
| The Bridge | First Kiss | At the Boxcar | Nurses' Ball 1996 | Montauk | Telling the Truth |
| Leaving | White Swan | Protocol | The Shooting | Breaking up | Jason and Sonny | Brenda |

The Bridge

Jason is standing on a bridge, looking out over the water. It's a cold night in March. A song, Everybody Hurts, can be heard playing in the background. Jason hears something and looks up, he sees someone approaching and he quickly hides himself out of view. Robin arrives looking forlorn, she rests against the bridge and looks out, at the water. She she sighs deeply and looks very alone. Jason watches her quietly and decides to leave to give her privacy, as he does he hits some rocks, Robin looks up and Jason looks back. Robin looks through the fog and is startled as she recognizes Jason. As the scene fades out the lyrics of the song goes "When you feel like letting go, hold on... hold on."

The scene fades back in. Robin smiles at Jason.
R- Hi.
J- (walking back towards her) I'm sorry, I'm just leaving.
R- Ok if you have to, but if you want to stay that's ok too.
J- (says nothing)
R- Have you ever looked at the water from up here? It's so dark that you can barely even see it. (Jason moves closer) I like to pretend that it goes on forever. Mile after mile with no end.
J- I can't handle the concept of forever. (he sighs) I'm working on today.
R- I know the feeling. (pause) Um, I was at your bed the first time you woke up after the accident.
J- I remember. You never came back.
R- I'm sorry, I... I really don't have a good excuse.
J- You don't need one. I was lousy company. What's your name?
R- (Smiling softly) Robin.
J- Did we... (swallowing) know each other? You know, before....
R- (Robin laughs) You mean did we like have a thing together? No. No thanks to me. (pause) When I was 13, I was madly in love with you.
J- I never did anything about it?
R- Other than break my heart? Unintentionally, of course. No, you never did a thing.
J- (looking pleased) Wow, I'm really glad you told me this.
R- Why?
J- Because this is the first thing I've heard that Jason Quartermaine didn't do right.
Robin just looks at him surprised and smiles.
The scene fades out.

The scene fades back in.
J- Did I just say something dumb, or out of line right now?
R- Nooo. It was a really nice complement.
J- Good. Cause a lot of time I put my foot in my mouth with out thinking, and you have this look on your face I can't exactly read.
R- I was pleased. I was just a little embarrassed I guess.
J- Why?
R- Well, you were telling me that you made a big mistake by not taking advantage of the crush I had on you. Did you really mean it?
J- Sure. Why else would I say it?
R- People say things all the time that they don't really mean.
J- People do things a lot that I don't get. How long has it been since I saw you at the hospital?
R- I don't know, a couple of months.
J- Whew, It could have been yesterday. It's weird I have no sense of time. But that's another thing that seems so important to everybody. (Sarcastically) I'll bet Jason was always on time.
R- (Laughing) I'll bet he was too.
J- You know I've been listening to the Quartermaines, and compared to St. Jason, I'm the devil or something.
R- You don't really believe that!
J- Well, then tell me about his faults and I'll change my mind. Now think hard there has to be something that he did wrong. Flunk a test. Not do his homework.
R- Ok. I though of something. One time he grew his hair out and it looked really, REALLY bad.
J- (in disbelief) That's it, I'm desperate to nail this guy and all you can tell me is he had a bad hair day?
R- At least it's a start. Anyway I like your hair much better. It's different.
J- Now there's something you don't do that practically everybody else does.
R- What?
J- Act like your missing him when you're talking to me.
R- You're a different person. Believe me, Jason would never had accosted a strange woman on a bridge in the middle of the night.
J- Except you're not a stranger.
R- You didn't know that.
J- I do now.
R- (smiles and extends her hand) It's very nice to meet you.
J- (as they shake hands) It's nice to meet you too.
They smile at each other and the scene ends.

The next day: Outside of Luke's. Jason is sweeping the outside of Luke's. He is wearing a Luke's jacket. Robin approaches from behind him and looks up, staring at his back. She is visibly disturbed and sighs loudly. Jason stops turns around and looks at her.
J- Hey!
R- (she looks up when he calls her)
J- Is something wrong?
R- (no answer)
J- (Approaches her) What's the matter with you?
R- Nothing.
J- Don't lie. Why are you looking at me like that?
R- Like what?
J- I don't know like... like I hit you or something.
R- (struggling) For a second you reminded me of somebody.
J- (disappointed) I have that effect on a lot of people. I thought you were different.
R- I am. (her eyes are wet) You just look like my friend who used to work here. He had a jacket just like that.
J- He was a valet?
R-Yeah. I used to watch him like I was watching you. And he used to see me and smile. I'm sorry.
J- Uh, I have to get back to work. They want me to help stock the bar inside.
R- I should go anyway. Bye. (leaves quickly)
Jason turns after her and starts to say "Wait", but doesn't. He stares after her with a look of concern. The scene fades out.

It's later that same day. It's night out and Robin is leaning on the bridge. Jason quietly and carefully approaches her from behind. Robin doesn't hear him.
J- You're here.
R- (turning around, wiping a tear) Do you mind?
J- No, I'm just glad you are all right.
R- I'm fine. I'm sorry about what happened this afternoon.
J- No problem.
R- So how'd it go?
J- The job? It went ok. There's not much to it. I do what they tell me, park a lot of cars. The tips are good.
R- That's what my friend used to say.
J- Was he the first?
R- (Shocked) What?!?
J- First valet. Luke said that he was a lot better than the rest of them.
R- (Softly) Yeah he was.
J- Why'd he quit?
R-(Crying) He didn't quit.
J- (upset) I made you cry.
R- No it's not you. I just get tired sometimes.
J- Yeah so do I. Not like sleeping though. Tired like sick and tired of everything.
R- What do you do when you feel like that?
J- I leave. I just get on my bike and go. As fast and as far as I can.
R- Where do you go?
J- Nowhere. You see that's the point. You never arrive you just keep moving. And the wind, the wind is so loud you can't even hear your own thoughts.
R- I think I'd like that.
J- You wanna come?
R- Now?
J- Right now.
(She extends her hand silently.  He takes it and they walk towards his bike.)
J- So, where's your jacket?
R- I didn't bring one.
J- (giving her his jacket) Alright, I want you to take this. I don't want you to get cold.
R- What about you?
J- I don't feel it. I don't feel much of anything. I don't know if it's because of nerve damage or stupidity. But I don't like Dr. Jones enough to ask.
R- Well maybe you're just really hot blooded.
J- (hands her his helmet) Here.
R- What? You don't want to use this either?
J- Nope. I never use it.
R- Why not?
J- I keep hoping I'll fall on my head, hit it, and turn into this nice guy everybody likes.
(Robin laughs. Jason starts his motorcycle.)
J- Hang on.
Robin wraps her hands around his waist and they drive off. The scene ends.

