Part Two:
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Upon returning to Port Charles, Brenda and Jax were the first to notice Robin's disappearance. Brenda instantly became alarmed when she realized Robin did not have her HIV medication with her, and began to panic. Despite Jax's advice, she immediately ran to Jason and confronted him with the news, also making it clear that she held him responsible for Robin's disappearance. Jason asked Brenda and Jax to give him twenty-four hours to go to Albany and find out if Moreno had Michael and Robin. They reluctantly agreed, as did Mac when he was told.
Tony left Robin at the cabin and tried to retrieve her HIV medication from the cottage, but was almost caught by V and fled the scene. He then attended a birthday party in his honor, as Robin's condition worsened. When he finally reached the cabin, all he had to offer her was aspirin-- despite the fact the she was developing non-AIDS related pneumonia.
Jason returned from Albany, having fought a war with Moreno only to discover that he didn't have Robin or Michael. He went to Brenda and asked her to remember who else Robin may have seen the day she disappeared. Brenda guessed that Robin may have seen Nikolas, and Jason went to Windermere. Stefan tried to prevent Jason from questioning Nikolas, but failed, and Nikolas was able to tell Jason about their encounter with Dr. Jones at the park.
Tony managed to acquire antibiotics that would help fight Robin's pneumonia, but got a flat tire on his way up to the cabin. Jason found his way there and broke down the door of the room Robin and Michael were being kept in. Jason held Michael in his arms, gazing at Robin, and said a heartfelt Hail Mary of thanks. He knew Robin's health was in danger, however, and was on the verge of getting both of them out of there when Tony returned.
A deranged Tony pulled a shotgun on Jason and demanded that he tie himself up and stay in the cabin with Robin while he, Tony, left with Michael. Jason refused, and wrested the gun away from Tony. Robin climbed out of bed and begged Jason not to kill him, and Jason agreed. He called his men in to watch over Tony, notified the police, and took Robin and Michael to the hospital. As he left, holding Robin in his arms, he asked Tony, "What do you think your chances are of living one minute longer than she does?"
Jason rushed Robin to the hospital, where GH intern Joe Scanlon was on hand to oversee Robin's initial care. Brenda, Jax, Mac, and Felicia were all overjoyed to see her, and horrified that Tony had caused her such pain. As Tony was taken away by Detective Taggert, Robin's health improved. She went back on the protocol, seemingly having suffered no setbacks. Jason was relieved to see her getting well, but decided it would be in Robin's best interests for him to stay away from her. Carly couldn't have been more thrilled with that news. Nikolas, on the other hand, was eager to visit Robin. His developing feelings for her were becoming more and more apparent.
Jason and Carly attended the Docks Renovation ceremony, along with the rest of Port Charles' finest. Jason indulged a whim of Carly's and bought her some expensive jewelry, which Carly took as a good sign. As the ceremony began to end, however, and Jax stood poised at the podium, Brenda spotted a sniper and dove to shove Jax out of the way, just as shots rang out. Brenda received a flesh wound and the sniper was killed by Mac, but no one else was hurt.
Jason was taken in for questioning by Taggert, on suspicion of having something to do with the assassination attempt. Carly overstepped her bounds and told Benny to call the union strike, which made Jason look guiltier. Jason, furious with Carly, told her never to get involved in his business again. While at the station, he sent Carly to see Robin, and make sure she was okay. Carly did as he asked, but promptly laid into Robin for bungling Michael's rescue and trying to run Jason's life.
Justus had Detective Taggert arrested for harrassing Jason. Placed in the same cell as Jason, Taggert tried to get Jason to offer him a bribe but failed. Jason was released first, a fact that aggravated the detective.
Nikolas met Sarah on the docks and told her their relationship had changed, and that he felt only friendship for her now. Angry, Sarah accused him of replacing her with Robin Scorpio. Nikolas denied this, but soon went to visit Robin in the hospital, bringing her a huge arrangement of flowers and a gift. Robin continued to get better, back on the protocol with no adverse affects.
