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This page was made by JOHN MARTI. A beginner in the fine

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"One of the best things about going to

Drive-in is the snack bar"   John Marti

Going to the drive-in is a lot of fun. And one of the best things

About going is the EATS. But the walk to the concession stand

Is a bummer at times. Especially on those cold nights.  As a kid

My dad use to send me. It was an adventure walking there in the

Dark. I remember one night I got lost and couldn't find the car. My

Dad was mad. Not that I was lost. I think that he was just hungry.

As a teen I would sometimes send my date. She didn't mind. I buy

She fly's (what a scoundrel). but most of the times I was the

Designated snack bar runner. I didn't mind. At 38, it's still fun.

The Hotdog

Remember this tasty


The hamburger.

The all American

Treat. They sure

Were good. NOT!

       Pizza pie

This was the best

Thing at the drive-in.

                               The Goodie List

Butterfinger - this is a cool bar

Popcorn - everyone loves it.

Bon bons - these are happening.

Snow caps - don't like caps.

Chocolate peanuts - my favorite!

Reses's peanut butter cups - I love cups.

Nestle's crunch bar - this bar is out of sight!

Hotdogs - UGH!

Hamburgers - drive-in hamburgers! I can eats 100's of them.

Pizza - don't you just love drive-in pizza? It was

Bad that it was good.

Nachos - new to drive-ins

Jr mints - don't eat these things!

What is your favorite goodie to eat? Let us know what you like.

Also, do you have a drive-in adventure story? Send in that Email.

At the snack bar

The great adventure to

The concession stand!

Drive-in theaters from across America

Popcorn in a box

Piping Hot chocolate

A nice cool

Popsicle on

A hot summer


I'm cool!