First Kiss

The bridge. Jason has just grabbed Robin and thrown them both back off the ledge.
R: (yelling) That wasn't necessary.
J:Yeah, well, if you think that you're as brain damaged as I am.
R: Oh really, you think that you feel comfortable making that judgment. Well, you shouldn't you don't know anything about me. You don't know what I need or what I want and you sure as hell don't know what I have to live with.
J: (shocked) You're really mad.
R: And I suppose you find that shocking?
J: Only because I've never seen you mad before.
R: Well that just proves what I already said, you don't know me. Because I'm mad every single minute of every day.
J: Is that why you wanted to jump? Because you're mad?
R: I wasn't gonna do it. I know that suicide isn't the answer. It's a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Not that my situation is exactly temporary. I don't know. I guess I just wanted to shake my fist at God or the fates or something. As a way of saying I can't handle anymore, look what you're driving me to. I was being stupid....I'm sorry I pulled you into it.
J: No, I'm just glad I was here.(walks towards her)
R: It's just that sometimes I would like to get out of my body for awhile, you know? Just take a vacation.
J: Why?
R: Cause so many things hurt so much.
J: Like all the deaths? Your boyfriend, and then that lady everyone liked...Keesha's grandmother..and now this little girl.
R: Jeanetta.
J: Jeanetta.
R: She was so sweet, Jason. She was just a little girl, she should have lived a long, long time. Like Stone.
J: He was your boyfriend?...Stone...that's a good name.
R: I thought so too. I know I accused you of not knowing me. That's not really fair (wipes away a tear) I mean, I can't expect you to if I hide this thing that's defined me for the last year. So here goes, Jeanetta had AIDS. Do you know what that means?
J: Yeah, it's a virus that attacks the immune system.
R: That's how Stone died...and I might get it too.(Jason looks confused) Jason I'm trying to tell you that I'm HIV positive.
Jason looks at Robin then slowly leans down and kisses her. Robin pushes Jason away.
R: How dare you!!
J: What's wrong?
R: What's wrong?!! I tell you I'm a high risk and you gotta go straight for it. Go play on the turnpike, Jason. Get yourself into a nice game of Russian Roulette. But stay away from me!! I'm not going to be your suicide mission!
J: That's not right what you're saying. You can't contract HIV by casual kissing. The virus has to enter through the blood stream through unprotected sex or, or blood transfusions, or sharing needles.(looks confused) How do I know this?
R: You learned everything you could to help Stone because you were his friend. I thought you were mine, Jason. (shaking her head) I guess not.
J: Why are you all bent out of shape? Don't you get it? I knew I wasn't putting myself at risk. You weren't any suicide mission.
R: Then why did you kiss me?
J: Because I wanted to.
R: You find out I'm HIV positive and your first instinct is to kiss me?
J: (being sarcastic) Maybe it's that whacked frontal lobe.
R: This isn't funny, Jason
J: Maybe not...I just liked how your mouth looked...kind of trembly but strong at the same time and I wondered how it would feel to kiss you, so I did. But if you're this upset maybe I should have left town.
R: Why do you say that?
J: Just might be easier if I weren't around... I can still go...all you have to do is say the word.
R: (sitting) Why would your leaving or staying depend on what I have to say?
J: (sits down beside her) Because you're the only person I spend time with, and if I'm getting on your nerves there's no point in me hanging around. Career advancement opportunities? I don't think so.
R: Are you serious?
J: Yeah.
R: Okay.... I wouldn't like it if you left. I'd feel really alone.
J: Okay. I guess that makes us even...because you're why I didn't get on that bus... Are you, are you still mad about the kiss?
R: (smiles) It takes up too much energy to keep a full head of steam.
J: It's funny, you don't seem sick.
R: It's not the virus that makes me tired. I'm actually really healthy.
J: How's your T-cell count?
R: Perfect. They call me a long term, non-progressor.
J: So your not taking any medication?
R: No. I just make sure to sleep enough. Eat the right foods, conserve energy. That's not the stuff that wears me out, it's ...all the anger inside and the "why me's. (looks at Jason) But being with you helps.
J: I'm glad. Why is that?
R: Because when I'm with you, I don't have to match the next time that I am. You make me feel alive...and afraid.
J: (laughs) Well, I don't think I want to make you feel afraid.
R: No, it's a good kind of afraid. You take me into the moment with you, even if it is scary but, I mean, it's wonderful too at the same time. (smiles) So now you've met Robin Scorpio. Strong and steady on the surface, chaos and confusion underneath. In some ways I feel really lucky. I mean, I have a friend I can be totally honest with.
J: As long as you don't expect me to say the right thing. Because usually I don't have a clue.
R: You're better than you think.
Jason reaches over and takes Robin's hand.
R: Is this a bad idea? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable.
J: Actually I was..I was just thinking the opposite. It feels good, holding your hand.
R: To me, too
Jason looks at her, lets go of her hand, moves closer and puts his arm around her. She lays her head on his shoulder. The scene ends.

At the Boxcar

This scene takes place a couple days after Lily's death and Jason has just started to really work for Sonny. Robin is looking for Jason at the boxcar.
Robin: Anybody home?
She hears some shots being fired and ducks and covers, then starts to look around.
Robin: Jason, where are you?
Jason comes into the picture, running toward Robin.
Robin: Get down, did you hear those shots?
Jason: Ah, yeah. (showing Robin his gun and reaching for her hand)
Robin: Jason, what did you do?
Jason: Come here, I'll show you.
They walk a little ways and on a piece of wood there is a row of soda cans, lined up for Jason to shoot at. Robin covers her ears as Jason starts to shoot at them. They both laugh.
Jason: So, what do you think?
Robin: (hitting Jason with her purse) You practically gave me a heart attack.
Jason: Yeah, but look, I'm pretty good. I can clean it, empty the chambers, picked all that safety stuff right up. (Robin shakes her head) Or did I do this stuff before?
Robin: No, I don't think the Quartermaines had a shooting range.
Jason: That's probably a good safety precaution there.
They sit down on the log.
Jason: So, did you really think someone was shooting at me?
Robin: You like that idea?
Jason: No, its just nice that you worry about me.
Robin: I thought you hated when people did that.
Jason: Certain people.
Robin: Of course I'm going to worry about you, you work for Sonny. Things happen. (putting her head of Jason's shoulder) Did he give that to you?
Jason: Yeah, he gave it to me just in case.
A moment of silence; they both look the other way.
Robin: Well, I guess you probably think he's okay since you're here instead of there.
Jason: No, actually he told me to do something that couldn't be done, so I just thought I would stay out of his way for awhile. He's not doing that great. (Robin is starting to look concerned) He doesn't sleep, eat... He yells some, if that's a good sign, but I don't know if it is.
Robin starts to get up and Jason follows her.
Robin: Alright, I've stayed away for long enough. You know what, I don't care if he doesn't want me there, I'm going.
Jason: He's not going to be pleasant.
Robin: Well, who would?
Jason: You. Nothing bad should ever happen to you again, and if it did, I know how you would be.
Robin: Well, women take things differently.
Jason: Sure, but you're not all women.
Robin steps in and they kiss. It's a pretty intense kiss, so much that Jason pulls away.
Jason: Look, you better go before it gets dark downtown. (Robin looks disappointed) I don't want you walking around by yourself (pushing her hair behind her ear) Not that anyone gave me a vote, but if you can worry about me, then I guess I'm allowed.
Robin: Alright, I'll be careful. (holding Jason's hand)
They release hands and Robin waves good bye. She walks away as Jason is watching her.The scene fades out.

1996 Nurses' Ball

R: Everybody in this room has one thing in common. AIDS has touched us-- either through personal experience or out of conviction that stamping out this virus is a fight worth taking on. Two years ago-- God, only two years ago...Two years ago, I found love, or it found me, I'm still not quite sure how that works. I fell in love with a beautiful, perfect boy. And over the course of those two years I watched a man wage a magnificent battle. AIDS does that, it makes you grow up real quick. As the virus weakened him, and physically diminished him, and caused him unspeakable pain, and stole his eye sight...He should have been here tonight. He should've had a long life ahead of him. Instead he had nineteen years, nineteen years. It's wrong-- it's an abomination. We can't stand passively by while this virus takes our best and our brightest. As Jon Hanly says... as Jon Hanly used to say, "AIDS is an illness cloaked in fear." We thought half the battle could be won if we could overcome the fear of getting too close. And I believe that with all my heart. Well, ladies and gentlemen, take a look. This is the face of HIV. It's not so horrible-- is it? It's not so scary. I ask of you that every time you look into this face you'll remember that being HIV positive doesn't mean your life is over. Thanks to people like you, more and better research is being done all the time. Stone didn't live to see a cure, but God willing, I might. I beg of you, please don't be afraid to get too close. Don't turn your back on us. There are people like me that need you. Like Stone. Like Baby Jeanetta. Like Jon Hanly. Don't make us invisible as well.