Jason decided to accompany Carly to Florida, to settle her mother's things. Jason, Carly, and Michael spent time grower closer to each other, and Jason promised Carly he would always be there to take care of them. Carly read too much into his promise, and, when they returned to the penthouse, shocked Jason by climbing into his bed in the middle of the night. Jason told her in no uncertain terms that he did not want to have sex with her. Angry, Carly accused him of still being in love with Robin-- which Jason freely admitted to. He stressed to Carly, however, that he wouldn't sleep with her because he was familiar with Carly's grasping, deceitful ways with the men she got involved with, and didn't want Michael to be raised in that kind of environment. Carly apologized and Jason told her he wasn't angry. Later, when Carly went looking for him again in his room, she found he was gone.
At the hospital, Jason slipped into Robin's room and watched her sleep, a heart-wrenching look of longing on his face.
The next day, Nikolas came again to visit Robin. As they read French fairy tales, Nikolas again hinted to Robin of his feelings for her. They discussed her imminent release from the hospital, and made a lunch date. Robin received a subpeona to testify at Tony Jones' trial, which made her uneasy. Nikolas did his best to cheer her up before he left, however.
Down at the police station, Jason finished giving his deposition about the kidnapping. Ned was there, too. He walked up to Jason and started angling for a solution to the dock strike. Ned tried to bluff Jason, saying he was in a lose/lose situation. Jason informed him that the strike would stand until he got what he wanted, and when Ned was able to answer the demands of the dock workers, which Jason said resulted from the Quartermaines' attitude. Ned then changed topics and asked how Robin was doing. Jason admitted he only knew second-hand, and that it was in her best interest if no one knew how he felt about her. "Even Robin?" Ned asked.
As Nikolas left Robin's room, he bumped into Jason in the hallway. Nikolas thanked Jason for saving his life, and suggested he pay Robin a visit, then left. Jason lingered outside Robin's closed door and was about to leave when Robin herself came out. Although they talked for a few moments, Jason told Robin he couldn't stay to visit with her, and Robin left to get some exercise.
Later, Jason stood in the doorway of Robin's empty room, staring at the book and single red rose, both from Nikolas, on her bed.
The day of the trial arrived. Robin grew increasingly nervous, not willing to condemn Tony for his crimes. Dara informed Robin that she could be held in contempt of court if she refused to testify. Robin reluctantly took the stand as a hostile witness, but defended Tony, saying he considered taking Michael "the lesser of two evils", and was not responsible for his actions, considering his mental state at the time. Bobbie took the stand next, and expressed her disagreement with Robin's testimony, and her fear that Tony would steal Lucas, given the chance.
Robin's decision to defend Tony's actions was understood by Felicia, who took the stand as a character witness for Tony. mac and Brenda, though not thrilled with her decision, supported it fully. But Carly, frightened that Robin's testimony would set Tony free and eager as ever to try to bully Robin, let loose a vicious tirade at Robin-- little knowing that Jason listened in. Jason told Carly never to speak to Robin that way again, and when Carly continued to yell and whine, he informed her they were leaving. Bobbie stayed behind and told Robin she was equally displeased with Robin's testimony, though in a much less confrontational way that Carly had.[transcript]
Carly and Jason returned to the penthouse, where Jason again told Carly not to take out her anger on Robin, and that doing so would be the one thing that would make him kick her out of the penthouse. When Carly questioned Jason's loyalty and love for Michael, Jason got angrier, and coldly told her never to do so again. Leaving, he went back to the courthouse to talk to Robin about her testimony. Though Jason couldn't quite see why Robin had done what she had, he didn't blame her, saying that it didn't matter, Dr. Jones would get what he deserved anyhow.
Everyone was shocked when, in court the next day, Alexis Davis announced she would be representing Tony-- at Helena's request, though no one knew that. Alexis began a defense based on custodial interference, not kidnapping-- in other words, that Tony felt he had some custodial right to Michael, and was simply interfering in Carly and Jason's custodial rights. Tony took the stand and made a compelling case for his innocence. Alexis then put Jason on the stand and tried to show he was an unfit father, but Dara (with Justus' help) was able to show just how much Jason loves and cares for Michael.
