consider leaving the organization, Robin turned to Sonny for help.  Telling him she couldn't stand to lose someone else she loved, Robin begged Sonny to fire Jason.  When Sonny resisted, she reminded him of his promise to Stone to take care of her, and Sonny relented.

Jason was infuriated when Sonny told him he was fired, and knew Robin was to blame.  They fought bitterly, Jason guessing correctly her motives and methods, and Robin not understanding his refusal to consider another, safer way of life. Robin told Jason that she couldn't continue to live in fear of losing him, and they broke up. Knowing distance to be the best, she decided to attend the Sorbonne and made plans to leave the next day.  Jason was devastated at this news, and asked her not to go.  Robin, who asked him to come with her though she already knew his answer would be no, remained sure of her decision.

Sonny' father, Mike, came to visit Jason and learned of Robin's imminent departure. He advised Jason to talk to Robin and let her know that he accepted her decision to leave, or she would come to feel that she had run away. Knowing Mike to be speaking from experience and knowing him to be right, Jason convinced Monica and Alan to have him released from GH and went to find Robin.  They met on the bridge, and said a last goodbye. [complete transcript]

Sonny and Brenda discovered that the Tin Man worked for Rivera, Lily's father. Although Rivera planned to take his revenge out on Sonny by killing both him and Brenda, with the help of Jax and Detective V. Ardanowski, Rivera was defeated and the Tin Man stopped.  Sonny and Brenda returned home to plan their wedding, planning, as well, to leave town and disappear into safety as soon as it was over.  Sonny offered the organization to Jason, and he accepted it. [transcript]

The Tin Man returned, killing a trusted bodyguard and coming dangerously to killing Sonny as well before meeting his fate at Sonny's hands. Sonny was plagued by fears for Brenda's safety and the knowledge that, he felt, Lily's blood was already on his hands. The day of the wedding, he decided to keep Brenda safe by leaving her behind, and sent Jason to break the news to her that Sonny wasn't going to marry her, and considered their relationship over. Jason resisted, but respected Sonny's decision and went to the church. He found Brenda already at the altar, and was forced to tell her Sonny's message in front of her assembled guests. Though Brenda railed at him, slapping him and calling him a cold, unfeeling machine, Jason followed Sonny's instructions, took care of her, and saw to it that she believed Sonny a monster and never suspected the truth.

Jason reported back to Sonny and they said their goodbyes. Jason told Sonny that he'd changed his life, and Sonny replied, "You did the same for me" and left Port Charles for good. Jason returned to the penthouse and prepared to fight for the organization, and for his life. Brenda, with a lot of help from her friends, is trying to move on with her life without Sonny. She blames Jason for helping Sonny to desert her, which Jason accepts as best he can. During their last run-in, however, Brenda accused Jason of never loving Robin, and finally succeeded in chipping through his patience. Despite the animosity between them, Jason continued to protect Brenda.

Jason remained estranged from Alan and Monica, but he and AJ developed a friendship of sorts. Jason still considered Lila and Emily family, and visited them occasionally. At Emily's request, he even put in a timely appearance at the Quartermaine mansion on Thanksgiving and saved the entire family from being robbed. His friendship with Luke, and Mike,grew, and Luke and Jason remained partners in the club. As the pressure began to build on Jason, and the situation became more and more dangerous, he needed all the allies he could get.

Robin spent a lonely Thanksgiving dreaming of Port Charles, coming home, and Jason. She had begun to second-guess her decision to leave him, but still felt that they only way they could be happy together was if Jason agreed to leave the organization for her. Though she knew how unlikely a possibility that was, she could not deny her love for Jason and lit a candle of hope for their future.[complete transcript]

A party at Luke's erupted in gunfire as Moreno made his first attempt on Jason's life. Jason was not hit, but one of his bodyguards, Pete, died, and Nikolas Cassdine was hit in the neck. Jason performed an emergency procedure on the spot, clearing Nikolas' airway, and saved the boy's life. Detectives Garcia and Taggart chose not to view the events that way, and arrested Jason on charges of assalt with a deadly weapon. While at the police station, Jason received a phone call threatening Robin. Justus Ward helped get Jason released quickly, and Jason sped off to Paris to ensure Robin's safety.

In Paris, Jason and Robin had a joyous reunion that turned bitter, when Robin once more begged Jason to leave the organization. Jason told her again that it wasn't possible, and Robin walked away. Jason returned to Port Charles, and Robin remained in Paris. [transcript]

Back home in PC, a desperate Carly, panic-stricken over Tony's threat to sue for sole custody of their baby, lied and claimed Jason is the father of her baby. Devastated, Tony at first accused her of lying, but found himself unwillingly believing her graphic descriptions of the wild times she and Jason have shared. Carly moved into the penthouse with Jason, as much for a lack of anywhere else to stay as to make their story more believable. Jason agreed to go along with Carly's scheme, believing that it's wrong for Tony or AJ to try to take the baby away from Carly, its mother. He told Carly he would not be able to lie if anyone asked him point-blank if he was the baby's father. By a twist of fate, neither Tony nor AJ asked Jason that question directly, though AJ came close. AJ discovered that Jason Morgan is not the man who used to be his brother, and that the time has come for him to face up to that. It was a sad moment for them, the two men who are still brothers, but only by blood.