Robin falters and begins to cry. Jason takes the microphone from her hand and puts it down. He picks her up and carries her away.


Robin and Jason have just gotten to Montauk and Robin is trying to tell Jason why she can't sleep with him. Jason thinks it's because of Stone.
J: He's still in your heart.
R: That's what I thought, that night. But you have your own place in my heart, and it's not's separate.Apart from anything I felt for him. I want to make love to you Jason.
J: But?
R: If I hurt you...
J: You won't.
R: You don't know that. I mean you know all the risks, you can use every condom and spermacide known to man. We could be so careful that we give new meaning to the word. But if I looked up at you, you're so beautiful and healthy. I f I thought for one second that I could give this to you. I'd freeze up I know it. I can't, oh...
J: (taking her hands) It's okay. Take it easy, I understand. Better than I did. It's a million times worse to watch someone you hurt that it is to hurt yourself. So of course you're more scared of me getting HIV than I am. And is supposed to feel good, and all it would make you feel with me is rotten...then I guess we'll never do it.
R: Can I tell you how much I just hated hearing that?
J: Not as much as I hated saying it.
R: Why?
J: What do you mean why? Because you are so beautiful and you feel so good. I just want to touch you, and hold you.
R:Would you? I mean we can do that...just that.
J: Alright, let me get this straight. You want me to touch you?(She nods, he touches her neck) What, like that?
R: (smiles)That's alright.
J: (he kisses her) How bout that?
R: That's nice too.
J: (smiles)Good, cause I could kiss you all night long.
R: Really?
J: Yeah, it would make up for all the times I wanted to and didn't.
R:Were there a lot?
J: Every single day. (kisses her) Is this really okay with you?
R: It's wonderful, but I know it's not enough for you.
J: Being with you is enough. I mean holding you and kissing you is..
R: Icing on the cake?
Jason: What?
R:(smiles) It's just this expression. It means better than the best.
J: That's it. Better than the best.(kisses her) I just want to hold you all night long, and touch you and if there is anything you don't want me to do you just tell me ok?
R:(looks away for a second) Okay. (she stands up) I'm not afraid.
J: I know.

He stands up beside her, kisses her then pulls her onto the bed. Their music (Dance With Life) starts, and the scene fades out.

Robin and Jason are sleeping. Robin is wrapped in Jason's arms. Jason awakes first and starts kissing Robin awake. Robin wakes up and smiles.

J- Well, good morning.
R- (smiling shyly) Hi.
(They kiss. Robin pulls back and looks at Jason apprehensively.)
J- What is it?

The scene fades out, and then comes back.

J-(concerned) Is something wrong? About last night?
R-(quickly) No. Last night was perfect. But it was you giving to me like always. I mean what we did. How could it be enough for you?
J-(smiling) Why? Because there was no penetration?
R-(looking embarrassed) Jason...
J- Well that IS the medical term.
R- (laughing) Thank you. I didn't know that.
J- Well ,if you're going to be a doctor you'd better learn. And you're just going to have to learn to trust me.
R-(softly) I do.
J- (earnestly) Then believe me. Someday I hope we could do more, but until then what we do is enough. And if that other thing never happens. What we do will always be enough.
R- Why?
J- Why? Because I 'm with you. That's what matters. (touches her hair) If I was the one who couldn't... Would you dump me?
R-(quickly) No.
J- Well then? OK. Then you have nothing to apologize for. Besides, (closing his eyes) last night is the best I've ever felt. In my life so far.
R- Jason, so far your life is 8 months.
J-Well, you're right. But really in that whole time last night was the best. And I was hoping this morning could be even better. (kisses her) I mean for one thing I can see what I'm doing now.
R- Better than the best?
J- (he whispers back) Icing on the cake.
R-(closes her eyes and opens them) I can handle that.
They kiss deeply. They continue kissing as the scene fades out.

Jason is sitting on a chaise lounge. Robin  enters holding a drink in her hand.
R- Did you get a hold of Sonny?
J- No, I haven't been able to reach him. What kind did you get?
R- Mmm. Lemonade. Fresh squeezed. Here.
Robin offers the drink to him and he takes it.
R- Hey! Don't drink all of it! It's for both of us. Where do you want me to put the change?
J- Um. In my wallet.
R- (something in the wallet catches her eye.) Hey! What's this?
J- What?
R-This (holding out a piece of paper)
J- That's my driver's license.
R- Is it real?
J- Yeah. I got it from the DMV.
R- How? I mean you could do that legally?
J- Yeah, I had Valentine take care of it when I set up those bank accounts. I didn't see any point in walking around with Jason Quartermaine's ID.
R- I guess so.(laughing) It looks like a mug shot!
J- (laughing with her) Well, It almost was it took so long to get through that line. By the time they were ready for me to take my picture I was ready to punch somebody.
R- (teasingly) But you didn't?
J- No, I didn't. I wanted to save you a trip to the PCPD to bail me out.
R- That was very considerate of you. (pause) I can't believe it's real.
J- Yep, no more Jason Quartermaine, not even on paper. All the accounts I got were in Jason Morgan. I even got a new passport in case I have to leave the country in a hurry.
(Robin stares at him.)
J- That was a joke.
R- No it wasn't. Would you come get me before you left?
J- I'd see you. And ask if you wanted to go with me.
R- I would.
J- Maybe. Maybe not. Cause what I do involves risks and I understand that. For me that just makes it more interesting. But for want to be a doctor.
R- Do you think I will be?
J- (honestly) I don't know. But if you get the chance, you are going to be the best doctor. And if you don't you'll know more than when you started, so it'll still be worth it. It's like everyone who warns me about getting killed... It's true. But what's the point in sweating over it?
R- Yeah. You're right. That's why I liked today so much. It was simple. I woke up in your arms, (he grabs her hand and kisses it) we went swimming, we laughed together. I just felt alive.
J- You are. You are so alive and so beautiful. (pause) Do you remember the first time we thought we were going to sleep together? And you warned me about the HIV and what it could do to me in 10 years? And I told you I didn't have time to think about it? I still don't. What I know is what we have right now. Everyday when I get up I know you're going to be in the world somewhere and that's going to make alright.
R- It's the same for me. Because of you I'm stronger, I can plan on things now. After Stone died I just kind of went through the motions, I always talked about the future to make other people feel better. But I never really invested in it. You know.
(Jason nods.)
R- You just...You taught me to live again. And the truth is when once you're alive you don't spend much time dwelling on the fact that maybe you won't be. Thank you for today and tomorrow and everything after that.
J- (looking at her lovingly) No. Thank you.
He kisses her and pulls her into his arms. The scene fades out with them embracing.