In the meantime, Jerry Jax worked behind the scenes to end the strike-- with Jason coming out the winner, for now. Suspicious, Jason told Justus to find out who was behind their windfall, not trusting it for a moment.
Helena had Lucky steal an incriminating document from Dara's office, one that makes it look as if improper communication has been taking place between Justus and Dara-- which it basically had been. Alexis showed this document to Dara, who was then forced to make a deal. The courtroom was shocked when Tony was found guilty of only custodial interference, and receiveed an extremely light sentence of a year of community service. Carly in particular lost control and lunged for Tony. Detective Taggert tried to stop her, but she grabbed his gun and shot Tony.
Monica and Bobbie worked feverishly to save Tony-- mostly to save Carly from murder charges. Carly was taken into custody immediately, as Mac, the new police commissioner, was determined to play everything by the book. Later, it was decided that Carly would be remanded to a psychiatric hospital for evaluation. Jason brought Michael to see her before she went.
In the meantime, Robin continued to spend time with Nikolas. While meeting him at the Outback, she was approached by an angry Sarah Webber. Sarah accused Robin of stealing her boyfriend. Robin tried to assure Sarah of her mistake, but Sarah would hear none of it and left when Nikolas arrived.
Robin was horrified at Tony's light sentence as well; she thought he should have been the one to receive psychiatric care. She visited Tony and begged him to promise to never try to steal Michael again, and Tony said he can't.
Robin had dinner at Wyndermere with Nikolas, who seemed even more enamored. He gave her a fencing lesson that led to an awkward moment between them. When next they met for lunch, Robin told Nikolas of Sarah's accusations, and asked what his intentions toward her are. Nikolas said he's not sure, but did not hide his interest. Robin warned him that her emotions are not free at the moment, and that she still loves Jason, though they can't be together, which Nikolas understood.
Robin went to the penthouse and was there when Jason returns. He was awkward with her as she offered her help in taking care of Michael. "I thought you wanted to stay away from me," he said. She told him this was different, and they said an awkward goodbye.
Jason headed to NYC for business, and, at the same time, Brenda did the as well. They ended up the sole passengers on the Quartermaine jet. An argument ensued, of course. Brenda accused Jason of using Michael to stay close to Robin, knowing Robin wouldn't be able to resist helping an innocent baby. Once again, she compared Jason to Sonny and told him he should stay away from Robin. Jason accused Brenda of doing Robin a disservice by comparing herself to Robin, and pointed out how they are nothing alike. As Brenda stormed off to tell the pilot to land, the plane encountered rocky turbulance.
Despite the pilot's best efforts, the Quartermaine jet went down in a lake and he did not survive. Brenda and Jason swam to land and, using a map, tried to find a road, without any success. Brenda slipped and fell, reinjuring her hip, and Jason was forced to carry her. The two survivors came to an agreement to put aside their differences and work together. Brenda talked to keep Jason awake, and listened to him talk about Michael. As they both became afraid that rescuse would not reach them in time, Brenda began to talk about Sonny.
Robin was spending time with Nikolas when she caught a newspaper headline detailing the Quartermaine plane crash. She rushed to the penthouse, Nik accompanying her for support. As Robin checked on Michael, Justus told Nikolas to get Robin away before the Quartermaines arrived.
Meanwhile, Edward Quartermaine obtained a court order giving him temporary custody of Michael. Monica agreed, feeling the baby was better off with them until Jason came home, and the two of them went to the penthouse with Dara and Detective Taggart in tow. Justus tried to stop Edward from taking the baby, but Taggart arrested him for contempt.
Bobbie, hearing the news of the plane's disappearance, went to break the news to Carly. In typical fashion, Carly panicked and thought only of what Jason's loss would mean to her and Michael. Bobbie reassured her that Jason would be found. Ned arrived, however, and broke the news that Edward had Michael, which infuriated Bobbie. She went directly over to the Quartermaine mansion and gave Monica a piece of her mind. Bobbie agreed that the baby was safe and cared for, and believed Monica when she stated that Michael would be returned to Jason if he was recovered. However, Bobbie pointed out that Carly was both Michael's mother and her daughter and that she would fight the Quartermaines for Carly's rights. Monica and Bobbie parted on unfriendly terms, to say the least.
