

Helen's Poetry Practice - Poet Potential

Everyone who got where he is, had to begin where he was.

                         – Robert Louis Stevenson

Do not wish to be anything but what you are, and try to be that perfectly,

                        St. Frances De Sales 

  'Poet Potential'

Forget about coaching. Writing requires practice. That is, you just pick up the pen and write. Natalie Goldberg (USA) states in Writing down the Bones: “Writing Practice is a good foundation for all other writing. But keep the hand moving. If you want to be a great tennis player, you have to practice. If you want to learn to play the violin, you have to practice. Zen meditation is all about practice, reaching deeper into the still mind. Writing Practice will take you there. Grow comfortable with this basic form and it will make you stable.” 

Regular practice will create its own motivation in you to write and learn.

So, you write poetry and haven’t kept up the practice. Maybe you have a drawer full of potential poems. Perhaps you have a large collection gathering dust in a file, waiting for some magic solution. Inquire about 'Poet Potential' today!


  • Community Poet for WA Schools
  • Critiquing Poetry
  • One- on- one discussion on poetry
  • Manuscript assessment
  • Poetry Editing
  • Poetry Discussion Group
  • Children's Poetry Judge
  • Poetry Judge - from Modernism to Contemporary Free Verse
  • Poetry Book Reviews
  • Complimentary first session on any aspect of poetry

Community Poet for Schools

Available to visit primary and secondary schools to encourage children to read, explore and write contemporary poetry. The main areas of this program are to discover poetic language, the rhythm of poetry and various forms. The instructional class is aimed at making poetry fun and interesting. Other services include, children's poetry judge in competitions, poet-in-residence, poetry tutor and speaker on any aspects of poetry. Interested schools wishing to take advantage of these services should inquire about funding their particular poetry project by visiting the ArtsWA web site.


Via email, telephone or personal contact: Cost $25 per hour - Concession applies.

One-on-one discussion on poetry

Every writer is different, and is working at various stages of development. I can assess what is required to raise the standard of the writer's work. This type of personal workshop is designed to bring the work to publication and competition standard.  $50.00 per hour, concession applies.

Manuscript Assessment

This workshop is designed to show the strengths and weaknesses of the writer's work. Advice is given on the collection according to theme, subject, content and quantity, so that the work is given every possible chance for publication. Self-publication is also discussed in this workshop. There is no editing advice given in this session, unless the writer wishes to combine the 'Poetry Editing' workshop. $50 per hour, concession applies.

Poetry Editing

Via email, telephone or personal contact. This is a ruthless cut, open, expand, insert approach and part of the poetry practice. It is not a painful surgical operation, rather a necessary way to improve the writer's work. Not for the faint-hearted or those precious with their work.  Advice is given on which poets to read. FOR SERIOUS WRITERS ONLY. $50.00 per hour, concession applies.

Poetry Discussion Group

A group of 4-5 poets. Concession for groups. This Saturday afternoon workshop will incorporate readings, discussion and a shared environment of your work.

Children's Poetry Judge

Every task is different. After assessing the volume and time to read the works, a basic fee is established according to the group's requirements and specifics in judging children's poetry. 

Poetry Judge for Literary Competitions

Again, according to volume and time to read the works, a basic fee is established according to the competition and group's requirements.

Poetry Book Reviews

Reviews written in association with API - Australian Public Intellectual. A review copy of the book to be sent with my review. Reviews are also written on your self-published work for CV purposes.

Please Note: 'Poet Potential' advises that the complimentary offer applies to 'critiquing and one-on-one' consultations only.




How to contact me-
Phone on (08) 9343 0072
or Email: Helen Hagemann

or write for information to PO Box 331, WANNEROO, Western Australia 6946

Copyright 2005-2008 © Unless for the purpose of study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without the written permission of the author.

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