Telling the Truth

It is Robin and Jason's last night together before he takes her to Yale, after the going away party, and Robin and Jason are just arriving at the box car.
J: Why did you choose this place?
R: 'Cause it's where I want to be.
They climb up into the boxcar and sit side by side, not really touching. Jason is troubled by something.
R: Hey, whatever's hurting you, tell me. I want to help you.
Robin puts her hand on his shoulder. He doesn't answer right away and she runs her hand down his back, comforting him.
J: You can't. (he pauses, working up the courage to tell Robin something he knows will hurt her) Carly lied.
R: About the present?
J: About everything, all along. Starting with the 4th of July.
Robin looks down, sighing.
J: She lied, and, ah, I lied, too.
R: No, you just didn't tell. It's different.
The scene fades out, then comes back in.
R: Lying is when you look in someone's eyes and you say what isn't true. You never did that. (she is crying now)
J: I never wanted to until now. I mean, you're crying because I hurt you. I would do anything to stop hurting you. I'd lie. (Jason is beginning to cry also)
R: No! Don't ever. What we have is the truth. Even if it hurts it belongs to us.
J: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
R: I'm not mad, it's just, it hurts, you know? Knowing that she can give you what I can't, what I still can't give you.
J: No, no, you gave me everything! I couldn't lose that no matter what. I wanted to have sex with you but I knew that part of you still belonged to Stone, and I couldn't have what you gave to him. I understood that, I really did, and I just tried to act like, tried not to think of you in that way, just to be with her way from you, and it was okay because that's all she wanted from me. That's all. And I never thought, well until Montauk I didn't know...
R: What?
J: That we could make love like that, that you even wanted to. All the times you kissed me that's what you were trying to say, and I'm so dumb...
R: You're not dumb, you're generous. You accept things. You accept me. That night when we were here I just wasn't ready. Part of it was because of Stone but mostly it was because I was afraid of giving you HIV. I know you didn't care. I cared so much I couldn't even tell you. I just, I used Stone as an excuse to make you think you were second.
J: No, separate. Even before you said it in Montauk I knew that. I mean it's different for me though. You're the only person inside of me. The only one I'm connected to. I mean I care about Sonny and Ned because you taught me how to care. And if you couldn't tell me why you weren't ready then you were right to stop. I mean, I guess you can have sex with anyone, it doesn't mean much, but if you're gonna make love you have to trust the other person enough to tell them anything. (he pauses) I'll never lie to you, Robin.
R: I know. (she is smiling a little now)
J: And I won't be with her again.
R: No, you don't have to say that.
Jason cuts her off, shaking his head emphatically.
J: I don't want to, I don't want to. I don't want her.
R: Jason, I'm leaving. (meaning she's leaving for Yale and he'll be alone)


Jason and Robin are in the boxcar talking on the night before Jason takes Robin to Yale.
J: When I think about you leaving and I remember all the things you taught me, stuff you said to me that didn't make any sense, but I held onto anyway because I figured someday it would. All right, like the night of the nurses ball, you told me, when someone dies they are still in your heart.(they look at each other for a moment) Well you're in my heart, and you will be no matter where you are. The other day in the hospital, Sonny said I had to look at my future and I did. And it looks nothing like yours, I mean, we're so different we could be on separate planets.
R: But we're not.
J: I know, different cities, different lives, it doesn't matter, you're still inside of me. And that can't change because you made me.
R: You made me, too. It was like this left over pile of bricks, someone who used to be, Jason, someone who used to be me. Somehow you just put me back together again. Maybe it's because you saw who I really was.
J: Like you saw me. Except I don't think I turned out the way you expected. (they laugh) I mean, where I'm going, it's pretty dangerous, and I would never take you with me, but I don't want to lose you either.
R: You don't have to. We'll always have the bridge.
J: The bridge. It's our place. But, see, you were right about that too. I mean, you can't live your life on a bridge, cut off from everything. You have to care, you have to. You have to try. I don't know, I don't know, maybe my dreams are different from yours. But if I never saw you again you'd still be the most important thing in my life.
R: You dream?
J: Yeah, now, about you-- living for years, being a doctor. Sometimes I even dream about us going to Switzerland.
R: And I would go, believe me. I want to be in your future, Jason.
J: (getting serious, whispering) You will, no matter what. Because we're a part of each other.
R: Always.
J: Always. (they hug)

It is morning now, and Jason and Robin are still sitting in the boxcar together. Jason is leaning against the door of the boxcar and Robin is sitting in front of him, leaning against him. He has his arms around her, holding her close, and he is looking up into the sky.
R: This is a good place for us to spend our last night together.
J: Yup. It beat the hospital anyway. For one thing we have the sky.
R: Is that why you picked it when you left the Quartermaine's?
J: No, I just didn't have any money.
Robin laughs, Jason smiles.
J: (he looks down at Robin) The sky was icing on the cake. (they look into each others' eyes for a moment)
R: Things happen......You find the best things where you least expect them. Like this one night I was on this bridge, right? (she tucks his arms around herself tighter)
J: Uh huh.
R: And I met this guy, and he changed my life.
J: (looking down at Robin again) Wow, what an amazing coincidence. You see, because, I was on this bridge and I met this girl and she gave me mine. (Jason looks up at the sky again and sighs) It's time.
R: (looks up at him, smiling) How do you know? You don't have a watch.
Jason looks down at Robin, puts his hand on her head, gently strokes her hair and kisses her tenderly. They kiss and hug each other tighter and the scene fades out.

White Swan

It is autumn. The wind is blowing and Robin and Jason are standing outside The White Swan, an Irish pub somewhere in rural Pennsylvania.
R: Nice, huh?
J: Yeah, I guess.
R: Well, he didn't have to pick us up. Besides, you do look kind of, you know, menacing if someone doesn't know you.
J: Yeah, well, something tells me that guy's not afraid of much. Besides, it wouldn't have killed him to give us a ride into town. I mean, why drop us off here?
R: Well, he said there's a phone-- if it works.
J: It'd better. I promised to get you back to Port Charles for Brenda's wedding, and I will, no matter what. I know how important it is to you.
R: The important part's already happened.
J: What's that?
R: We're together. (they kiss) Come on...(she starts to lead Jason into the pub)
J: Get over here.
Jason pulls her back by the hand into his arms. Robin laughs a little shyly. They hug and kiss once more then go in. The scene fades out.

Jason and Robin are inside the pub now. Jason is standing very close to Robin, just behind her, and they are both leaning against the bar. Robin is on the phone speaking to Brenda.
R: Outside it actually, in this funky little Irish pub.
B: How'd you wind up in Pennsylvania?
R: Well, my roommate Heather's on the field hockey team and they had a match against Penn. I just came along for moral support and then Jason picked me up and a mile into the trip his tire blew
Jason is embarrassed and puts his hand up to his eyes, covering them for a second.
B: Are you all right?
R: Yeah, fine. It was kind of scary for a second but Jason knows what he's doing. Anyway, we were out in the middle of nowhere, there's no phone, if this guy hadn't picked us up then we'd probably still have been stranded. I wanted to tell you that I'm going to be late but I'm coming.
B: Well, how?
R: I don't know. (she looks over her shoulder at Jason) Jason's going to figure it out.
B: Let me talk to him.
Robin hands the phone to Jason.
J: Yeah.
B: Jason, she's okay?
J: Yeah, she's fine.
B: How are you planning on getting her here?
J: Um, somebody's sending a car. (looking at his watch) It's going to pick us up in an hour and I'll just have the driver floor it all the way to Port Charles.
B: Will you do something for me?
J: Sure.
B: How does Robin look right now?
J: (looks at Robin and lovingly smoothes her hair a little) Beautiful.
B: Listen....let me talk to her.
R: What?
B: Hey, you love me right?
R: I'm your maid of honor, aren't I?
B: Yeah, well, you're fired. I want you and Jason to stay in Pennsylvania or wherever you are, and just enjoy each other.
R: (concerned, she looks up at Jason) Are you sure?
B: I'm positive. Look, even if you get here on time, which you probably wouldn't, you'd have to grab your flowers, run down the aisle, then we'd take off, and you'd have to take off right back home. I don't know how good that would be for you.
R: I want to stand up for you.
B: You always have. Especially when you said you'd be my maid of honor. Hey, how many times have you told me you missed Jason?
R: Like, a million.
B: Where is he right now?
Robin looks at Jason. He is watching her with a very sweet look on his face and holding her hand.
R: Right next to me, holding my hand.
B: Good, so be with him, okay? That's the best wedding present you could ever give me, and it's my wedding present to you.
R: (sighs) All right. I love you. Be happy, okay?
B: I love you, too. Be happy. Hey, give Jason a kiss for me, too.
R: (laughs) Okay. Bye. (hangs up phone, gives Jason a kiss on the cheek)
J: What's that?
R: A kiss from the bride.
Robin pulls him up from leaning on the bar and puts her hands up around his neck.
J: What's this?
R: A kiss from me.
The scene fades out.