Jax, frantic with worry, coordinated with Mac and Ned to search for Brenda and Jason. As the hours dragged by, Robin began to reproach herself for the actions of the past few months. She told Felicia of how wrong she had been to turn from Jason because she was afraid to live what life they had, and instead had chosen to simply wait to die...Calling herself a fool, Robin prayed she would get the chance to change things, and go back to Jason.
Luckily, Jax and his brother were able to find Brenda and Jason, and brought them back to safety. Jason refused treatment and went directly to the Quartermaine mansion to retrieve Michael. Their taking him seemed to have driven an even deeper wedge between them. Jason thanked Emily for taking care of Michael and took him to visit Carly. He then left for Puerto Rico, on business.
In the meantime, Robin had made some decisions. She told Brenda that she was going to offer herself to Jason completely. WHen Brenda correctly interpreted this to mean sex, she expressed concern, but Robin remained determined. She was planning to take every precaution possible, but couldn't deny that a risk still existed. Leaving Brenda, Robin paid a visit to Nikolas to clear the air between them, and to let him know of her decision to get back together with Jason. Nikolas was disappointed, but admitted Robin had been completely honest about her feelings and hoped they could stay friends. He asked Robin to attend the Masquerade Ball as his friend and guest, and she agreed. Finally, Robin went to the penthouse to see Jason, but discovered him still out of town. In the meantime, Brenda and Jax headed out to Malibu. While there, they recommitted to each other and decided to get married.
Robin returned to the penthouse, knowing Jason to be back from Puerto Rico. Entering his room while he slept, she stunned Jason by telling him that she wanted to get back together. Jason was even more shocked when Robin showed him the condoms she had brought, and told him that she wanted to have sex. Robin explained that she was still afraid to give him HIV, but that the risk was his to make, if he wanted. Jason made it clear to her that he had always wanted to, and they made love. Later, Robin explained that she had learned to accept his job, and that their acceptance of each other would keep them together.[complete transcript]
When Michael woke, Jason went to feed him and Robin followed, getting the baby dressed. Jason heard a know on the door and, thinking it was Benny, answered-- only to find Sonny standing there. Sonny was overjoyed to see Robin and meet Michael, and Jason explained how events had unfolded to bring the baby into his life. Without Jason saying so, Sonny knew he wasn't Michael's biological father. Robin told Sonny of Brenda's breakdown, and made him promise not to go back to her now that she had found love and happiness with Jax. Sonny promised, but told Jason he had returned to Port Charles for a more serious reason; Carlos would be making his move against Jason soon.
Jason brought Michael to visit Carly and, during their visit, revealed to her that Robin had come back to him. Panic-stricken that her cushy situation might come to an end, Carly let loose a torrent of abuse against Robin. Jason cautioned her not to do that, and reassured her that she and Michael were still important to him, but that her loved Robin with all his heart. Carly acted mollified, but later asked Bobbie to take care of Michael, since she didn't want Robin to be around him-- ostensibly because of her HIV status. Bobbie disabused Carly of the notion that Michael was at any risk and then pointed out the heart of the matter: that Carly was in love with a man who was in love with someone else.
The Bacchanalia at Wyndermere promised to be an exciting event. Robin, accompanying Nikolas, gave Katherine her best wishes. Although Nikolas spent most of his time at the ball with Robin, he asked a nervous Emily for a dance that clearly she had been waiting for. Disaster struck the ball, however, when a distraught Katherine, having just discovered the secret of Laura and Stefan's past, fell from the parapet-- where Luke and Alexis had earlier loosened the railing, trying to kill Helena. Luke planted the incriminating dagger, which he'd used to loosen the railing, in Stefan's desk. Robin and Nikolas were the first to find Katherine, and she was rushed to GH. Robin called the penthouse and spoke to Sonny. Jason later joined her at the hospital, but left because Robin hadn't had a chance to tell Mac of their reunion yet. Later that evening, Katherine was declared dead. Stefan immediately accused Luke of being responsible, and Mac agreed to search Luke's-- with, of course, no success. When the incriminating dagger was found in Stefan's desk, Mac arrested Stefan for Katherine's murder.