Port Charles was stunned by the news about Jason and Carly. Alan, desperate to make a connection to the son he loved so much, was actually overjoyed with the news that Jason is going to be a "father". he seems to think it will bring them closer, as a family. The rest of the Quartermaines were not quite as thrilled, with Emily and Monica disbelieving. Many PC residents have wondered how Robin will react to this news, though Jason and Carly seem to think she never has to find out, since the baby's true parentage (Tony or AJ) is bound to come out sooner or later anyhow.

Things seemed to be going well for Carly, though both Tony and AJ still insist the baby is theirs, and that they plan to sue for custody. She and Jason arranged for him to have power of attorney over her and the unborn child. But in the middle of the night, Carly woke up to discover herself bleeding. She tried to get to the phone for help, but collapsed. Luckily, Jason found her and rushed her to the hospital. Though the baby was not due for another four weeks, an emergency cesaerean delivery was performed, and Carly gave birth to a son. Both mother and child were in serious condition. Carly continued to bleed internally, and only Bobbie's insistence (and Jason's decision) for an alternate procedure prevented the doctor in charge from performing a hysterectomy on the still-unconscious Carly. The baby was doing even worse.

The doctors informed Jason that a flap meant to close a valve in the baby's heart had not closed, and that surgery was needed. Tony, still believing the baby could be his, opposed the surgery, but with Monica's advice, Jason decided to go ahead, and the baby came out of surgery fine. Carly also began to recover, but was horrified when she learned that her baby had almost died. Upon being told that they were currently referring to her son as "Baby Boy Roberts", Carly begged Jason to give the baby his name, Morgan, since Roberts is a fake name. Jason agreed, hesitantly. Blaming herself for the baby's perilous condition, Carly became hysterical when Jason took her to see him for the first time.

In the meantime, Tony ordered a blood test to determine paternity, and was shocked to discover that he is not the baby's father. AJ, in a mistake only a soap opera character could make, found out that the baby and Jason have the same blood type, and concluded that Jason therefore had to be the baby's father. All of Port Charles is now convinced that the baby is Jason's, with only Carly and Jason, and later, Robin, knowing the truth.

Unknowing of all these circumstances, Robin called Brenda to wish her a happy new year. Although somewhat cheered by the call, Brenda his her problems from Robin and began to slip back again. Jax, thinking Robin could provide Brenda with the love and support she needs, flew to Paris to convince Robin to come back with him to Port Charles. Robin came, but found Brenda changed and sick. Wanting to hurt Jason, Brenda told Robin about Carly and the baby, and went so far as to claim that Jason had come on to her, instead of the other way around. Distraught by Brenda's lies, Robin went to find Jason.

In the meantime, Carly begged Jason to help her get out of town. Weak and suffering from post-partum depression, Carly felt she needed a break to regain her strength before she could begin taking care of the baby. Jason agreed to help her, and she left. Jason brought the baby home to the penthouse to find Robin waiting for him there. Jason told Robin the whole truth, which Robin reassured him she had never doubted-- she knew he had never been unfaithful to her. Still, when he told her that AJ was the baby's father, Robin tried to convince him that he should tell the truth and stop keeping Carly's secrets. Jason listened to what Robin had to say, but still felt he couldn't go back on his promise to Carly. They parted ways with nothing resolved, and an awkwardness regarding where they stand with each other, as Robin went off to help Jax and Brenda.

Jason grew more and more attached to the baby. The Quartermaines devised a half-baked plot to lure Jason over to the mansion for Emily's birthday and steal the baby from him. Though this plan of course failed, the effects have been far-reaching. Justus, disgusted by Edward's behavior, quit ELQ and decided to go to work for Jason. Emily ran away to Jason's, and though she has returned home, the chances of her forgiving Alan, Edward, and especially AJ seem slim. Jason is only more convinced that he needs to keep the baby away from the Quartermaines-- and AJ.

This paltry attempt at kidnapping, plus a shootout the baby was almost present for, made Jason concerned about the baby's future. Although he wanted to wait for Carly's return, it seemed time for the baby to have a name. With Bobbie and Mike's advice, Jason made arrangements for the baby to be baptised at Queen of Angels, Sonny's church, with Mike and Emily as godparents. Unfortunately, the Quartermaines learned of the impending baptism and stormed the church. Jason was only convinced to allow them to stay by first Lila, and then Robin.