They are still at the bar, Jason is hanging up the phone.
R: Everything okay?
J: Everything is fine. All we have to do is wait. Do you want something to drink?
R: Yeah, I'll have a soda.
J: (to old Irish bartender) Soda, two.
Bartender: Ah, change of plan, eh?
R: Yeah, kind of. I was on my way home to be in my friend's wedding.
B: Still, if you'll pardon me, you don't seem to be too upset. I presume that time spent with this young fella is more important.
R: As important, anyway.
B: You couldn't be in a more romantic spot. The Wild Swan is known as a sanctuary for young lovers-- which is I'm sure what you are. Oh, I have the gift of recognizing true love and the fate that brings you here.
J: (looking annoyed) Ah, fate didn't bring us here. Some bad tempered guy with a scar on his face did. (Robin is starting to look annoyed) Ahh, this is for the phone calls and the sodas. Maybe you could bring them when they're ready?
Jason and Robin pick up their things and start to walk away from the bar to a booth by the fireplace.
R: Jason, that was rude.
J: Well, so was he! What does he care if we're lovers or not. Where does he get off asking, anyway?
They sit down at a little table and take off their jackets. Robin sits on a long high-backed bench, and Jason sits on a chair across from her.
R: He was just trying to be nice. Some people are just romantic. You know, they see two people that are in love and they say something to help it along.
J: And he knew just by looking at us?
R: By looking at me, probably. My roommate says I get this really strange expression on my face whenever I say your name. It's probably worse when I'm with you.
J: Or better. Say my name. (looking pleased and a little playful as he says this)
R: Jason.
J: (getting serious) That didn't look so strange.
R: What do I look like?
J: Beautiful.
They kiss.
R: Hey, guess what? You might be sitting across from a celebrity.
J: You're going to be famous?
R: Well, I don't know, um, there's this news magazine and they're doing this story about the twenty most promising students of the class of 2000.
J: Yeah, and you're one of them.
R: I'm being considered-- along with 500 other people. I don't know. I got a call from a reporter the other day to set up the interview.
J: They'll pick you.
R: Oh, really? How do you know?
J: I just know. You're smart, you're incredibly brave, and anyone who speaks to you for five minutes knows it.
R: Mmm, you're prejudiced.
J: Uh uh, I'm right.
He leans forward, puts his hands up to her face and kisses her. The scene fades out.

They are still sitting at the little table across from each other, but now they are leaning toward each other with their elbows on the table holding hands.
R: I mean, I know you do by the way you hold me, but you haven't said it yet.
J: I don't know how.
R: It's easy. Remember when I told you in the summer, when you kissed me I felt it on my mouth hours later? The same thing happens now. When I'm studying and I'm alone, I just...I close my eyes and I think about you...phantom kisses. I miss you so much. Every minute of every day.
J: You know, that's what I said (sighs) in this letter.....I never sent you.
R: Do you still have it?
J: It's in my jacket.
R: (looking surprised and pleased) Let me see it, please?
Jason gets the letter out of his jacket, gives it to Robin and starts to fidget around, embarrassed, putting his hands up to his face again and covering his eyes for a moment.
R: (reading the letter) It's not the ache you told me about-- it's bigger. There's nothing inside me without you. I work and eat and sleep and-- (looks up from the letter) What's this word that's crossed out right here?
J: Ah..(stalling)...fight.
R: Jason ...(looking very worried.)
J: Don't worry, Sonny made me stop. It's not doing me any good. Go ahead, finish.
R: I work and eat and sleep and none of it matters because my heart's with you. (starting to cry)
J: That's why I didn't send it. (looking as if Robin's hurt will break his heart) I don't want you to hurt, Robin.
R: But, I do. You know, so much sometimes I even wonder if it's even worth it.
J: Of course it is. I mean you love school. I can tell.
R: I love you more.
J: All right, then do what I say. Stay. Look, I......I can handle....I can handle being without you. I mean it sucks, but I'll get through it. And, I don't know, I don't know, maybe it'd be easier if we could talk about it.
R: We can talk about it. You can tell me anything. okay? You don't have to be strong for me. We can be strong together.
J: We are. (they smile finally, and kiss) Okay, so, how is school, for real?
R: It's fun, mostly. But they're, they're young. You know? They don't know what it feels like to hurt or to mourn. They don't know what it feels like to want to live more than anything. I mean you're what...your life is only a year so far? But you know what matters. I mean you can connect with me on a level that they will never be able to. Remember when I told you I just liked being with you? That's what I miss most. Just hanging out, you know?
J: Yeah, me too. That's why I work so damn much.
R: That's why I study so damn much. (they laugh a little) If I keep going like this I'm going to be a genius in four years.
J: You already are.
R: Yeah, not quite.
Jason gets up and sits next to Robin in the booth. He puts his arms around her and she leans into him. He kisses the side of her face.
R: You know, everytime I want to quit, every night when I'm lying there holding my pillow (she laughs), instead of you, I just think about when you said that we're a part of each other. (she turns to look at Jason and they hold hands) I couldn't do this without you.
J: I promise, I'll always be waiting for you.
R: I promise, I'll always come back.
Jason puts his arms around Robin, hugging her tight. They kiss and then sit, wrapped up in each other, until the scene fades out.


Robin and Jason are standing on the bridge, and Robin has just told Jason that she has decided to live.
J: What do you mean, "live"?
R: I mean I'm going to go on the protocol. I'm going to take my pills, and I'm going to monitor myself and when I do I'll think of you and know it's worth it.
J: I don't want you to do it for me.
R: Jason--
J: Well, you're afraid of it, Robin. Do you think I want you scared? Hurting or miserable? Because I want you to live and I think this is your best chance. But if you don't believe in it, who cares what I think?
R: I do. I want to make you happy.
J: Then I'm like everyone else. Mac, Felicia, Brenda, Stone, even Sonny. Robin, you come for these people, you go for these people, you study for these people, you bleed. And then you tell the whole world you're HIV positive and smile no matter how bad it feels because it's important to them. You don't have to do that for me. You don't have to do anything except let me love you.
R: Do you want me to go on the protocol? Jason, look at me please. Do you?
J: Yes.
R: So do I. Remember that night we were standing here and I asked you if you wanted to jump? I knew I would never do it but I thought you might. You were holding my hand. That night you chose life for both of us. That's what I'm doing now.
J: I don't understand.
R: Look, I can take pills for three years. I can take pills for my whole life if it means I get to spend it with you. But until tonight, it was like I could love you and then get to die and be with Stone. You were the good thing I got before that happened. But now I know it could be years. It could be a lifetime before that happens, and that's what I want, a lifetime with you. Do you know how good it feels to finally be able to give you something?
J: But you've given me everything all along.
R: Let me give you this too.
J: Thank you.
R: You're welcome.
Sonny comes.
S: Am I late?
R: Hey! You asked him to meet us here?
J: Yeah, he wanted to know what you decided.
S: I want to help, sweetheart. I know I can't, but whatever you decide is fine.
R: It's okay. I'm going to go on the protocol.
S: Hey, come here. (hugs her. to Jason) Did you do this?
R: He just reminded me of what I already knew. I want to live, and this is my chance.
S: It's gonna work. You know that, right? You're gonna live.
R: I know
S: All right. I didn't remember how quiet this place was. The night we scattered Stone's ashes, remember, there was no sound at all.
J: Here?
S: Yeah. Right-- right there. Standing here in the cold watching Stone's ashes fall. Felt like the end of everything. I looked up at you. You were so alive and when I started to think what could happen--You know how much I wanted you to take that medicine?
R: I'm sorry.
S: No, what I'm trying to say is that I can't imagine living life without you. You're the last person I should love, but I do.
R: I remember when I used to think that you were a bad guy.
S: Ahh... wait, I am a bad guy.
R: Never.
S: No? (his cell phone rings)
R: No.
S: Ooh... I'll bet you this is somebody wanting me to do something rotten.
R: Take it.
S: Alright. (into phone) What?
Lucky: (on phone) You know who this is?
S: Yeah.
Lucky: Well, listen. We need you down here, okay? Now. Mac found us.
S: Be right there.
Lucky: Thanks.
S: (to Jason)Rochester. Don't worry, I'll handle it.
R: You know, I can take the train back to school.
S: Absolutely not. When do you take the medicine?
R: Tomorrow if I want.
S: Good, good. Take her to the doctor, make sure that, you know, you find out about the medicine. Call me with the cost, all right?
J: I'm paying for it.
R: Wait--
S: No, I'm paying for it.
R: Wait, wait, wait. Did you guys talk to my Uncle Mac about this?
S: No, I'll take care of Uncle Mac.
R: Good luck. Please be careful.
S: I will. Hey, take care of her.