Back at the penthouse, Sonny picked up the phone and heard Brenda's voice. When no one answered her hello, Brenda knew it was Sonny and drove straight over. Sonny finally admitted why he left Brenda at the altar, and Brenda said goodbye and went home to Jax, telling him everything and promising that Sonny was finally out of their lives. Jax took Brenda on a surprise trip on the yacht on which their first wedding had taken place.
Carly continued to harangue Jason about Robin, claiming that Michael would soon forget who his mother was. Jason refused to feed into her delusions, though he admitted to Robin that he couldn't blame Carly for being paranoid. Bobbie also expressed his misgivings to Jason, under the auspices of concern for Robin, lest she become to attached to Michael. Bobbie's warning about the difficulties the future may hold regarding Carly, Michael, and Robin living under one roof hit home, however. Jason asked Robin what she thought would happen, and Robin counseled that they simply wait and see what would happen, rather than worry about what could happen. Robin later attended Katherine's memorial service with Felicia and Mac, and tried to offer Nikolas what consolation she could.
Jason received a call from Sonny, saying that he had information regarding who Carlos is working with, and that he needed to see Jason right away. Jason decided to take Michael with him, which relieved Carly, since she didn't want him left with Robin. Jason promised Robin to be careful and headed down to see Sonny, who asked him how he plans to balance his responsibilities to Carly and Michael with his love for Robin. Sonny also confessed to Jason that he is miserable and that he still wants Brenda, but knows he can't have her.
Jason remained in contact with Carly to reassure her about Michael's well-being, though she had no idea where he was calling from, but didn't call Robin since he knew she'd understand the importance of keeping Sonny's location secret. When AJ wanted to find Jason regarding the docks renovation, he first went to Robin to find out where he was. Robin, who was meeting Nikolas for lunch, claimed to have no idea as to Jason's whereabouts, though in fact she is the only one in Port Charles who does know them. AJ next went to visit Carly and asked her. To make herself feel important, Carly pretended to know where Jason was, and told AJ she just wasn't allowed to tell.
In the meantime, Sonny received word that Carlos' partner is none other than Jerry Jax. Monica approached Robin and asked her to act as a mentor to Emily, who seemed to be going through a rough time. Robin asked Emily to join her at Brenda's photo shoot in New Yok City. Brenda asked the photographer to take some pictures of Emily, who was thrilled. Tom, the photographer, seemed pleasantly surprised at how well Emily photographed.
Carly let loose a tirade on Bobbie for talking to Jason about the future difficulties he may encounter balancing Robin, Michael, and herself against each other. Offended, Bobbie chastised Carly for planning to use Michael to get what she wants from Jason, and warned her that if she continues in this way, a people may begin to believe that Michael doesn't belong with his mother. AJ paid Carly another visit, dropping a hint that Jason and Robin might plan to keep her locked up forever. Soon after, Carly called Robin and asked her where Jason and taken Micheal. When Robin reassured her that Michael was in good hands, Carly let loose her usual venom, accusing Robin of not caring whether Jason lived or died. Robin brushed her insults aside and left. Later, Carly told a psychiatrist that she plans to do whatever it takes to hold on to Jason and Michael.
Robin went to a Nurses' Ball rehearsal, where she was scheduled to work with Alan. When he was a no-show, she ran into Brenda and confessed how much she worries for Jason's safety. Robin soon found herself reassuring Uncle Mac, however, who was not happy to hear of Jason and Robin's reunion. Felicia defended Robin's decision, however, and Mac found himself unable to influence Robin's decision.
The Nurses' Ball began well, with a performance from Lucky, Liz, Dara, and Taggert. Robin went to the ball with Mac and Felicia, since there was still no sign of Jason. She and Alan performed "Someone to Watch Over Me", and when a drugged-out Alan lost his place and lost his cool on stage, Ned stepped in to finish the song with Robin. Later, Brenda performed in an ensemble piece, "Big Spender". Just as the number finished, Brenda looked up to see Sonny, along with Jason, enter the room. Although initially startled, Brenda refused to let Sonny's presence affect her and ignored him. Robin went to sit at Jason's table, and gave a moving speech as part of a special tribute to AIDS and HIV positive men and women. Later, she performed a medley of "Thank Goodness for Little Girls" and "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" with Maxie, Karen, Serena, Emily, Edward, Scotty, and Mac.
