Drive-in Theaters

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Las Vegas 6 drive-in

99W drive-in

Belmont drive-in

Dromana twin drive-in

Rodeo drive-in

Transit drive-in

Wheel-in motor movie


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At the snack bar

Box office results

Coming attractions

Oscar watch 99

Las Vegas 6 drive-in

  Drive-in theaters

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Drive-in theater sites

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Drive in art

Evil Sams drive-in page

Harvey's drive-in theater

The hi-way drive-in documentary

The Colorado drive-in theater guide

The drive-in movie theater

Drive-in network

Drive on in



E! online

Rough Cuts

All movie guide

Mr. Showbiz

Wheel-in motor movie   (Washington)           Malden drive-in

Elrancho drive-in   (New York)                      Fiesta drive-in

Marysville drive-in  (California)                     Holiday drive-in (Ohio)

Rodeo drive-in  (Washington)                        Hillcrest drive-in (Canada)

99W drive-in                                                  Drive-out drive-in

Brownsville drive-in                                      Starlite drive-in

Belmont drive-in  (North Carolina)                66 drive-in  (Missouri)

61 drive-in    (Iowa)                                        Becky's drive-in (Pennsylvania)

Silver screen drive-in                                    Moonlite drive-in  (Pennsylvania)

Gemini drive-in                                             family drive-in  (Virginia)                                               

Dromana twin drive-in                                  Karratha drive-in  (Australia)

56 auto drive-in (New York)                          Bengies drive-in (Maryland)

Transit drive-in (New York)                           drive-in theater (Iowa)

Getty 4 drive-in (Michigan)                            The Corral drive-in (Iowa)

Us 23 twin drive-in (Michigan)                      Brackley drive-in theater  (Canada)

34 drive-in theater  (Illinois)                           The Galaxy/Moonlite drive-in

Harvest moon drive-in  (Illinois)                    Melody 49 drive-in (Ohio)

Shankweiler's drive-in - America's              Dunlap drive-in theater  (Tennessee)

Oldest. (Pennsylvania)

                         The list of drive-in theaters from across America

Drive-in theaters from across America