

Helen Hagemann's Poetry & Prose

Muriel Rukeyser (1913-1980) said that when writers come to poetry they need to use the resources they have. ‘If we cut ourselves off from these resources we impoverish ourselves. If we think about these resources as a source of power that evokes memory, think for a moment about what they truly are: they are giant clusters of events, knowledge, emotion, relationships, things that pass between the generations with significant and beautiful distinctions, precisely what the writer needs. Any resistance has the quality of fear.’

Helen Hagemann provides a professional service for beginner, intermediate, emerging and developing poets. Participants are urged to check the services and credentials which remains the individual's sole responsibility.

Six Week Series Coming soon at the Fremantle Arts Centre, 2009

"Releasing the Writer Within"

(PICS of Fremantle Arts Centre)

Workshop #1.

An introduction into Natalie Goldberg’s Rules How to dredge stuff from your mind, You practice being the judge of your own private knowledge.

Workshop #2.

Some thoughts on Zen Meditation & how to discover original detail.

Class looks at ways of tapping into ORIGINAL DETAIL Introducing you to the Jack Kerouac School of Dis-embodied Poetics.

Workshop #3.

By-passing your internal editor. Learning how to write what hurts!

1. Releasing the Writer within.

2. Releasing the imagination, includes how to tap into original detail & your wild mind.

3. By-passing your internal editor.

Natalie Goldberg says, ‘the mind is the writer’s landscape.’


Poetry & Prose

Prose Class Tutor

In association with OOTA, Shane McCauley (a prize-winning poet) and I run classes at the Fremantle Arts Centre. I take the prose class and Shane teaches poetry on alternate Friday mornings 10.00am to midday. Contact OOTA President Jo Clarke on for further information on all other writing classes, opportunities, and joining OOTA (Out of the Asylum Writers' Group)or join OOTA here!


For details about joining OOTA & The Poetry and Prose Friday classes contact Jo Clarke at

How to contact me-
Phone on (08) 9343 0072
or Email: Helen Hagemann

or write for information to PO Box 331, WANNEROO, Western Australia 6946

Copyright 2005-2008 © Unless for the purpose of study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without the written permission of the author.

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