One White Tiger's Movie Page

Movie databases, current and upcoming movie web pages, and more...
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to this page since December 1, 1997.

Current Movies and Movie Reviews
Current and Upcoming Movie Websites
Cinema1: Upcoming
This site gives links to info on upcoming movies. from Cinema1.
Cinema1: Now
Links to movies currently in theaters.
IMDB Internet Movie Database
This site is the definitive source of movie information anywhere,
period. Up-to-date and exhaustive in detail, this site has more information
about movies than you probably ever wanted to know.
Ain't It Cool News
Harry Knowles has turned entertainment journalism on its ear by providing a free, online news service. He features
insider Hollywood info, movie reviews, and a number of movie-related links, among other just plain cool stuff.
Coming Attractions
Learn the insider scoop on upcoming films. Find out if your most anticipated movie is "in the can" or in "development hell!"
Movie Web's Movie Previews
See info on a number of upcoming movies, all conveniently located on one page of links.
Star Wars Prequels
© 1999 Lucasfilms and 20th Century Fox

Movie Review Sites
Links Movie Review Links
A number of links to good movie review sites. This page also has a plethora
of links to sites related to television and film.
Review Search Engine at Telerama
A Search Engine which gives an comprehensive list of online reviews for
a given movie title. This service is provided by the Pittsburg Cinema Project.
Internet Movie Database
Movie reviews and a whole lot more... You can even vote on movies you have
This is a moderated newsgroup containing posted reviews of current movies.

Resources] [Science
Fiction & other cool stuff]
and Bioinformatics]
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