DeathWish IV
The Crackdown

Fresh off his ghetto war in DeathWish III, Charles Bronson, playing Paul Kersey, moves out to Los Angelos where he romantically involved and living with a wonderful woman who has a teenage daughter Erika. The two aren't married. L.A. is having a terrible drug problem at the time and the police are losing the war. One evening when Kersey and his girlfriend are spending the evening alone at home, her daughter and her Trans Am driving boyfriend leave to go hang out at the arcade/skating rink/bumper cars place. There, people are seen buying and selling drugs. Eventually, the boyfriend offers the daughter some and she predictably overdoses on it. This leads Kersey to have to get revenge on the dealer and so the pusher ends up frying on the electrical panel above the bumper cars after a brief scuffle. Kersey's still mad that those drug dealers did that to him, but he's done his revenge so the movie is over right?--Wrong. Then he gets an anonymous phone call from a gentleman who knows what happened. He insists he must meet with Kersey at his own house or the police will be notified. When Kersey goes to the mansion where this anonymous caller lives, he hears the story of how drugs ruined his daughter and how much he despises what drugs have done to the city and to his life. Armed with the leverage that comes with knowing what Kersey's been up to, the man insists that Kersey start killing one by one the drug lords of the city. He identifies the two main factions. There is the Zacharias group led by Ed Zacharias and other one led by the Ramirez brothers. Kersey will be supplied with weapons and money for this task, but the philantropist is on a tight schedule so Bronson must get to work immediately.
Kersey gets dressed up as a waiter at Ed Zacharias' lavish party. When he's about to kill one of the lower lords, he hides in a bathroom just as the Zacharias crew comes in and kills the intended target. They hear Kersey in the bathroom and send one of them to have him killed. After desperately pleeding, "I was just usin' the toilet", they go to a garage at the Zacharias compound to kill Kersey, but Kersey overpowers the man then kills him. He goes on about killing each one of them individually until many of the high level people are dead. Eventually he's assigned to go undercover at a production facility where they stuff raw fish with cocaine. Kersey poses as an employee and scouts the place out. He sees where the cocaine is stored and processed by several chemists. After wandering around he gets confronted about being out of his designated area. Kersey claims he's new here and doesn't know where the lunch room is. The supervisor doesn't buy it so Kersey is forced to deal him a strong blow that buys time for an escape. He then pulls out some sort of explosive and runs into the laboratory. All the chemists know what's up and flee. He gets out and runs to a truck right before it blows. He narrowly gets away from this one. The drug dealers are understandably upset and suspect the other party of sabotage. At one point, he's hiding in an apartment when a drug lord walk in. He's unarmed but ends up killing him anyway by throwing him over the balcony onto a limosine. The apartment is almost identical to the one in Kinjite where Duke and his buddies hang out. Anyway, when this happens, a detective for the police sees Kersey walk out of the building suspiciously into his blue Oldsmobile which he drives to the scene of every crime he commits. The detective recognizes the car from a previous incident and knows what's up. Later the detective is seen talking to the drug lords about it and thus he's working for them. The drug lords don't really believe this though since all their people are dying too, so they suspect the opposing faction of the crimes. The same is going on in the other camp as they plot ways to get back at the other side. Kersey brilliantly decides to make his work easier by getting everyone in one desolate place where they'll kill each other and he can pick up any leftovers from their battle. He arranges a meeting of the two factions atop a hill near L.A. They both drive limo's up there and get in a shootout. Bronson kills a few from a distance and everyone in both rings is gone. Kersey returns to the old man's house to report the good news, but when he knocks on the front door, the servants refuse to let him in. Kersey insists, "but I just talked to him last week." The servant says, he's been on vacation for the last week. Kersey knows what's up now and doesn't like it one bit. He rushes past the servant to go to where the old man is. When the chair turns around, it's a different person from before. And the plot thickens! Like any smart businessman, the fiend who cheated Kersey tries to monopolize the market by setting up his infastructure to replenish the drug needs of the city. As the only supplier in town, he can make huge profits. Kersey now hunts down this man to the arcade where his daughter was killed. Somehow the man has in his clutches Kersey's girlfriend insisting he'll shoot her and they chase through a skating rink shooting and striking fear into all the skaters. They get to an isolated area and the man still insists, "I'll shoot her!" This man is obviously not qualified to be in business because he knows nothing about negotiating. The threat of killing the hostage is the only power he has. Without the hostage, he's as good as dead. Nevertheless, he shoots her in the head and tells Kersey, "I told you I'd do it!" hilariously because it was almost as though he was blaming Kersey for her death. "I told you I'd kill her." Of course Kersey kills him then and is even more emotionally warped. Just the right background for DeathWish V.

DeathWish I DeathWish II DeathWish III DeathWish IV DeathWish V

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