Tony Jones took center stage and delivered a tirade against those he called "hypocrites" sitting in the audience, directing his venom at Jax, Stefan, the Quartermaines, and Jason. Robin, angry, not only stood up for Jason but ordered Tony to take his hatred elsewhere. Leaving the stage, Tony paused long enough to make a filthy comment about Bobbie, and was rewarded by a fist in his face from Jerry Jax.
Jason broke up a fight between Lucky and Nikolas, and shared a few brief moments on the terrace with Robin before being hassled by Taggert, prompting them to return inside. As the Ball came to a close (complete with the traditional underwear-only-clad Lucy in the chorus line), a body was discovered hanging above the stage, later revealed to be one of the interns, Jake.
Jason took Robin to the bridge, where they shared some romantic moments and talked about the future. Robin encouraged Jason to spend more time doing what makes him happy and what he loves. Meanwhile, Jax paid Sonny a visit and offered hima blank check to ge out of town and leave Brenda alone. Sonny refused, but informed Jax that it was not Brenda that brought him back to PC, but brother Jerry. When Jason and Robin returned to the penthouse, Sonny offered to fill Robin in on the situation and suggested that she may be placing herself in too much danger by staying with Jason and Sonny. Robin reassured him that she did not need to know their business and trusted them to take care of her. When Sonny swore that Robin would be the one thing in his life he'd keep clean, Robin reassured him that he was a good person, and not "dirty", not someone she needed to be protected from.
Jason took Sonny and Robin to the docks to see the renovation progress, and there stumbled upon Karen and Joe sharing a private moment. Sonny and Karen found themselves facing their past, and tempers flared. When Joe attacked Sonny, Jason pulled a gun, shocking Robin and scaring Karen and Joe. Karen and Sonny then talked and came to a peace about their sordid history, and parted on settled terms. Leaving the docks later, Sonny remembered how he had first met Brenda there. Meanwhile, Jax came to the realization that Sonny was telling the truth about brother Jerry, and Brenda comforted him. Jax was disappointed, however, when he confronted Jerry and his brother remained unrepentant. Later, we saw Jerry set up a bomb in a warehouse on the docks.
Stefan paid a visit to the penthouse, looking for Robin. When he found only Sonny there, he asked him to keep Robin away from Nikolas. Sonny refused, saying Robin was free to spend time with whomever she chose and that if Stefan wanted to separate them, he's best talk to Nikolas. Stefan related the incident to Nikolas, who refused to stop seeing Robin. Stefan acknowledged his right to do so, and simply asked him to be careful.
Jax brought a suitcase full of money down to the warehouse where Sonny was meeting Benny and asked Sonny for his assistance in paying off Jerry's loan. Sonny told Jax there was nothing he could do for him and the two began to argue when they realized there was a fire in the warehouse. Jax attempted to smash the window open, but Sonny informed him the glass was bulletproof. Outside, Mac had to restrain Jason from rushing in to save Sonny as Robin called Brenda to let her know Jax was trapped inside. Meanwhile, Jerry rescued Lucas from the building and Bobbie rushed him to the hospital to be checked out, though he seemed fine-- no thanks to Tony, who had lured Lucas down to the docks to play, violating the restraining order. Jason assured Jerry that he would pay if Sonny was hurt, and Jerry replied that if Jax was hurt as well, what happened to him didn't much matter.
When told that there was no hope of survival for Sonny or Jax, Jason tried to get Brenda to go home with Robin. Though Brenda listlessly agreed eventually, before the three of them could go, two figures were seen emerging from the ashes. Brenda ran straight to Jax, as Sonny watched. Later, at the penthouse, Sonny commented to Robin how he'd once "had it all", but lost it. As Jason and Robin made some breakfast, Sonny, alone with baby Michael, told him to never take for granted that he had people who loved him.
(July 3, 1998)
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