The Sandlot.  This is a really fun nostalgic baseball movie about a fun bunch of kids and their summer antics and playing baseball.  Everybody in the family will like this one.  *****

The Santa Clause.  Tim Allen stars as St. Nick in the worst Christmas movie I have ever seen.  Free up some time during the holidays by missing this one.  *

Saving Private Ryan. This movie was deserving of all the hype. I didn't think I would like Hanks in a war movie, but I did. This movie paints an excellent portrait of the sorrow of war. The camera work is extraordinary. Ed Burns and Matt Damon turn in excellent performances.  Spielberg is the man.  *****

The Scout.  Brandon Frasier stars in this movie about a baseball player with great talent who is found in a Latin American country by a washed up scout.  If nothing else is on TV this one is always on Comedy Central.  * 1/2

Scream. This fun slasher, who done it flick starring Neve Campbell, Courtney Cox, and Drew Barrymore is the least corny horror movie I've ever seen.  It'll keep you on the edge of your seat.  It also has funny characters.         *****

Scream 2. No where near as good as the original. Most of the cast is back and some new characters are added. It was alright the first time, but if you see it a second time you realize how much better the first one was. **

The Siege.  Denzel Washington, Annette Benning, and Bruce Willis star in this film about a string of terrorist attacks on New York City by Arab extremist groups.  This film is really weak.  It could have been a lot better.  The movie was under 2 hours and that isn't enough time to develop the story enough.  The movie is also confusing at times, of course I watched it at 2 am.  **1/2

Seven.  This was a pretty good movie.  I didn't think it was as great as everyone said but nevertheless it was an entertaining movie.  Brad Pitt plays a know it all detective who along with Morgan Freeman have to try to catch a serial killer who kills victims according to the seven deadly sins.  Gwyneth Paltrow is in it so of course I liked it.  It was a good movie anyways.            ***1/2

Shawshank Redemption. This is a great movie about the relationship between two convicted murders played by Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman. This is a very good prison movie that I enjoyed. It was nominated for seven Academy Awards, so it is definitely worth checking out. ****

She's the One.  Jennifer Aniston, Cameron Diaz, and Edward Burns star in this romantic comedy.  This movie was lame at some points, but then really interesting at other times.  **1/2

Speed.  This action packed, high-speed thriller is the movie that launched Keanu Reeves career.  This is an exciting movie also starring Sandra Bullock, Dennis Hopper, and Jeff Daniels.  It has some boring stretches but it is still a fun movie.  ***1/2

Spy Hard.  This Leslie Neilson Movie shouldn't be considered a comedy because it isn't funny.  It's plain stupid!  No stars

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.  This prequel to the original trilogy chronicles the early childhood of Anakin Skywalker, who of course becomes Darth Vader.  The movie starts of great, and the last hour is absolutely incredible, Star Wars at its best.  The special effects are excellent, and the acting of Liam Nessan, Ewan McGregor, and Natalie Portman is superb.  Darth Maul is also an awesome bad guy.  The only bad part about this movie was the annoying animated character Jar Jar Binks (he was annoying but not as bad as everybody says), but even he couldn't hurt this fantastic movie. *****

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.  The first of the star Wars movies and arguably the best.  Simply one of the greatest movies of all time.  It is just plain great entertainment.  If you haven't seen it, you should.  It is a classic.  Luke Skywalker's uncle buys two droids, R2D2 and CP3O, who contain the cry for help from Princess Leah.  This starts Luke's search of old Ben Kenobi and the ways of the Jedi.   *****

Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.  The sequel to arguably the greatest movie ever.  Luke decides to seek out Yoda and continue his Jedi training like Obi-Wan advised.  Hans, Leah, and Chewy visit the Cloud City.  The movie climaxes with the light saber duel between Luke and Darth Vader, which is a great action segment.  It is also revealed to Luke that Darth Vader is his Father.   *****

Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.  The final chapter in the Star Wars saga picks up were it left off in Episode IV.  Luke, who is now a Jedi, must rescue his friends from Jabba the Hut.  Also in this movie the Luke and Leah find out that they are more than friends.  And of course there is the final epic battle between Luke and Darth Vader.  This is truly a classic and a fitting end to the greatest movie series ever.     *****

Starship Troopers. Everytime I saw the previews for this movie I just cracked up laughing because it looked so stupid. But this movie really suprised me. It was a really great action movie with an interesting story.  There is even a Doogie Howser M.D. siting. It wasn't that bad. ***1/2

Super Cop.  I'll never watch another Jackie Chan movie (I did watch Rush Hour after writing this and I liked it).  The words didn't match their mouths and the story was lame just a bunch of Karate stunts.  No stars

Swiss Family Robinson.  This is an old one.  Neat story, family gets stranded on island after escaping from pirates and then they build the coolest  tree house ever.  A real classic.  ***1/2

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