Another unexpected guest appeared at the baptism: Moreno, Jason's rival. Moreno claimed his presence was a gesture of goodwill in the interests of the peace proposal Jason had made. As the ceremony continued, Jason shocked everyone by announcing that the baby would be named Michael, for Sonny. Just as the baptism was concluding, Carly entered the church. There and at the reception given later at the penthouse, she still seems reluctant to have anything to do with her baby.

Robin found herself confused about her place in Jason's new life. She attended the baptism and the subsequent reception afterward, but the distance between the two of them seems to grow every day. While at the reception, Robin was unexpectedly confronted by Moreno, who remembered her mother and stepfather, Anna and Duke. Moreno upset Robin by recalling how Duke had died trying to leave the organization, but she kept herself very well in control. Jason informed Moreno that he should consider Robin's safety "not up for negotiation".

Carly was still nervous about touching her son, Michael, but with Bobbie's help, she finally overcame her fears. At the same time, Carly confessed to being Caroline Bensen, Bobbie's long-lost daughter. Angry and hurt, Bobbie refused to have any relationship with her daughter. Carly and Michael stayed at the penthouse, and Jason grew closer to them both every day.

Robin found herself still drawn to Jason, no matter the many obstacles that stand in their way. On Valentine's Day, they met at the bridge and Robin kissed Jason. [transcript] However, she soon realized once again that they can't be together, and Jason agreed. As a result, Robin seems to find herself at loose ends much of the time, and readily agreed to help Emily help Nikolas Cassadine to recover his speech. When Emily was forbidden to visit Nikolas anymore by the Quartermaines, Robin presented herself to Nikolas as a substitute. Although Stefan discouraged her presence at Windermere, Robin was not daunted and she and Nikolas hit it off.

Jason found himself in serious danger when he learned that Jax is undermining his influence with his men on the docks. With ELQ eager to begin renovating the docks, and Jason just as eager to retain control, the situation grew from tense to worse. Jason set out for a meeting-- one he wasn't sure he'd leave alive. In preparation, he revised his will (making a provision for Carly) and visited Mike Corbin, saying, "If the worst happens, tell Robin I love her and I'm sorry."

Meanwhile, Robin arrived at the penthouse, confronted by a hostile Carly. Provoked, Robin admitted that she intended to tell AJ the truth about baby Michael. Carly accused Robin of keeping Jason on a string, and Robin responded by pointing out that Carly lives in a world of lies and deception. Still, Robin decided not to go to AJ with the truth, and to work harder to stay out of Jason's life.

Jason met with his men and stood his ground, surviving a potentially life-threatening situation. Later, Robin and Jason met on the bridge and admitted their continuing love for one another, but reaffirmed their decision to stay apart. To distract herself, Robin spent more time with Nikolas. She was able to help him acheive a break-through with his speech. Nikolas expressed his gratitude to Robin and her friendship, which pleased Stefan not at all. Stefan went so far as to offer Robin money to stay away from Nikolas, which she of course refused. Helena Cassadine made overtures of so-called friendship to Robin, but she was rebuffed.

Carly grew more and more confident with Michael, and decided to take him out for the day, by herself. In the lobby of the Port Charles Hotel, Carly was told that she had a phone call, and turned her back on baby Michael for a moment-- to find him gone when she returned. Frantic with worry, Jason and Carly began searching for him, to no avail. The Quartermaines and Tony were primary suspects, but were both cleared of guilt-- in Tony's case, mistakenly so, as we learned that Tony had in fact kidnapped baby Michael, and had him stashed at Mercy Hospital, under false pretenses. Jason and Carly were advised by the police to keep Michael's kidnapping secret for the time being. Jason met with Robin on the bridge and told her, just as Edward was preparing to g on TV and offer a huge reward for information leading to Michael's return. But Edward's plea returned nothing but false leads.

Robin, already with the beginnings of a cold, was having lunch with Nikolas in the park one afternoon when Tony and Lucas came by. Tony asked Robin and Nikolas to keep an eye on Lucas while he ran some errands-- primarily, so he could arrange to bring Michael home from Mercy Hospital. When Tony returned to pick Lucas up, he dropped a grocery store receipt which Robin picked up-- stunned to discover that it was for such items as diapers and formula.

Robin followed Tony to the cabin and confronted him about Michael. Not only was she unable to persuade him to return the baby, she was taken hostage herself, to prevent her telling anyone of the baby's whereabouts. Additionally, Tony needed someone to look after Michael when he went out. Robin pleaded with Tony to let her go, telling him that she didn't have her HIV meds with her and could get sick. Tony promised to try to get her meds to her, but refused to let her go. Meanwhile, Robin's cough began to worsen. (March 23, 1998)

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