The Cable Guy.  Jim Carrey stars as a pyscho cable man who stalks one of his customers played by matthew Broderick. It was very funny and Carrey did a good job of driving Matthew broderick's character crazy.  ****

Can't Hardly Wait.   Jennifer Love Hewitt stars in this teen comedy about the after graduation party.  I thought this movie would be OK, but it wound up being really entertaining as it chronicles the post graduation experience of a group of teens.  ****

A Christmas Story.  This is a Christmas classic.  It's on about 30 times from December 20-26 on TNT, so if you've never seen it there's your chance.  It's a funny movie filled with great Christmas nostalgia.   ****

City of Angels.  Meg Ryan and Nicolas Cage star in this lame love story.  Its Ryan's worst movie but it's not her fault.  It's the pathetic story.  I just don't like Cage in these films.  *1/2 

Clueless.  I thought this movie starring Alicia Silverstone was fun.  She stars as Cher a rich Beverly Hills girl who converts a scrub into a prep while trying to balance her own life.  But of course the last time I saw it I was in the 9th grade.  But I liked it then.   ***

Con Air.  For some reason I didn't like this movie too much.  There were some neat convict characters, but other than that it was just a bunch of stunts and violence with a bad story to back it up. Rent FACE/OFF.     **

Congo. An expedition team is mysteriously killed in the Congo.  A 2nd team is sent to find out what happened.  This movie was not as bad as everybody claimed, but it wasn't that good. Read the book it is 1,000,000 times better. *˝

Copland.  I saw this one awhile back so I don't remember that much.  I do remember I wasn't that impressed.  Sly Stalone, Jenenne Garofolo, and Harvey Keitel star.  *1/2 

Cops and Robbersons.  Chevy Chase and the incredibly annoying Jack Palance star in this lame comedy about a cop (Palance) who camps out in the neighboring house of a suspect.  Don't bother watching this piece of trash.  *

Conspiracy Theory.  Julia Roberts and Mel Gibson star in this movie about a cab driver who writes a newsletter that tries to uncover government conspiracies.  Patrick Stewart (Star Trek) is also in it.  Roberts should stick to romantic comedies.    ***

Contact.  This is a tough movie to review.  The first two hours are simply a build up for the end.  I'd give them 5 stars.  But the ending was a big let down for me.  I expected the ending to be the way it was but I just didn't like the way they did the end.  Jodi Foster is very good in her role as an astronomer.  You'll be on the edge of your seat.  ***

The Crow: City of Angels.  This one ties with "The Devil's Advocate" for stupidest movie I have ever seen.  This movie isnt worth the very small description I typed.  No Stars

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