The Shooting

Robin and Jason are at Mac's house, and Jason left to follow up a lead on the Tin Man at the Zebra Lounge. Robin is worried that he hasn't come back yet. We see her in the living room, carrying a glass of iced tea. The doorbell rings. She quickly puts the glass down and goes to the door.

R: (thinking it's Mac) .....did you forget something? (she opens the door, sees it's Jason, smiles and throws her arms around his neck in greeting.) You're back!
Jason has a bouquet of flowers hidden behind his back in his right hand. He gives her a one-armed squeeze in return.
J: Yeah. (he laughs)
R: It just seemed to take longer than it should.
J: Well, I had to stop by my place and drop something off; and I got you these. (whips out flowers with a flourish.)
R: They're beautiful!! Where'd you get these?
J: Well, there's this field about a mile from Jake's. I go out there sometimes to think.
R: You don't go to the bridge anymore?
J: Well, it hurts too much to be there without you.
R: I missed you......every minute.
J: Do you remember when you said it was an ache that didn't go away? Well, it's gone; but I'm still hurting. I mean can you hurt from being so happy?
R: That means your heart is too full. I love you. I'm so glad to be home!!
They embrace as their music begins to play. The scene fades out.

The scene fades back in. Robin is holding the flowers Jason gave her.
R: Will you please call the restaurant while I put these in a vase? The phone number is right by the phone; and we're a little late. But the owner is a friend, so it's all right, okay?
J: Uh huh.
Robin goes around the corner out of sight to get the vase. Jason stands rooted to the spot, arms crossed. In a flash, Robin steps back into the room.
R: Or we can stay here. We've never done that before. I'll cook for you.
J: Yeah, that sounds good. I'll help.
R: (doubtfully) Cook?
J: (playfully, as if insulted) Yeah, cook! I help Sonny cook all the time!
R: Sonny never lets anybody help him cook!
J: Look, I just do what he says. So if you feel like giving orders in the kitchen, I'm used to it.
R: I don't give I?? Call the restaurant!! I'm gonna put these in some water, okay?
J: Okay, good.
Robin grins and leaves the room again. As he calls the restaurant, we see a shot of the Tin Man outside the window, opening his bag, which contains the unassembled rifle. Then back inside the living room .
J: (Into the phone.) .....Thank you very much. (he hangs up and Robin walks back in, carrying vase) They gave the table away.
R: (wryly) So much for Uncle Mac's clout!
J: (chuckling) Yeah.
Robin places the flowers on the coffee table.
R: Aren't they pretty?
J: Yeah.
R: Thank you.
J: (nodding) Yeah, sure.
R: (stepping around the table and taking his hands in hers) You're supposed to say "You're Welcome"!!
She pushes him towards a chair, and they sit.
J: (kissing her hands) Well, that too. Oh, man...(takes the cell phone out of his back pocket) I'm not used to carrying this thing. It better not be broken. (examines phone, punches a button. We hear a beep.) All right, it still works. (lays the phone aside)
R: Is that Sonny's? Are they okay?
J: (sighing deeply) Yeah. They're on their way out of town. I gave Sonny a lead on the Tin Man, along with a description...and the thing about the origami.
R: Did you see Brenda?
J: No. I didn't see either of them. But Sonny says they're okay, so.....
R: She must be going out of her mind. I can't imagine being framed for murder; especially when you know they're doing it to try and hurt someone you love.
J: Well, I think that's why Sonny's running. It's....It's not right, Robin. He's got no backup. He's not even sure who he's looking for, okay? He should have let them arraign Brenda, got her out on bail, and then proved it was a setup!
R: He couldn't chance that she'd be hurt...
J: Look, I know...I know. He gave me the whole speech about how things, you know, get personal sometimes. Like with Dorman. I wanted to kill the guy...and Sonny said "No". He did the thinking for me then. Now it's my turn. Because all Sonny wants is Brenda to be safe. And you know he's not thinking any farther ahead than that! So I have to.
R: And what are you gonna do?
J: Try and solve it from here. I mean, even if...even if Sonny runs into the Tin Man--then what? What, the guy's a pro. He's not gonna confess because Sonny asks him to. And if something happens to the Tin Man? If he somehow dies? That's it--they've got nothing! But if we can prove that he framed Brenda....
R: (doubtful) How're you gonna do that?
J: I don't know. (standing and pacing around the room) I don't know...find whoever filled out her dry cleaning order....see if anybody at the hospital remembers the Tin Man. He was there at least twice. And you know that he was at the Cosmopolitan. How else could he have gotten Brenda's hair? And that was before Brenda and Sonny ever got back together because ever since then we had a 24 hour guard on their room. (he pauses as he catches the look on Robin's face.) .....What?
R: I just realized...I'm not the only one that's been studying.
We see another shot from outside the window as the scene ends.

The scene begins again inside the house.
J: (walking back to stand closely in front of Robin.) Brenda's your friend. I thought you'd want to know.
R: I do!! I'm glad you could help her. I just...I've never heard you think out loud that way before.
J: What way?
R: Sorta...distant.....and calculating. I guess you must have learned that while I was away, like I learned the socio-political roots of neo-romanticism. Except it didn't change me.
J: You think I'm different?
R: You know've seen more.
J: Yeah, I have.
R: Well, experience is supposed to be the foundation of knowledge. (She smiles up at him.) Why don't I test you? (playfully).
J: (leery) On what?
R: Your imagination.
J: No. No, no, no, no...
R: C'mon!
She grabs his hands and he puts up a token struggle to get away.
J: No, no....thinking about things that aren't real gives me a headache!
R: Maybe they aren't real now, but they'll be real in the future.
J: (sitting down, with Robin standing in front of him) What are you gonna do?
Robin lightly touches her open right hand to his face, gesturing for him to close his eyes.
R: (in mock-hypnotic voice) Clooooose your eyes. (Jason stares at her.) Pleeeeese....close your eyes.
J: Okay...all right...
Robin covers his eyes with her hand.
R: All right. Can you see anything?
J: Hmmmm.......your hand.
R: (laughing)This is not gonna work unless you close your eyes, okay!?
J: Okay.
R: Okay, good. Now, I want you to... (Jason laughs) ...seriously! I want you to imagine something.
J: Uh huh.
R: It's ten years from now. This is our house. We live here together....and I'm a doctor. Maybe I just...(Jason tickles her and she laughs) Stop! ....I just came home from a day at work and you are cooking me dinner.... Can you see anything?
J: Your hand.
R: (she removes her hand from his face) I thought your eyes were closed!
J: (sincerely) They were! But I feel your hand, and that's what pops into my head! Look, you can try as much as you want--it's still not gonna work. It's when I was drawing that map. You know....I can't take what I see and make it go flat. I can't take "now" and make it "someday". Okay? All I care about the future is that you're in it...and that you're happy.
R: I will be, if I'm with you.
J: Well, I'm not going anywhere...because I love you, Robin, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you!
R: (taking his face in both her hands) Jason....that is the future.
They kiss, and move towards the sofa.
R: (laughing) Hey...where're you going??
They continue to kiss and fall on the sofa. We again see the living room from the outside, from the point of view of the Tin Man. The scene ends as he continues assembling his rifle.

