Audio Clips
In Reservior Dogs, as two thiefs plan a robbery, they discuss what to do
if a bank customer thinks he's Charles Bronson.
From Frasier, Niles and Martin discuss a Charles Bronson movie.
From the Simpsons, Jay Sherman reviews events in a possible Death Wish
Reservior Dogs, Quentin Tarantino draws an analogy to Charles Bronson in
The Great Escape.
DeathWish I
You are such a bleeding-heart liberal
Stick 'em in concentration camps, that's
what I say.
Jeff Goldblum shouts, "We want money
mother now get it!"
A conversation between Kersey and the
A victim of Kersey's gives police a
A construction worker tells he and his
friends practiced vigilantism.
DeathWish II
But I'll be damned if I leave Los Angeles.
From where I was he was a large black
man with a red beard.
That guy saved our lives dammit.
You know what we got here don't you...A
goddam vigilante.
You suggesting that Kersey's out there
killing again?
Evil That Men Do
Ah Hector, like I told George,
I'm retired. Look!
Three's company and four is
definitely a crowd.
Kinjite:Forbidden Subjects
It's that sleazebag Duke.
You try me, you'll wish you
were back in mother India.
You dirty bastard
I'd like to shove this up
your ass, but I don't want to dirty my hand.
Your going to eat it or I'm
going to blow your head off.
Miscellaneous Bronson Sounds
Click for a sound clip of "The Simpsons" where Charles
Bronson replaces Andy Griffith in "The Andy Griffith Show". |
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