As the scene opens, we see Robin standing by the stereo, turning on some music. Jason is seated a short distance behind her. Al Greene's "Let's Stay Together" begins to play softly in the background.
J: What's that?
R: (walking over to him) It's only my favorite song ever! (she grabs his hands, pulling him to his feet) I learned to dance to it standing on my daddy's shoes.
J: Oh, no...learned to dance? Standing on his shoes?!
R: Yeah, like
Robin carefully steps onto to Jason's shoetops.
J: Oh....
R: C'mon! (laughs) I'm not that heavy! (Jason laughs) See? So I could follow the music with him.
J: Oh, like this?
They begin dancing.
R: Yeah.
J: That's it??
R: That's it!
J: That's easy. Boy, you got the easy, easy job, didn't you?
R: I was a little girl! What, I'm gonna carry him?
J: (teasing) Oh, yeah! Your dad was a real good teacher!
R: He was!!
The point of view changes and we see them from outside the window ,as the Tin Man places the silencer onto the end of the rifle and screws it into place. Back inside, the music continues to play softly.
R: You know what I'd like?
J: What?
R: A hundred thousand nights, just like this one!!
J: (concentrating) A hundred thousands nights..that's 273 years.
R: (impressed) Perfect!
Jason pulls her to him for a kiss and the music swells. Jason holds Robin's face in both his hands and continues kissing her as she wraps her arms around his waist. Jason kisses the side of her neck, then suddenly grabs her around her waist. He lifts her off the floor and starts to twirl her around.
R: (surprised) Wait!.....we're supposed to be dancing here....
A slow-motion montage begins, with the point of view alternating from inside to outside Mac's living room. Jason twirls a laughing Robin around and around, as the Tin Man lifts his rifle and takes aim. The music is playing in the foreground now, and Jason sets Robin down and spins her into a one-arm twirl away from him. The Tin Man is ready to pull the trigger. Outside, the shot goes off and the window glass breaks. Inside, we the vase rises up from the table and shatters, just as Jason releases Robin's hand. She screams and Jason pushes her away from him. The Tin Man sights the rifle on Jason. Jason steps backward away from Robin and turns to the window. A second silenced shot rings out, then a quick cut to black.

Breaking Up

Scene begins with Robin standing on the bridge, staring out.
R- I didn't hear the motorcycle.
Jason is in the background, behind Robin
J- (walking toward her)Pete drove me.
R- Does the hospital even know you're out?
J- Yeah, I got Alan and Monica to sign me out.
R-It's too soon.
J- You want me to go?
R- No. (they move in and are in each others arms) I want you to stay. I want to stay with you forever.
The scene fades out.

The scene fades back in, and they let go of each other. Jason walks past Robin.
J- You know I only came here one time while you were gone and I stood up on the wall and I tried to imagine so hard that you were with me, but all I could feel was that ache inside me. And I didn't want to close my eyes because I knew when I opened them there'd be nothing but dark. So I went to Jake's and got in a fight. (both laugh half- heartedly) Which didn't make it better, but I learned something. (they both start to cry) I'm ok without you. I hate it, but I'd hate it worse if I was hurting you or keeping you from your life. Robin, I want you to go. I want you to go to Paris. I want you to be happy and not worry about me.
R- (trying to smile) That's the plan. Stand on a bridge over the Seine, look up at the historic buildings. Forget about this bridge, your face, and how it feels to love you. Think I can do that or you just think I'm lying to myself?
J- I think if you stayed you'd be lying to yourself or pretending, which is the same thing. Brenda does it, she says she's happy but you know she's not. You can tell. Sonny knows it. It makes him crazy. He can't say anything because, what's there left to say? I mean, that's the only way they can be together. I don't want that for you ,Robin. I don't want you to be afraid of me getting shot or you getting shot yourself and I don't want to do what Sonny did, walk out of Luke's and watch you die. Now, I couldn't stop you if you wanted to stay. It's not up to me what you do with your life, but I'm kinda glad that's not what you want either because your future is so important to you and you should have it.
R- I will and I believe you will too. Jason, you know what faith is right?
J- Not really. I mean, trusting what isn't there.
R- That's it exactly. It's beyond trust. Faith is trust mixed with hope. Trusting something you've never seen. I have faith in your future, maybe neither one of us can see it right now, but it's going to happen. Whatever it is, I'll love you.
The scene fades out.

The scene fades back in, both are staring out over the bridge.
J- The first time you said you loved me was the first time I knew what it meant. I mean the Q's used it as leverage. "We love you Jason, do what we say. We love you, pretend to be our son." But when you said it, I understood it and all I wanted to do was love you back. And now the best way I can do that... is to let you go. I mean you deserve a chance at everything you want, everything, to be a doctor, to be a mother, to be a wife --
R- Someone else's wife.
J- I guess. If you meet a guy in Paris, I'll hate his guts and probably want to kill him, (Robin laughs) but as long as he makes you happy.
R-I hope you find someone... who accepts you and doesn't try to control you to try to keep you safe. Who knows, it might even be me in 10 years or 2. I'm not asking you to wait. We don't belong together now, but what changed could someday change again and maybe..... maybe not.
J-I don't know. If a girl likes me and wants to sleep with me, I probably will. (Robin tries to hide how this hurts her) I might even like her but I don't see how I could love her... she wouldn't be you. (pause) Robin, you made me, you gave me everything I have inside. You said you couldn't love your life til I walked in it. Well, I couldn't love at all until you taught me. Now that I know....I almost wish that I hadn't (choking back tears) because it hurts too much to lose you. It's worse than anything I ever felt.
R- Jason, you are not losing me, you can't. Everything I'm moving toward, the future, even if I find it with another person, I'll always know that you gave it to me. You were right, we're part of each other.
J- I know....but you can't hold what's in your heart .(tears streaming down his face) Can I hold you now? 'Cause I'll never see you again.
He takes her into his arms and then wipes away his tears. The scene fades out

The scene fades back in with Robin and Jason holding each other and crying.
J- When do you have to go?
R- Soon.
J- I'll have Pete and I drive you to the airport.
They move apart.
R- I'm sorry. I promised Uncle Mac. Besides, I don't think I could say goodbye to you in front of all those people. Your the only one who knows strong, brave Robin 's an act.
J- (crying) Your a lot braver than me.
R- Jason, if you hadn't done this, if you hadn't come here, I would've gone to France thinking I had ruined everything between us. Thank you.
J- I didn't do anything.
R- You always say that and it's never true.
Crying, they kiss. Their song, "Dance With Life", plays to a montage of scenes from their relationship.  The scene ends.

Jason and Sonny

Sonny and Jason are talking a day before Sonny and Brenda's wedding. They are sitting at the dining table facing each other. Before the commercial Sonny said something that made Jason think he was changing his mind about leaving with Brenda.
J: (standing up) Are you changing your mind?
S: Do you want me to?
J: (getting agitated) No, it doesn't matter what I want.
S: Your life's at stake here, too. You should get a vote.
J: (breaks in quickly,almost cutting him off) This is a chance for the life that you want, like Paris was Robin's.
S: Now you're telling me to go?
J: I already did that for Robin. Mike said if I set her free, I'd be giving her the last thing she needed from me. So I did. I stood on that stupid bridge that I will never go back to (he pauses trying to compose himself) and then I held her face in my hands (pauses, holding his empty hands up as if cupping Robin's face) and told her that I was glad that she was going away from me forever (Jason has a puzzled look on his face as if he can't believe he actually did that). I wasn't lying. I want her to be happy. You can still want something and still have it tear a hole inside of you. (Sonny is looking down, Jason ducks his head to Sonny's eye level to get him to look him in the eye) No, I don't want, I don't want you to go, Sonny, I don't. But I want you to be happy, too, and if that means being with Brenda then you have to leave. You have to. You can't have her in Port Charles for all the reasons you said. She doesn't understand what's going on and you're going to have to work twice as hard to protect her, when you can't even think straight as it is. You said you have two choices. One, stay and die, two, leave and live. So leave and live, please. Just don't be jerking me around while you're doing it.
S: (moving away from Jason, his voice rises to a near shout and he throws his arms out in a gesture of exasperation) I can't find another way out.
J: I know that, and I'm not, I'm not mad. (he pauses, grabbing a chair, looks down as his emotions boil up inside him, and his next words seem to force themselves out of him) Yeah, I am mad, I am. (Sonny is looking down again) Please, look at me. (Sonny sighs and starts to look up) Please, look at me, because I want to tell you, because now I understand for the first time in my life what it feels like to miss someone and I'm gonna miss you. You and Robin are my family (tears are now glistening in Jason's eyes and his voice has sunk to a hoarse whisper) And I love you. (he pauses) And love just doesn't stop when someone leaves, Sonny. It twists inside and it hurts.
S: Not forever. It's just like getting shot. If you live, eventually the pain goes away. And you just remember what's good. (Sonny pauses) I'm sorry.
J: (takes his leather jacket off) It's no ones fault. (he wipes a tear from his eye with his thumb)
S: A world without blame.
J: What?
S: Something Brenda used to say. You're the only person I ever met who lives it.
Sonny puts his hand on Jason's shoulder for a second, Jason breathes out, beginning to pull himself together. After a pause Sonny breaks out of the moment, and jerks his head toward the second floor saying--She's upstairs waiting. Jason gets his emotions in check.
J: Oh, wait, you know what, I forgot, Moreno has a guy he wants to meet with you.
S: When?
J: Uh, tonight. I said I'd ask.
S: Who is this guy?

J: You know what? I have no idea who he is. I don't know anything about him. He's an independent who's owed a favor and he wants a meeting with you.
S: What do you think?
J: (shakes head) I don't know. Might be a good idea. Show Moreno you're still in business.
S: Is he downstairs waiting?
J: Downstairs.
S: Bring him up.
Jason puts on his jacket and leaves. The scene fades out.


Brenda is straightening a throw on her first green couch in her cottage when someone knocks. Thinking it's the moving men coming for the couch, she runs to the door and throws it open.
B: Coming! I have it all ready for ya! (seeing it's Jason, she tries to shut the door again)
J: No, no, no, no...Brenda, not yet. (struggling to force his way in)
B: Get out. I don't have anything to say to you!
J: Good, then listen to me, because this is important. I want your permission to protect you.
B: Oh, now that is ridiculous.
J: No, this is ridiculous. Pretending to live a normal life. Brenda, you're in the middle of nowhere. There's too much glass around here.
B: I like glass. I like glass, and I like light, and I like windows that aren't bullet-proof. See the people who lived here before weren't worried about snipers and neither am I. How'd you get my address? Is there somebody following me?
J: Emily told me.
B: I don't want you here.
J: Well, you know what, I was going to watch you myself.
B: Well, I don't want anybody watching me. I am out of Sonny's world!
J: That's fine and great Brenda, but other people might not realize that.
B: (in a softer voice) So did you come here to tell me that Sonny's enemies are still after me?
J: Look, I don't think so, but until I'm sure I'd just like to, uh.....
B: What?
J: What?
B: You'd just like to what? See, you know what, it doesn't even matter what you want to do, because I will not give one more second of my life to your sick organization. (voice rising again) Alright? If I see one person around here that even looks like they have something to do with you, I will call the police.
J: Good, will you do that? Because they might not be mine. Now I want you to listen to me. For more than three years you were a way to get to Sonny. Now there are some people out there who think you might still be.
B: Who? Well, who?! (no response) What people? Oh, see this is just like you. Okay, you're gonna come into my house and try and scare me to death, but you can't explain why. Well, I'm not afraid.
J: I'm just trying to help you.
B: Why would you want to help me, Jason? You don't even like me, do you?! You don't even care whether I live or die. The only reason you would come over here is because Sonny sent you. Did he send you here?! Sonny left you in charge, didn't he? Of his high and mighty organization. So I guess that probably means you're in charge of me, right, Jason? You're gonna sit around here and protect me like some lapdog? Well guess what, you don't get to do that because I don't want you anywhere near me and I don't want Sonny anywhere near me!
J: Yeah, well, guess what? You do not have a choice. Just because he doesn't want you anymore doesn't mean he wants you dead, Brenda.
B: (near tears) Do you have any idea how much I hate you? I think you are the cruelest person I've ever known. And I was just wondering if you feel anything over anything?! Did you feel anything when you were standing there watching me cry in that church? Jason, did you feel anything when sweet little Robin was crying and asking you to stop working for Sonny?
J: (finally losing his cool) Alright, now...You Shut Up!
B: Or what? Why do you want me to shut? Am I hurting your little feelings? Well, I don't think that's possible cause you don't have any feelings, do you? I think that every single thing that you ever told Robin was a lie, and I think that everything that she believed about you and everything she ever told me about you was a lie!
J: Alright, shut up now. You want to talk about yourself, you want to talk about me, you want to talk about Sonny, you go right ahead but you shut your mouth about when you talk about Robin.
B: Oh really? Make me shut my mouth! What are you gonna do? Are you gonna hit me? Are you gonna yell at me? Why don't you go ahead Jason, and call me a whore. Because that's what the man that you idolize, your hero, that's the way he treated the woman he was supposed to love. See I guess that's the way you guys treat women, isn't it? That's probably the way you treated Robin. Isn't it? Well, I guess now we know why she really left. She probably wasn't running from a broken heart, she was just running from you.
J: You want to make me hate you or hit you? What? I won't.
B: Why not, because I used to be Sonny's woman?
J: Because the first thing he ever taught me was not to hurt anyone smaller or weaker than myself.
B: Oh well, what do you think you're doing right now Jason? What do you think you did to me in that church and every single day that led up to that? And right now walking into my new life and my new home?
J: What do you want me to say, that I'm sorry?
B: I want you to be sorry! I want so much for you to be sorry for everything that you did to help him do this to me. And I want to hear you say that it was wrong. But you won't do that will you? Because you don't care about love and neither does Sonny, and it's really too bad that Robin and I didn't know that before you used us--
J: Before what?!
B: --and dumped us!
J: You know, you don't know what Robin feels Brenda, and you sure as hell don't know what I feel for her!
B: Oh, I know Robin and I know that whatever it was that you felt for her wasn't enough to make you give up your precious job for her!
J: That's it, Brenda! That's enough! It feels like someone cut me open inside. Everytime someone asks if she called or if she writes, or even mentions the name of the city that she went to it feels like she's leaving all over again. And it doesn't end. It doesn't get better, because she was the most important thing in my life and I lost her! So now you know I'm hurting. I already knew you were. What, is this easier for you now? Cause it doesn't help me at all.
B: (practically hissing) I don't want to think about you. And I don't want to see you or ever remember the day that I knew you. And if Robin's smart she'll do the same thing. And I want you to get out of my house. (approaching the door) And I meant everything that I said to you Jason. If I see anyone around here that looks remotely like they have anything to do with you, I will call the police.
J: They won't find anybody.
B: Just get out! (Brenda slams the door behind him, and kicks it a few times in fury)
J: (listens to her kick the door and then makes a call on his cell phone) Yeah, where are you guys? Alright, good, I can't see you. Now look, you stay on her but don't let her see you. Alright? Good.

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